Honor and Villainy: Star Wars the Old Republic Campaign Module


The Old Republic RPG

Honor and Villainy Campaign


The campaign is set roughly sixty years after the end of the Jedi Civil War. Revan and the Exile have both vanished and the remnants of the Sith have been wiped out following the Republic victory in the battle of Telos. Slowly the surviving Jedi, led by Bastilla Shan, have emerged and begun the laborious task of rebuilding the nearly extinct Jedi Order. In the decades since emerging dozens have become hundreds but Jedi still remain a much rarer sight in the Republic than they once were and public sentiment towards the order remains very negative. Many sentients in the galaxy struggle to understand the distinction between Jedi and Sith and given that Revan and Malgus were both formerly Jedi and Republic heroes the distinction is even more vague and nuanced, as a result the Jedi Order has widely been blamed for the terrible harm the Jedi Civil War inflicted on the galaxy and many remain actively hostile towards the Jedi Order. Knights are no longer the welcome peacekeepers that they once were and must now tread carefully as they go about their work rebuilding the order and restoring its reputation. The campaign begins aboard a passenger spaceliner headed from Coruscant to the world of Setera, an urban world packed with refugees located on the very edges of Republic space near the border to Hutt space. The player characters are all Jedi Initiates who have not managed to pass all of their trials to become Padawans and be assigned to a Jedi Master for one on one training. In normal times all of the player characters would likely have been barred from further training and washed out into the Jedi Service Corps to work as farmers or laborers on distant planets. These are not normal times however and the Jedi Order is desperate to increase the ranks, so even these less than satisfactory recruits are being given a second chance to prove themselves. Jedi Master Davith Jaro, a Sentinel and veteran of the Jedi Civil War is escorting the initiates on their journey to Setera where they will be handed over to the care and instruction of a small cadre of Knights and Masters operating out of a remote outpost on the planet. The jedi outpost on Setera is understaffed and under constant threat from various quarters, sending the initiates there is a trial by fire, they will either succeed in a real world setting where they failed in temple trials or they will likely lose their lives. Either way they are no longer Jaro's problem. Each initiate is equipped with a set of common Jedi Robes, a communicator, datapad, small traveling pack and their lightsaber.


Jedi Master Davith Jaro

-A Jedi Sentinel and veteran of the Jedi Civil War the senior Jedi Master Davith Jaro is a hardened and crass individual who has served for several decades as one of the order's harshest but most effective instructors in the grand temple of Coruscant. A human male of very senior years Davith Jaro's skin has the texture of old parchment. His hair is kept in a long ponytail and has gone so gray it is almost pure white. The right side of Jaro's face is a mess of burn scars and his right eye is an empty socket. His left is an ice-blue orb of pure disregard that looks on his initiates with no sympathy or patience. He lives to serve the order and turn fresh recruits into Jedi ready to take on a hostile galaxy with nothing but their wits and their lightsaber. He expects most of his recruits to be dead within a few years and makes no secret of that fact. Master Davith Jaro bears a pair of yellow-bladed lightsabers whose hilts are made from carved rancor tusks.

Jedi Master Karzen Ryker

-The master of the Setera outpost Jedi Master Karzen Ryker is an Iridonian male of middling years. Too young to have lived through the Jedi Civil War master Karzen is nevertheless an experienced and hardened warrior and leader who earned his rank through the bitter years of rebuilding in the decades after the Battle of Telos. Karzen's Jedi robes are old and hard worn, hanging loosely over battered plasteel body-armor. Karzen is an unorthodox Jedi Guardian and wears his quirks openly, choosing to carry grenades and a pair of blaster pistols in addition to his blue-bladed saber-pike, a lightsaber with a long handle that can telescope to the length of a staff, transforming the weapon into a pike or spear type of armament.

Jedi Knight Drav Brensom

-Drav Brensom is a male Dowutin Jedi Knight who serves with Jedi Master Karzen Ryker in the outpost on Setera. Despite his huge size and savage appearance Drav is a thoughtful and reserved Jedi who prefers the company of machines to other sentients. Drav serves effectively as the engineer and maintenance expert of the outpost and is responsible for maintaining Master Ryker's ship and the equipment of his fellow Jedi. Minute mechanical repairs might seem difficult for an individual with such large hands and it is, which is why Drav employs the use of a set of four servo-arms that unfold from a back mounted unit. These four arms are equipped with a series of inbuilt tools and enable Drav to conduct a wide variety of repairs on even the smallest and most delicate of components. Drav is a Jedi Consular and carries a green-bladed brute saber that he employs only rarely. His robes are rough and simple and are worn over a utilitarian engineer's jumpsuit. Drav is also a huge fan of droid remotes and has built and programmed several dozen of the machines. Several follow him just about anywhere he goes and others can be found floating about lazily throughout the Jedi Outpost and even aboard the Deviant Rascal, performing whatever function Drav programmed them to do. For her part Drav's Jedi comrade Riya Kaelyn, the pilot of the Deviant Rascal, despises the devices and studiously ignores them, pretending they do not exist even when directly asked about them. Despite her antipathy for the remotes Riya will generally leave them alone, unless one violates her cockpit sanctum at which point the hapless machine will almost certainly wind up as a lightsaber bisected pile of scrap in moments, much to Drav's disappointment.

Jedi Knight Riya Kaelyn

-Riya Kaelyn is a female Mirialan Jedi Knight who serves with Master Ryker in the Setera outpost. Riya is a Jedi Sentinel and a talented pilot who prefers to spend most of her time behind the controls of the Deviant Rascal, the Corellian XS Freighter owned by Jedi Master Karzen Ryker. Like her friend and comrade Drav the young Knight Riya Kaelyn prefers to avoid combat whenever possible and solve problems through the abundant use of the Deviant Rascal's multiple laser turrets, or failing that, run away as fast as possible. Knight Riya wears a simple Jedi tabbard over her flame-retardant flight suit and carries a small hold out blaster pistol and a yellow-bladed shota lightsaber as her only weapons.

Astromech Droid PO-KO

-P zero, K zero is a heavily modified and customized T9 series Astromech droid built by Drav Brensom to assist him in maintaining the Jedi Outpost and the Deviant Rascal. To fit the heavily altered chassis and custom programmed intelligence core Drav gave the astromech its own unique name designation, PO-KO. Many of his fellow Jedi find the name amusing though for the life of him Drav cannot figure out why. For its part PO-KO is a faultlessly polite and helpful droid that tirelessly assists the Jedi of the Setera outpost with any task or request they have for it. What most do not realize is that in addition to repair, maintenance and slicing protocols PO-KO's chassis has been heavily up-armored and the droid features a small arsenal of inbuilt blasters for personal defense.

Republic Battle Droid KR-SH

-Fondly nicknamed Krush by the Jedi of the Setera outpost the Battle Droid KR-SH was recovered from a junk dealer by Drav and painstakingly rebuilt and reprogrammed to serve the Jedi of the Setera outpost. KR-SH and a squad of other reprogrammed battle-droids under his command, garrison and defend the Setera outpost when the Jedi inhabitants are absent, protecting the facility from raiders, looters or other malcontents who might try to steal from the outpost in the absence of its lightsaber wielding defenders. KR-SH's personality is steadfastly loyal to the Jedi but also excessively violent, despite Drav's frequent attempts to program a more docile and peaceful demeanor. In fact the more Drav tinkers the more aggressive KR-SH's behavior becomes. The rest of the Jedi of the Setera outpost find this fact hilarious and so long as KR-SH remains a stable and loyal defender they not only tolerate but enjoy his outbursts, especially because Drav finds them endlessly frustrating.

PDC Detective Jayla Zyre

-Young, naive and idealistic Jayla Zyre is exactly the opposite type of personality suited to service with the PDC. Certainly her partner, Detective Wayde, seems not to care one whit about actually solving crimes or bringing the guilty to justice. The case closure rate of the PDC is one of the worst Jayla has ever heard of and all of her attempts to actually accomplish anything in her career have met marked failure. In desperation Jayla has reached out and made contact with Jedi Master Karzen Ryker despite her reservations about the dangers of the Jedi Order in the hope that the lightsaber wielding peacekeepers of the Republic might actually manage to achieve something in the corrupt maze of red tape that is the criminal justice system of Setera.

Force Sensitive Erisha

-A young local teenager targeted by the Hutts for the misfortune of having been born with force sensitivity Erisha can wind up in the stewardship of the Jedi Outpost on Setera.

Force Sensitive Jaze

-A young local teenager targeted by the Hutts for the misfortune of having been born with force sensitivity Erisha can wind up in the stewardship of the Jedi Outpost on Setera.


Chancellor Aedan Panteris

-The current ruler of Setera the young and charismatic Aedan Panteris is well liked by the people, popular among the nobility, and has a public image that many politicians in the Republic would kill for. Behind the scenes however Aedan is a ruthless and violent manipulator who has not only gained but maintains his power through targeted assassinations, blackmail and extortion. Aedan is the chief supporter of Nahla the Hutt on Setera and has massively profited from his cut of the Hutt boss' activities. Though publicly unassailable Aedan is not above using his own private security or the Setera Public Defense Corp, the local law enforcers, to do his dirty work when the situation calls for it.

Public Defense Corp Captain Jareth Taelor

-One of the senior PDC officers serving the people of Setera. Appointed to his role by Chancellor Aedan Panteris the young captain Taelor is as corrupt as they come. His own corp of enforcers are little better than extortionists and slavers, shaking down anyone in their jurisdiction for protection money or selling them to Hutt slavers if they cannot pay. Anyone who witnesses these crimes or publicly complains about the PDC tends to disappear, either killed or kidnapped and sold alogn with Taelor's other victims. Taking down Taelor is one of Jedi Master Ryker's top priorities.

PDC Detective Daryen Wayde

-One of Captain Jareth Taelor's cronies, Detective Daryne Wayde is actively in the business of not solving crimes. Perhaps things were different in his youth but after several decades working for the PDC Daryen Wayde has become a pessimistic and self-centered nihilist who does not care what happens to anyone else so long as he gets paid and is protected from the worst that Setera has to offer. Somehow Wayde has been assigned a younger and less experienced partner in the form of Detective Jayla Zyre who still believes in solving crimes and bringing perpetrators to justice. Though Wayde has never actively confided his personal loyalty to Taelor or his corrupt dealings with the criminal underworld of Setera his active and lengthy incompetence and inability to catch criminals has meant that Jayla is pretty sure he is either the galaxy's worst law enforcement officer or that he is on the take though as yet she does not have enough evidence to bring a formal complaint against her partner and is not sure that even if she did such a complaint would achieve anything and so Wayde is so far content to let Jayla stew in her unsatisfied desire to bring the guilty to justice while his back accounts rapidly accrue an ever larger nest egg of credits to retire on.

PDC Lieutenant Brax Emerton

-A middle-aged officer of the PDC, Lieutenant Brax Emerton has many flaws and vices, including a gambling problem and a growing spice addiction, both of these are expensive habits that made Brax an easy target for the agents of Nahla the Hutt to break his oaths and accept bribery to look the other way when the Hutts want to ship contraband through the orbital security of Setera. For several years Brax has received regular payments to allow regular shipments of smuggled goods to pass through the orbital docks without inspection, letting goodness only knows what ills spread across Setera so that he can maintain his addictions.

PDC Sergeant Curtix Brunnos

-A young junior officer of the PDC Sergeant Curtix is not really that bad of a guy but he is not all that bright or that courageous and was easily swayed by his peers to start accepting payments from the Hutts to ignore their crimes and illegal activities. Curtix is not entirely happy with this situation and does not like what the Hutts are doing but lacks the spine to stand against the corruption of the PDC and so had become part of the problem.

Nahla the Hutt

-An ancient female Hutt with an exceptionally foul temper Nahla the Hutt has set her sights on the millions of refugees packed into the spires and undercity of Setera and sees opportunity in exploiting or enslaving as many as she can. Her cartel of criminal enforcers, spice dealers, weapons smugglers, slavers and assassins have made life among the lower levels and undercity of Setera miserable for the inhabitants despite the best efforts of the Jedi outpost to oppose the rapid rise to dominance of Nahla's cartel among the criminal organizations infesting Setera.

Chief Enforcer Zim

-Zim, a very simple name for a simple and brutal individual. Zim is a male weequay Hutt enforcer in the service of Nahla the Hutt. Zim speaks very little, has no hobbies, cares nothing for politics or philosophy but is a brutally effective weapon in Nahla the Hutt's arsenal. Everyone in the criminal underworld of Setera knows who Zim is and who he works for and they all fear seeing him at their door. Therefore if a crime happens on Setera, Zim knows about it and almost certainly profited from it.

Enforcer Boss Thax

-Like Zim, Boss Thax is a weequay thug with a long history of service to the Hutts but unlike Zim the younger Thax lacks his boss' aura of intimidation or track record of faultless success. Thax is just not all that courageous or skilled and relies on surrounding himself with more shooters with more firepower than his opponents to win fights and do his job, when confronted with stronger opposition than he is prepared for Thax crumples rather quickly and is easily coerced into revealing more about his employer's plans than a good enforcer should. In other times he would probably have found his way to the bottom of a toxic lake by now but Nahla's organization is sorely lacking for experienced talent and despite his weaknesses Thax is better than most of the local talent on Setera and so he remains a prominent boss on the planet for the foreseeable future.

Dark Jedi Assassin Soren Kaeler

-Once one of the rising stars within the Jedi Order Soren Kaeler was a renowned Jedi Guardian who served at the forefront of the effort to rebuild the Jedi Order. For several decades Soren earned a reputation as a renowned peacekeeper and diplomat until something happened to shake his faith in the Jedi Order to its core. Ten years ago Soren abandoned the order, faking his death in a starship crash and journeying into the Outer Rim where he joined various criminal outfits as an enforcer, bounty hunter and assassin, quickly gaining a reputation for sheer ruthlessness, efficiency and reliability. To date Soren has never failed a contract, every mark he has ever been hired to kill has wound up dead and it was not until very recently that the Jedi Order has even discovered that Soren is not only still alive but now actively working as a criminal operative working for anyone willing to pay his exorbitant fee. Soren is a middle aged human male with dark black hair, pale skin and sharp features. His face now features red ritual tattoos and he generally wears a black armored bodysuit with segmented black-lacquered plasteel armor overtop of it. Soren is a quick witted, well read and highly intelligent individual well versed in galactic history, philosophy and literature. He is also an individual with many expensive vices and his considerable earnings often go to the purchase of expensive art, luxury furnishings, property, drink, drugs and the company of many women. Since going rogue Soren has killed a number of Jedi and keeps their lightsabers as trophies. He typically carries several lightsabers on his person at all times including his old blue-bladed Jedi lightsaber which he has not modified or changed since abandoning the order save to add a second blade emitter to turn the weapon into a double-bladed lightsaber, though to date he has not publicly used the weapon in such a manner and no-one other than himself is currently aware that his weapon possesses such a feature. In the last few years Kaeler has begun to recruit force-sensitives from outside the republic, training them in his own dark perversion of the Jedi code and using them as his own enforcers and assassins, extending his power and reach with each dark acolyte he adds to his entourage.

Dark Jedi Shaene Koba

-One of the Dark Jedi Soren Kaeler's first and most diehard apprentices, Shaene Koba despises the Jedi Order and everything it stands for. Born after the Jedi Civil War the young Shaene did not directly witness the horrors of the conflict but grew up in a galaxy still struggling to recover from the incredible damage done by Revan and Malak. Shaene grew up as a refugee, bouncing from planet to planet always hungry, often abused and ultimately left orphaned after his parents were killed during a riot in the refugee quarter of Setera ten years ago. Soren Kaeler discovered the young Shaene and took the boy under his wing, teaching him a dark and twisted version of the Jedi ways and instilling in him a deep hatred of the Jedi who were the architects of his suffering. Shaene carries a blue-bladed lightsaber and a blaster pistol.

Dark Jedi Allany Kaelyn

-Lillya and Allany Kaelyn are twin sisters born to a middle-class family on Setera whose parents owned and operated a small diner in the mid levels of the spire. That was until crackdowns following the refugee riots forced their business to close and their family ultimately lost everything. Lillya and Allany's family became indebted to the Hutts and the young sisters were sold into slavery by their parents to pay off those debts, destined for the spice mines until Soren rescued them from that fate. The Dark Jedi assassin Soren Kaeler detected a strong force connection in the twins and began to train them in the dark side of the force. Hurt and traumatized by the betrayal of their parents Lillya and Allany became zealous adherents of Soren's Dark Jedi creed and some of his most accomplished enforcers. Their first mission for Soren after completing his training was to hunt down and murder their own parents in retribution for selling their own daughters into slavery. Allany is older than her sister by a few minutes and is very protective of Lillya. Despite her protectiveness for her sister Allany herself is cruel and viscous in combat shows no compassion for those she kills. Allany wears her hair dyed blue in a long ponytail and carries a yellow-bladed lightsaber and a pair of blasters.

Dark Jedi Lillya Kaelyn

-The younger sister of the twins, Lillya Kaelyn wears her hair dyed red in a ponytail matchign the style of her older twin. Where Allany is protective the younger Lillya is more aggressive and violent, often lashing out at those who displease her and wearing her emotions openly. In most situations it will be Lillya who starts a fight and Allany who finishes it. Both sisters are highly valued enforcers of Soren Kaeler and both have shared their masters bed on many occasions though the ever fickle Dark Jedi assassin has never committed to either sister and shares his bed with many other women, much to the irritation of both twins who desire their master for themselves.

Dark Jedi Zandr Davix

-One of Soren's young acolytes, Zandr is a firm devotee of Soren's dark-side teachings and not only worships his teacher but the older and more accomplished student Shaene Koba as well. Zandr follows Shaene everywhere that he can and models himself on the older Dark Jedi. Unsurprisingly Zandr is one of Soren's favored students and is cruel and malicious in his personal attitude and the way he treats others. Zandr carries a blue-bladed lightsaber.

Dark Jedi Karzen Benja

-Karzen is a brooding and grim member of Soren's cadre of Dark Jedi acolytes. Relatively gifted in the force Karzen lacks the flair for combat that many of his fellows possess, preferring to use the force to win fights and relying much less on his own lightsaber prowess. Karzen speaks little and only when necessary, most often to mock the arrogance of some of his fellows like Shaene and Zandr who intensely dislike Karzen in return. Nevertheless all of the acolytes are dedicated to Soren's mission and work together to fulfill his goals and oppose the Jedi on Setera. Karzen is a dark-skinned young human male who carries a green-bladed lightsaber.

Dark Jedi Tiyana Kirsen

-A flirtatious and fiery redhead, Tiyana was a dancer at a sleezy undercity bar before Soren found and recruited her. Now she delights in causing suffering to those who looked down on her in her previous life, inflicting cruel punishments or casually killing anyone who gets in her way. After Shaene, Tiyana is probably the most gifted lightsaber combatant of Soren's acolytes though less powerful in the force than some of the others. Tiyana wears her hair in several long braids that extend down to her waist and end in hooked blades, she carries a purple-bladed lightsaber and several vibro-knives.

Dark Jedi Ylena Gayge

-Among the youngest of Soren's acolytes, Ylena is also one of the few non-humans among his cadre. A twi'lek who was brought to Setera as a slave servant by the Hutts she was freed only when Soren recognized her power while visiting the Hutt warehouse where she worked. To secure her loyalty Soren executed the Hutt enforcers who had made her life a living hell in front of her, punishing them for failing to turn over a young force-sensitive to him in contravention of his agreement with Nahla the Hutt, no pleading excuses that they did not know were acceptable. Since then Ylena has thrown herself zealously into her studies and is one of the most proficient force users among the acolytes, often tasked with infiltrating locations through stealth or persuasion where the other acolytes would be forced to rely on their lightsabers. Ylena is becoming increasingly gifted at ripping secrets from the minds of others, a favored force ability of Soren's and one that of the acolytes only Ylena has managed to learn, earning her special favor from her master. Ylena carries a green-bladed lightsaber.

Dark Jedi Zaiyah Blaike

-Zaiyah was recruited around the same time as Shaene and the twins and sees herself as one of the older and wiser members of Soren's acolytes. She acts in a somewhat protective and motherly manner towards the younger acolytes but her attentions can sometimes waver towards abusive and controlling. Many of her fellows believe Zaiyah harbors deep feelings towards Soren's star pupil Shaene though Zaiyah firmly denies such rumors and has refused to act on any such impulse. Zaiyah carries a blue-bladed lightsaber.

Dark Jedi Darilan Harvel

-The newest recruit amont Soren's acolytes Darilan has less training or experience than his fellows but is eager to prove himself. Any opportunity to fight or kill in his master's name is eagerly snatched up by Darilan who has racked up an impressive tally of death and destruction just in the last few months. Despite his eagerness Darilan is not all that gifted of a student and it appears that loyalty and tenacity are his most useful traits. Darilan carries a yellow-bladed lightsaber.

Session 0: Character Creation

The GM is encouraged to meet with each potential player of the campaign one on one before the first group session to create their character. During this session the player can be introduced to the rough setting of the campaign and the general rules for creating a character for this campaign. All of the player characters must be Jedi, though they can choose from any force sensitive species. As non-standard recruits these player characters may be anywhere in age from their late teens to mid twenties in age, and can come from nearly any background the player wishes to provide for their character. Maybe they were found as a young child in a refuge for orphaned refugees, or perhaps they were working for a smuggling ring on the outer rim when they were discovered by a wandering Jedi who recognized their force sensitivity and recruited them to the order. Whatever their background all the player characters should choose their Jedi class from Guardian, Consular or Sentinel and will thus be equipped with a single-hilted lightsaber whose blade is either blue, green or yellow respectively. Depending on the rule-set in use these Jedi classes may have no rules function but are part of the structure of the Jedi Order of the setting and may be play a role in the narrative and story-building. Once all the players involved have had a chance to build their characters in preparation for the campaign the first group session will begin with the First Case: Murder in the High Spires.

First Case: Murder In the High Spires Session 1

Upon arriving on Setera the Jedi initiates debark their starliner with Jedi Master Davith Jaro and take a public taxi to the remote Jedi Outpost. The outpost itself is situated on the very outskirts of the principal urban spire sprawl of the planet bordering the primary ocean of Setera. Behind the Jedi Outpost, which itself is a minor spire separated by several kilometers of abandoned ruins before habitation among the spires resumes. The outpost itself features a defensive shield, anti-air and ground batteries and is patrolled by a squadron of republic battle-droids led by a higher intelligence command unit known as KR-SH. Behind the spire is a small starship dock large enough to house several small ships but whose only docked vessel is a Corellian XS series freighter named the Deviant Rascal. The initiates and master Jaro are met at the entrance to the outpost by KR-SH who informs them that Jedi Master Karzen Ryker is preparing to leave the spire shortly and is in the hangar bay preparing the Deviant Rascal for departure. Jaro informs the initiates that they better hurry unless they wish to miss Ryker's departure and then promptly abandons them on the entry steps of the outpost, gets back into the taxi and heads back to the star port. The initiates are then ushered into the outpost by KR-SH who brings them to the hangar where the initiates find the three Jedi inhabitants of the outpost fueling and preparing the freighter for departure. Ryker and Kaelyn are already aboard and the first Jedi the initiates speak to is Drav Brensom, a large and imposing male Dowutin Jedi with four robotic servo-arms on his back in the process of lifting a missing hull-plate into position and rapidly welding it in place when the initiates arrive. Drav introduces himself and remarks about how little and puny the initiates look then immediately feels bad about his joke and apologizes. Before Drav can be any more awkward Jedi Master Karzen Ryker comes down the ship ramp and greets the group of initiates. Ryker is polite but formal with an edge of sternness, clearly his impression of the initiates and their capabilities is low, nevertheless he invites them to come aboard and travel across the primary continent to visit one of the noble spires where a murder has recently taken place, a murder Ryker intends to investigate whether the local PDC officers want him to or not. The initiates are shuffled on board and sit in the main passenger compartment while the ship takes off and travels halfway across the planet to dock on the upper reaches of one of the more prosperous and wealthy spires of the elite districts of the planet.

When the Jedi arrive at their destination Drav and Kaelyn, the latter of which the initiates have only heard across the comm but not actually met, stay aboard the ship while Ryker takes the initiates with him across the spire to a cordoned off apartment complex where the murder has taken place. Ryker is stopped by the PDC officers on guard who declare the area off limits pending a murder investigation, Ryker dismisses the officers objections and uses force persuasion to get them to stand down and let the Jedi pass. The initiates may comment on the abrupt and perhaps inappropriate use of such an ability on law enforcement officers to which Ryker may respond that these individuals may wear uniforms but they have little intention of enforcing the law and gives no further explanation than that. When they get into the crime scene the Jedi are confronted with a small number of PDC officers and droids sweeping the premises for evidence while a pair of detectives, an older human male and younger human female argue loudly in the apartment's main living room. The two detectives stop arguing as soon as the Jedi appear. The older male objects to their presence and tells them they have no jurisdiction here to which Ryker responds that the Jedi have jurisdiction everywhere and blatantly adjusts his weapon belt as he locks eyes with the detective. The human male cowers somewhat giving the female officer the opportunity to step forward and welcome the Jedi asking if they would like to search the crime scene and offer their opinion on what happened and who might be responsible. Ryker thanks the female detective, named Jayla Zyre, for her cooperation and proceeds to search the crime scene, instructing the initiates to conduct their own search and report their findings.

Detective Jayla Zyre informs the Jedi that the apartment belongs to a man named Randis Gideron, a senior elected official in the planetary senate from the noble house of Gideron, a rival to the ruling house of Panteris. Witnesses observed several unmarked speeders arrive at the apartment complex in the early hours of the morning and unload a dozen armed attackers who stormed the complex, shot the security droids and killed the noble before rapidly departing. The apartment is strewn with the remains of half a dozen security droids, the walls marked by a number of scorch marks where stray blaster bolts missed their targets and cratered the lavish wooden paneling of the apartment. Across the apartment furniture has been broken, pottery and paintings smashed and torn, cabinets torn open, the place has been ransacked. Players have several avenues of investigation, they may quiz Detective Jayla about what the PDC has already discovered, they may question the witnesses who are gathered just outside the apartment, they may search the apartment to discover that though the place has been trashed there is no obvious sign of theft, nothing appears to be missing, and they may also notice the security cams about the apartment and the building. If the players choose to look at the body of the noble they will find that Randis Gideron does not appear to have any visible injuries but his face is frozen in a rictis of pain and horror. If they ask the PDC detective or personnel around the apartment for cause of death they will be informed that Randis appears to have died of a heart attack. If players do not notice the cams Jedi Master Karzen Ryker will point them out to the initiates and suggest they investigate whether the cams captured the attack or not. Should the initiates follow the advice or note the cams on their own they will discover that the cams show a dozen heavily armed enforcers in the garb of underworld criminals who storm the building, shoot the droids and ransack the apartment, but players will also see that a male figure in a black armored outfit wearing a helmet enters the apartment behind the criminal enforcers and heads into the bedroom where the noble was found dead. No footage shows what happened in the bedroom save that the black clothed figure is the only one who entered or left the room and that the man does not appear to have been carrying any visible weapons or have any visible identifying markings.

After gathering what information they can the players are called back together to review their findings by Master Ryker who will grill the initiates on their investigation alongside Detective Jayla. During this review Ryker will ask Jayla about possible motives for Randis' murder and Jayla will inform the party that Randis Gideron was the leader of the opposition against Chancellor Aedan Panteris in the planetary senate but that Randis was also a well known gambler with outstanding debts to every loan shark that the PDC knows about. Randis was also old and had no known heir and there were rumors that there were individuals within House Gideron who were eagerly awaiting his death or resignation so that they could rise to power within the house. Any of these motives may have resulted in a gang of armed men attacking Randis but the cause of death is still questionable as is the identity of the black garbed man who accompanied the criminal enforcers. Likely the only way to discover the motive would be to discover the identity of the black garbed man and who he worked for but that would likely be a dangerous prospect and Jayla is certain the PDC has little interest in investigating further. Jayla's partner, Daryen Wayde has already written off the situation as a debt collection gone bad and prepared to close the case without delay and there is little Jayla can do to stop him or help the Jedi further. Ryker thanks Jayla for her assistance and assures the detective that he and the Jedi support her efforts and will remain in contact. Then the Jedi depart the apartment and return to the Deviant Rascal.

Master Ryker brings the initiates back to the Jedi outposts and tells them to contemplate their investigation while they practice their combat forms against some training droids, he will be busy consulting a few contacts and will return to the initiates when he has further instructions for them. The rest of the session will be spent putting the players through their paces in a combat encounter against training droids and remotes controlled by Drav Brensom. Players are encouraged to discuss and roleplay their findings in the investigation while they fight but this is also a time for players to learn the basics of combat and their character functions and should take up the rest of the session. If the players are too successful difficulty can be ramped up and they can be put through several rounds of training droids until a proper balance and difficulty is worked out. Further investigation should be saved for Session 2.

First Case: Murder In The High Spire Session 2

After training and resting for the night the players will gather the next morning and be informed by Master Ryker that his contacts have given him the name and location of one of the loan sharks the murdered noble Randis Gideron had outstanding debt with. Ryker has other tasks to attend to but has instructed Riya Kaelyn to take the initiates to the underspires and drop them off near the site of the loan shark's office, the players are to investigate the office, capture the loan shark, a devaronian named Teag, and interrogate him about Randis Gideron's outstanding loans and whether the debt was a motivation for his death.

The players will arrive in a downtrodden neighborhood far below the toxic exhaust cloud layers of the spires and be greeted by squalor, graffiti, broken infrastructure and rampant crime. Jedi robes and lightsabers keep most of the unwanted attention at bay but the party is stopped upon arriving at the loan shark's offices. The initiates may negotiate their way past the guards or fight them. Either way upon entering the premise they are greeted by Teag who welcomes the Jedi and is cowardly and cooperative whether the initiates used force to enter or talked their way past the guards. Teag explains to the initiates that while Randis used to have a lot of outstanding debt with Teag that debt was bought off of him weeks ago by Zim, a name Teag expects the initiates to recognize. If they ask him or act confused Teag will be surprised and explain that everybody knows that Zim is the chief enforcer of Nahla the Hutt, someone that should not be messed with under any circumstances. Teag then asks the Jedi politely to leave before someone gets the wrong idea about him.

The players may return to the Jedi Outpost, if they choose to do so they will be confronted by Jedi Knight Riya Kaelyn who will ask them what they discovered and inform them that Master Karzen is nearby conducting his own investigation at a separate loan shark and has asked them to join him. They may also use their comm-links to contact the Jedi Master and receive the same information, either way the party should be taken several spires away to where Jedi Master Ryker is waiting for them outside another loan shark's office. Ryker will greet the initiates and ask them what they have learned, once the initiates have shared their findings Ryker will inform the initiates that he has discovered something similar from the second loan shark who also claimed that Randis' debt had recently been bought out by Zim. Master Ryker will then inform the initiates that the Hutt cartel has a large operation nearby where Zim or information to his whereabouts may be found and invites the initiates to join him in investigating the cartel outpost. Here the initiates are given substantial license as to how to advance, they may choose an all out assault, they may choose stealth, they may choose diplomacy, any of these options are viable. Assuming eventual success the players and Ryker will make it inside the cartel outpost and confront the boss who will inform them, after some interrogation, that Zim is across town meeting with another Jedi. The party will be surprised, unaware that another Jedi was on Setera at all. They may ask what the meeting is about but the boss, a weequay named Erock, does not know the details, only where and when the meeting is supposed to be taking place. Master Ryker is visibly frustrated and prepares the party to depart for the meeting spot to discover what is going on. However several combat encounters and investigations should likely take most or all of the session and this is a good place to stop for the moment and complete the investigation in the third session.

First Case: Murder In the High Spire Session 3

After learning that enforcer Zim, the chief goon of Nahla the Hutt, is meeting with an unknown Jedi at safehouse across town in the previous session this session will begin with the party embarking upon the Deviant Rascal and traveling across the city to the meeting location. Initially the party will have to get past a not insubstantial number of Hutt enforcers to gain entry to the location, again they may do this by fighting, infiltration or diplomacy and the options are open as to how they go about breaching this location. Once the party is inside however they discover nothing but corpses who appear to have been cut down by lightsabers though the identity of their killer remains a mystery. Traveling further inside the party stumbles on the meeting room where they find, much to their surprise Jedi Master Davith Jaro, taking cover behind some crates while Zim and his bodyguard fire an endless barrage of blaster bolts at him. Ryker greets Jaro with pleasant surprise and asks what his fellow master is still doing on Setera. Jaro on the other hand is gruff and hostile, telling the newcomers that he is on council business and was supposed to be meeting with Zim but was betrayed and attacked instead, nevertheless he tells the party that he has the situation in hand and they should leave. Ryker and/or the players may interject and tell Jaro that he clearly needs their help and they should all interrogate Zim together. Reluctantly Jaro agrees and the party enters combat against Zim and his bodyguards. The fight should be difficult with both Ryker and Jaro holding various flanks and preventing reinforcements while the more numerous initiates fight through the center of the room and engage Zim as effectively the party's first boss encounter. Should the initiates struggle Jaro and/or Ryker may be brought in to assist them. When Zim is defeated the cartel boss laughs at the foolishness of the Jedi sticking their nose into Hutt business. When the initiates or Ryker ask him about Randis Gideron the enforcer will inform them that Randis was late with one too many payments and the boss wanted to send a message. When asked about the black armored man Zim will shrug and simply inform the party that he does not know who the guy was only that he had orders to let him deal with Randis, apparently Nahla wanted Randis to suffer before he died, all Zim knows is that the guy is called Soren and that he is an expert brought in from off-world.

Ryker reacts to the name with shock and anger while Jaro reacts more eagerly, demanding to know what else Zim knows about Soren or where he might be. Zim growls at Jaro that he knows nothing more and they may as well take him in now as he's done talking to them, it doesn't matter either way, there is nothing they can do openly against the Hutts and the PDC will simply release him in a week anyway. The party may react to this news but before leaving Jaro will nod, agree with Zim and then cut his head off with a single stroke from his lightsaber. Ryker will react with further shock and alarm at this action, Jedi do not execute unarmed prisoners, to which Jaro will simply respond that he has his orders and depart without explanation. Ryker and the initiates will return to the Deviant Rascal and head back to the Jedi outpost where Ryker will excuse himself, saying he needs time to think and leave the party to rest and recuperate after their mission. This should hopefully take up a session and be a good place to leave off for next time.

First Case: Murder In the High Spire Session 4

The next morning the party will awake to Ryker calling them to a meeting. The Jedi will arrive at the main hall to find all three of the Jedi garrison waiting for them alongside Detective Jayla Zyre. The three Jedi all look serious while the detective looks nervous. When the initiates arrive Ryker tells them that Detective Jayla has brought them some information, claiming that a source of hers has given her a heads up that a Jedi was spotted heading into an abandoned squatter spire not far from where Jaro was supposed to meet with Zim. Jayla brought the information to the Jedi because she knows her partner and her superiors would never authorize her or anyone in the PDC to launch a raid of the spire and she has no one else to turn to. She does not know what Master Jaro would be doing in the spire or what evidence led him there but she feels she must investigate and wants the Jedi to go with her. Ryker agrees and the party embarks on the Deviant Rascal and heads to a drop off point near the spire.

Upon arriving they discover that the former squatters have recently been driven out as they enter the first few floors of the now largely uninhabited spire but as they advance upwards they discover cartel enforcers killed by lightsaber strikes. Eventually the party meets defenders who are still alive and must fight their way through them to reach the upper floors of the spire, though they may circumvent some of this by repairing one of the broken lifts, scaling the shafts or finding some other out of the box way of navigating the spire. At the top of the spire they find a room devastated by fighting, numerous cartel goons are scattered about, chopped up into various pieces and at the center of the room Jedi Master Jaro is lying slumped against the wall, a scorched lightsaber wound in his gut. Ryker and gang rush to Jaro's side to discover he is still alive, clutching the broken hilt of one of his lightsabers, the other is missing. Jaro clutches Ryker's arm and tells him the man in black was Soren, THE Soren, that the council had ordered Jaro to stop Soren and he failed, that Ryker and his team must carry on the mission. Before he dies Jaro is able to tell them that Randis Gideron was an informant for the Jedi Council, he had discovered that Chancellor Aedan Panteris was doctoring the medical records of Setera's people, hiding force sensitivity from the wider Republic and selling force sensitives to the Hutt cartel. Jaro was supposed to rendezvous with Randis to receive evidence against Aedan and the Hutts to bring back to Coruscant but that Soren had gotten to Randis first. When Jaro informed the council of Soren's involvement he had been ordered to ensure that no knowledge of Soren or his actions went public and to bring the renegade and his stolen information in at all costs. With this information delivered Jaro's strength finally gives out and he dies. The Jedi party takes his body from the spire and returns to the Jedi Outpost, shocked by what has happened.

After giving Jaro a funeral Ryker gathers all of the Jedi of the outpost and tells them that Soren is a man named Soren Kaeler, that he was once a Jedi Guardian, one of the order's best, but that he was believed to have died in a starship crash some years ago. The order had only recently learned that Soren had faked his death and was now operating as an assassin for hire in the outer rim. Whatever the Hutts were doing with force sensitives it could not be a good thing and almost certainly involved Soren. The last thing the Jedi needed with the order's reputation still in tatters was a rogue Jedi running around acting as an enforcer and assassin for the Hutts, if knowledge of Soren's existence went public it would be a huge scandal against the Jedi Order and the Republic and could even see the order formally disbanded by the Senate. The extreme nature of Jaro's actions and orders now made sense and it was now the mission of the Setera Jedi to finish Jaro's mission and either kill or capture Soren and if possible also bring Aedan Panteris and Nahla the Hutt to justice in the process. Now they just had to figure out how to do it. This dialogue concludes the first case and introduction of the campaign, the major players have been introduced, motivation hopefully established and some information and party dynamics formed. From here the party has more freedom of how to proceed and will do so without the direct involvement of Ryker in every situation going forward and will instead be dispatched on their own more often. Nevertheless the party will receive potential missions from Ryker on a regular basis, each focused on tacking one or more of the villains identified in the first murder case, the Dark Jedi Soren Kaeler, the corrupt Chancellor Aedan Panteris, or the criminal mastermind Nahla the Hutt. Effectively all three must be dealt with before the mission of the Setera Jedi is accomplished and the initiates have proven themselves worthy of being advanced as Padawans of the Jedi Order. Going forward the optional missions to advance each of these branches will be identified as either cases S, A or N. Each of these subsequent missions are designed to take a single session to complete.

Second Case A: Missing Persons in Midtown

The first option the players have to continue investigating the corruption of Chancellor Aedan Panteris is to investigate the force sensitive citizens who have gone missing. Alerted to the nature of the situation the Jedi of the outpost have the option of investigating missing persons and cross referencing them with public records that appear to have been tampered with. After some time slicing with the help of the astromech PO-KO the party can discover that several individuals appear to have gone missing from the middle-class area of a nearby spire and that the PDC appears to have closed the cases as runaways. The party can go to investigate in person or contact Detective Jayla for assistance, either way they are directed to the spire in question and can question family of either or both of the missing individuals. One victim's only family is a mother named Sereya, while the other has a mother and father named Nadira and Luekas. They will learn that one victim, Erisha, was just snatched off the street in broad daylight but the other, a boy named Jaze, had apparently met a young twi'lek girl named Isbel and fell head over heels for her, and that he went to meet up with her at a seedy bar in the undercity and never returned. The party can go to the bar and interrogate the bartender to discover that the girl in question is a regular who seduces and robs johns on the regular, or may observe and recognize her from her description as already being at the bar. The girl flees into a nearby alley and if the party pursues they will run into a small gang of thugs protecting the female twi'lek con artist and thief. After a short fight the party can capture the girl and interrogate her to learn that she was instructed to seduce and lure one of the victims to the bar, drug his booze and hand him off to some Hutt thugs who took him to a nearby warehouse and that is all she knows. Heading to the warehouse the party can discover that it is well guarded by cartel enforcers and is housing at least a dozen prisoners. The party can infiltrate, negotiate or fight their way into the warehouse but their objective is to rescue the prisoners who include the two force sensitive teenagers. The teens are traumatized but are able to relay that they overheard the cartel enforcers bragging about how the two force sensitives were worth big money to the boss and were apparently destined for some scary guy named Soren and that they had overheard the name Aedan being mentioned by their captors several times. The two are terrified and do not feel safe returning to their homes, if the players consult with Detective Jayla she will inform them that the PDC cannot be trusted to keep them safe and returning them to their homes would only put them at risk. Whether the players choose to consult Jayla or return to the Jedi Outpost Jedi Master Ryker will offer to allow the force sensitive teens and their families sanctuary in the Jedi Outpost until the situation clears up in exchange for their cooperation and testimony against the Hutts and Chancellor Aedan. The victims will agree to this and them and their families will move into the outpost spire which has plenty of empty space, easily able to house hundreds and currently only home to half a dozen Jedi and a few droids.

Second Case S: Damsel in Some Distress

If the party has not already started another investigation they may be contacted by Detective Jayla who informs them that an under city escort named Arana has contacted her and asked for help. The escort has recently been hired to visit a scary individual several times and is terrified of the man she knows only as Soren, she may have useful information to share but will not talk unless her safety can be guaranteed and since Jayla can take no formal action given the complicity of her peers she is asking the Jedi to meet with the girl and find out if she has any useful information. The Jedi initiates then travel to the Red Light district and go to meet the girl at a shady bar where she has asked to rendezvous. As soon as the Jedi arrive however they discover that the whole thing is a trap and the girl was used as bait to lure them in. The bar's other patrons reveal themselves to be hired thugs who attack the initiates and try to kill them. When the party eventually wins the combat they rescue the girl who in tears tells them she is sorry for the duplicity, that the cartel would have killed her if she had refused. The party can interrogate her about Soren but all she can say is she was hired by the guy a couple times, always meeting him at a different expensive apartment somewhere in the city, taken to him by a privately chartered taxi with tinted windows, she has no idea where he is only that she is far from the only girl he has hired, he appears to have expensive and insatiable taste in women.

Second Case N: Undercity Drug Bust

If the players choose to try and investigate the Hutt cartel they can either discover on their own with the slicing assistance of PO-KO or be informed by Jedi Master Ryker that Nahla the Hutt has a spice lab located in the lower levels of a nearby spire and the the party could hurt the Hutt's bottom line and put pressure on Nahla and her organization if they were to destroy the lab and rob the Hutts of some of their drug production. If the party agrees to pursue this avenue of investigation they can travel to the nearby spire in the Deviant Rascal where they have a number of options for attack. The Deviant Rascal can simply shoot a hole in the side of the spire and let them jump in, they can try to sneak in, force persuade their way past the guards or simply fight their way in from the entrance. However the party does so their objective is to smash up the lab, destroy the cache of drugs and the manufacturing equipment and if they can, discover any useful information while there. If the party searches the lab after clearing it they can discover an encrypted data-pad likely containing important information about the cartel's operations, Ryker turns the device over to PO-KO to decrypt while the party conducts other operations. This mission is almost exclusively a combat one and should include several fights clearing several floors of the spire. It should be difficult but doable and may include a sub-boss in the form of some senior cartel enforcer in command of the lab operations.

Third Case A: Guarding the Gala

While meditating in the outpost the Jedi are contacted by a member of the Seteran senate. Senator Cassana Rayven is seeking the aide of the Jedi Order. The senator is worried that there will be an assassination attempt against her life during a fundraising gala she has prepared that evening for her upcoming re-election campaign. As one of the most outspoken critics of Chancellor Aedan Panteris she has been forced to increase her security but has still had several near misses, a recent speeder accident nearly claimed her life, one of her servants perished from food poisoning and several of her security personnel have been attacked or gone missing recently. If the gala does not go off as planned she will be unable to run for re-election and she desperately requires the help of the Jedi to prevent Aedan's cronies from killing her or scaring off her donors. After some consideration Master Ryker decides that the Jedi of the outpost will provide security in the guise of attending the gala as honored guests. For this function Ryker provides the initiates with finer dress robes and concealable earpieces to allow them to communicate more easily and covertly. The initiates are also each given a pair of binders to restrain any attackers they find so they may be taken prisoner, Ryker wants to ensure that anyone who does make an attack on Senator Cassana is taken alive and questioned.

The initiates make their preparations and travel via the Deviant Rascal to a rich spire across the city and land on a private pad in the expansive estates of House Rayven. Dozens of guards patrol an expansive exterior garden and a number of interconnected apartment buildings and mansions whose high elevation takes them above the toxic clouds obscuring the mid and undercity and gives them access to the clean fresh air of the upper reaches of the city. Hundreds of guests are meant to attend and shortly after the Jedi arrive they begin to stream in. The initiates are instructed to move about, listen, observe and use the force to feel if they can sense a disturbance or an intention to commit violence. Detective Jayla is in attendance as are a number of dignitaries from various other great houses and organizations. The players are encouraged to role-play, to talk to guests and wander the estate. Some of the key players include but are not limited to:

Lady Kasra Gideron, the eldest daughter of former Senator Randis Gideron.

-Kasra Gideron is in a foul temper after the murder of her father and willing to give an earful to anyone who asks exactly who she thinks is responsible and what she wants to do about it, her bodyguard, Jax, will lead her away after a short conversation with the party member.

Senator Tray Davon

-A supporter of Senator Cassana, Tray Davon is a member of one of the minor houses of the Setera nobility and a firm believer in the need to reform the government and break the stranglehold of the great houses. This attitude has made him unpopular among many in the planetary senate and he relies on the support of a more established and wealthy political figure like Senator Cassana Rayven who hails from one of the largest and most powerful houses after House Panteris.

Senator Brodin Zaen

-Senator Brodin is a nihilist who seems to believe that the planet is doomed and there is little they can do to stop the downward spiral before they reach disaster. Though he feels the situation is pretty hopeless Senator Brodin is a supporter of Cassana Rayven for whatever it is worth and wants to see her re-elected but still feels that nothing can break the power of Chancellor Aedan Panteris and that they are all doomed, a sentiment he will repeat multiple times until the party leaves him alone.

Mercantile Guild Executive Elber Jariden

-An old man in his eighties Elber Jariden is a firm supporter of Senator Cassana as the Mercantile Guild has suffered greatly under Chancellor Aedan's exorbitant taxes and the encroachment of organized crime into the planetary economy. His workers are frequently murdered or go missing, those who remain are often forced into crushing debt or addicted to expensive and damaging chems and spice, his transports are ambushed and looted and his security costs have exploded all while the planetary security does nothing to stop it.

Czerka Executive Marsa Blayse

-Officially neutral in Setera politics, Marsa Blayse is attending the gala as a representative of the Czerka corporation but not as a donor, she and the Czerka corporation do not take sides. They support the wise and responsible leadership of Chancellor Aedan Panteris as well as the democratically elected members of the senate to voice their opinions and represent the interests of the people. Without prompt Marsa will act defensively and announce emphatically that any rumors that Czerka corporation is funding or supplying weapons to the criminal elements of Setera are completely unfounded and that Czerka's presence and operations on Setera are completely supported by the government.

Republic Representative Sylas Darinell

-Something of an ambassador to Setera from the Republic, Sylas Darinell is required to attend any and all political functions and report on the state of the planet's politics to the Republic. He will confide, quietly and if prompted, that he is deeply concerned with the current state of affairs on Setera and worries the planet will rapidly deteriorate into total anarchy of the crime is not brought into line and that he has had a number of meetings with Chancellor Aedan on the subject but has not seemed to make any progress towards a solution, he will wish the Jedi well in their endeavors to aid the people of Setera.

Republic Fleet Admiral Joselane Braelley

-A stuffy veteran commander Joselane Braelley will talk to the party about the current lack of supplies, ships or crew that the local fleet elements have received in recent years and that her ability to combat the ever increasing number of smugglers and pirates has rapidly declined over the last few years. Much of the border regions of the Republic are suffering as the galaxy continues to recover from the Mandalorian and Jedi Civil Wars but even so if the Republic does not put more resources into shoring up it's borders there will be trouble and Joselane fears another war is on the horizon.

At some point one of the initiates will notice, or be warned over the comm by Ryker, that one of the servants is acting a bit strangely and is working their way toward Senator Cassana and her party but is carrying an empty tray and moving away from the kitchens. The initiates may choose to hang back and observe or attempt to intercept the servant. Either way the servant will draw a blaster from beneath their serving tray and attempt to shoot Senator Cassana. If the Jedi intercept the Senator will be whisked away by her security into her private rooms while the Jedi fight the servant and a number of additional armed attackers who emerge from the crowd. If they do nothing Cassana will be wounded and carried away while her security fights the attacker and more emerge from the crowd attacking the security and the Jedi.

Whatever happens in the fight either the Jedi or Master Ryker will subdue the initial attacker and restrain them but before they can be questioned they bite down on a suicide tablet hidden in their mouth and perish in seconds. Frustrated the Jedi gather together before an explosion rocks the spire. The explosion comes from Senator Cassana's private apartments and the whole spire top is on fire. The crowd is screaming and fleeing in panic, all save one, Senator Brodin Zaen who is staring watching the fire with a look of grim satisfaction on his face. The Jedi may either confront Brodin themselves or be encouraged to do so by Master Ryker. Brodin will realize too late that he has been spotted and will try to fleet but the Jedi won't have a hard time catching him. Unlike the assassins Brodin won't commit suicide to protect his employer and may be interrogated. If the Jedi do well he will tell them that a certain someone in power wanted Cassana out of the way, that the order of things cannot be challenged and she was only delaying the inevitable, the whole system needs to burn down. If the Jedi are not successful in their interrogation Brodin will not indicate an employer but will rave about how Cassana was a deluded fool trying to fix what cannot be fixed and that the whole system needs to be burned down if anything is to change and it might as well start with her. The Jedi are forced to turn Brodin over to Detective Jayla and return to their outpost to regroup and discuss what has happened.

Third Case S: Contemplation of the Jedi Code

Before the players are permitted to continue investigating the rogue Jedi Soren the initiates are called by Jedi Master Ryker to gather in the training hall of the outpost. There Ryker tells them that confronting a dark Jedi is guaranteed to be a trying experience. To see one of the best and brightest lights of the order fall so far can certainly be difficult to accept and lead one to question their commitment to the Jedi code. The order does not know what led Soren down the path he has chosen or why he turned his back on the order but no matter the reason he has sacrificed his honor and virtue to pursue easy power and material pleasures at the expense of those around him. A Jedi's life is duty and sacrifice, to give of oneself for the good of others, to use the rare power gifted to the Jedi for the good of the galaxy and the Republic not for personal gain. Ryker asks the initiates to recite the Jedi code, if the players cannot then Ryker will explain it for them.

There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force.

A Jedi does not act based on their emotions or for personal gratification but always tries to maintain and serve the cause of peace. A Jedi does not act through ignorance but always seeks to learn, to investigate and remain curious, to find the truth no matter the obstacles in the way. A Jedi does not give in to anger, fear, or envy but seeks to remain balanced and at peace with themselves no matter the provocation or situation, even when facing death a Jedi does so with calm and serenity. A Jedi recognizes that there is a harmony to all things, even at its worst and strangest there is an order to the galaxy, a unity through the force that connects all things and through the force all beings can be brought together. Through the force nothing ever truly dies but lives on in the force, death is not the end, merely a transition of being. Players are encouraged to ask questions, to respond to the tenets of the code and seek to come to some understanding or to offer opinions or objections. This case is mostly centered around role-play but one of the objectives is to determine what each initiate fears, this is important and will feature in a later mission on the Soren quest path. If players get through the role-play quickly or have extra time they may be tasked with combating some training droids, giving players an opportunity to further test out their capabilities and try out new abilities or equipment obtained through previous missions.

Third Case N: Running Down a Smuggler

At some point while at the outpost the Jedi initiates are approached by PO-KO who informs them that he has discovered the identity of a smuggler tied to the cartel of Nahla the Hutt who is due to arrive on the planet shortly and his ship is currently being inspected at an orbital docking station before being granted permission to land on the planet. If they hurry the Jedi can investigate the ship before it leaves the orbital dock and perhaps discover some useful intelligence or figure out what the Hutts are smuggling onto Setera. The initiates are taken by the Deviant Rascal into orbit and dock at the station before traveling to the hangar bay where the smuggler vessel, a C-ROC Cruiser, is in hangar bay B-13. When the Jedi investigate they find the hangar empty and the PDC enforcers who are supposed to be searching the ship missing. If they approach the ship the ramp will descend and a group of Hutt enforcers will come down it pushing a grav-sled and talking to a PDC Lieutenant. The Jedi can watch them and overhear a conversation where the PDC Lieutenant is marveling at the weapons the cartel is bringing through right under the noses of the starched shirts in the Republic Navy and that the undercity won't know what hit them and the cartel thugs will gloat that the weapons they are bringing are illegal in thirty systems.

If the Jedi do not intervene the cartel goons will pay the enforcer lieutenant and leave the hangar with their cargo and the Jedi can leave having learned what they learned. Or they can choose to confront the corrupt Lieutenant and the smugglers at which point a fight will ensue. Upon winning the Jedi can take the Lieutenant into custody and inspect the crates on the sled to discover several score disruptor rifles, horrifying and highly illegal weapons that disintegrate their target completely. The crates are worth a fortune in credits and amount to a seriously alarming increase in the firepower of the cartel if they had been allowed to arrive on Setera. The Jedi can confiscate the weapons or turn them over to the PDC authorities on the station, or if they have already completed Guarding the Gala they may choose to contact Republic Admiral Joselane Braelley and turn the weapons over to her and the republic ships docked at the station. The Jedi may also interrogate the Lieutenant who will identify himself as Brax Emerton. He will refuse to tell the Jedi anything of substance and will repeatedly demand to be turned over to his PDC superiors. If the Jedi are highly successful in persuasion or use force on Brax he will grow angry and tell them they should watch what they do or Captain Jareth will make them pay. Brax realizes his mistake instantly and refuses to say anything else. He can also be either turned over to the PDC or the republic fleet or possibly taken to the Jedi outpost where Ryker will decide ultimately to turn him over to Detective Jayla.

PDC Lieutenant Brax Emerton

Fourth Case A: Resupplying the Fleet

The Jedi are contacted by Republic Fleet Admiral Joselane Braelley. The initiates gather in the comm room and talk to the Admiral via hologram. Admiral Braelley explains that after the alarming events at Senator Cassana's gala the Republic Fleet elements have been put on high alert and security is being increased, their efforts have been hampered however by frequent delays in resupply by the Setera authorities. Food, fuel, munitions are all being delayed or failing to arrive entirely. Admiral Braelley is suspicious that local PDC officers are purposefully withholding or rerouting supplies at the local planetary defense warehouse on the principal orbital dockyard: Setera Orbital One. Braelley cannot send her own troops to investigate as that would violate the sovereignty of the local Seteran authorities. The authority of the Jedi however transcends such restrictions and the Admiral is requesting the order investigate on her behalf and locate the missing supplies that her fleet direly needs to remain in good fighting order. Ryker will accept the request and instruct the initiates to take the Deviant Rascal up to the station and investigate the PDC warehouses.

After a short flight on the freighter the initiates arrive at the station and travel across the orbital facility until they reach the PDC compartments. The initiates may negotiate/force persuade the guards or infiltrate via stealth or confront the PDC troopers who, if pressed on the missing supplies will, spurred on by a stupid and violent PDC Sergeant attempt to attack the initiates. After a fight or successful infiltration the Jedi can find that there are several Hutt enforcers in the warehouse loading supplies intended for the Republic Fleet onboard transports designated for transit to a nearby merchant hangar. The PDC seems to be selling the supplies purchased by the Republic to smugglers for double the pay and denying the Republic the resources it needs. The Jedi can withdraw and take this evidence to the Republic without a fight or capture the warehouse and lay claim to the supplies. If the Jedi capture the warehouse they can contact Admiral Braelley and request Republic troopers take possession of the warehouse and the stolen supplies under the pretext of combating the Hutt enforcers. Either way Admiral Braelley is horrified at the state of affairs with the PDC and promises to submit a report directly to her superiors in the Republic and request additional resources and forces be sent to the system to counter the influence of the Hutts. More worrying however is the fact that uniformed members of the PDC, who report to the planetary senate and Chancellor Aedan Panteris himself are working covertly to divert supplies meant for the Republic to criminal elements. This situation clearly demonstrates that Chancellor Aedan does not have the control over the situation he has claimed and the government of Setera is close to losing control entirely.

The Jedi initiates also have the option of capturing and interrogating the PDC Sergeant, Camran Yos. If they do so and make a successful attempt at persuasion Camran will scoff at the incompetence of the Republic and declare that the supplies were intended to aide the refugees suffering in the undercity, though the initiates highly doubt this assertion, further interrogation can get him to reveal that his boss is actually trying to undermine the strength of the Republic navy in the region though he does not know why and will not name the source of his orders for fear of his life. After capturing and/or interrogating Sergeant Camran the initiates can either turn him over to the Republic, to Detective Jayla or return him to the outpost for safe keeping.

Fourth Case S: Sourcing Kyber Crystals

Jedi Master Ryker will approach the initiates and inform them that some contacts of his on the planet have discovered that the Hutts are smuggling kyber crystals onto the planet. These rare and precious crystals are highly valuable and typically used in the construction of lightsabers. Why the Hutts would need kyber crystals, let alone such numbers, is unknown but a serious problem that needs to be investigated. Ryker will tell the initiates to go visit his contact in the undercity who refuses to transmit further information over the holonet and find out from him where the crystals are being brought in and stored and the initiates need to capture the crystals and return them to the outpost for safe keeping, such powerful artifacts cannot be allowed to remain in the hands of the Hutts for any reason.

After traveling across the city to the location of the contact the initiates are dropped off by the Deviant Rascal and find the contact operating a small pawn shop in a run down market district. The initiates find an elderly Weequay named Matzen who invites them into a back room of the shop. There Matzen produces a small case that holds a single blue kyber crystal. He informs the Jedi that a junior lieutenant of the Hutt cartel came to his shop and pawned the crystal, likely trying to skim off of the shipment and make money on the side, an incredibly stupid thing to do but one that works to the benefit of the Jedi and those who work with them. If the Jedi ask for the crystal Matzen will refuse and state that the worth of it is enough to buy him a ticket off the planet but there are more where this one came from and he knows where but he wants the Jedi to give him safe passage from the undercity to the starport. The Jedi initiates may choose to use force or persuasion on Matzen or can offer him a ride on the Deviant Rascal and permit him to keep the crystal in exchange for the information, either way they learn that the Hutts are using a nearby waste processing facility as a front for their operation and are moving cargo, the crystals included, through the building.

The initiates, like previous missions, can go about this operation in several ways, they may attempt to sneak into the facility, avoiding the scattered and ill-ordered guards or use force persuasion or negotiation to get the guards to let them in or may simply fight their way through the security. However they manage it once inside the Jedi find that the main floor of the facility has been converted into a covert storage and transit facility with racks of shelves holding crates of various shapes and sizes holding a wide array of highly illegal goods, weapons, some droids, spice and several crates of kyber crystals. Before the Jedi can recover these they are confronted by a small group of individuals who enter the room fully aware of the presence of the Jedi, they are more experienced and higher ranking Hutt enforcers than the guards and are led by a young man in fine black clothing carrying a lightsaber at his waist. The mysterious force user claps mockingly and congratulates the Jedi on their fine interference despite their terrible training and mind-dulling brainwashing but he cannot let them interfere with his boss' supply of crystals. The Dark Jedi and his goons will attack the initiates. After a hard fight the initiates will have the option of taking the Dark Jedi Shaene Koba prisoner or perhaps finishing him off. Either way they can converse with him before taking an action and will be unable to get any solid information from him, his mind is too hardened by his own dark training for the initiates to seriously influence and he will mock them for their beliefs and declare that the Jedi Order is a rotten gang of kidnappers, murderers and thieves who follow a broken doctrine. If the Jedi return Shaene to the outpost he will be taken into custody by Master Ryker and the other Jedi of the outpost and taken to a specially crafted cell and held for further interrogation by Master Ryker.

Whatever decision they make regarding the Dark Jedi the initiates will have the option of searching the warehouse and looting it for a variety of potential items but can only carry so much before the PDC arrives to take control of the facility, having been alerted to the commotion by local informants. Whatever else they take the Jedi must return with the kyber crystals to have completed their mission objectives and each may take one or more crystals of various colors if they wish to customize the color of their lightsabers or build additional personal weapons. It is at this point that the initiates can craft offhand lightsabers or shoto, double-bladed lightsabers or other custom weapons and alter the colors of their weapons from the standard blue, green or yellow they were issued with.

Fourth Case N: Cutting off the Credits

After having shut down one of the Hutt cartel's chief smuggling operations and confiscating seriously expensive weaponry the Jedi will be contacted by Detective Jayla. She will inform the Jedi that several of her contacts in the undercity have informed her that Nahla the Hutt is growing increasingly desperate for credits and is putting the squeeze on her contacts throughout the undercity. Most notable however is that the cartel is planning a major gambling event, a game of pazaak with millions of credits on the line. Detective Jayla cannot intervene officially but if the Jedi could get involved and ruin the event they could deny a major source of funding to the Hutts and put a serious hurt on the activities of Nahla the Hutt, and if they play their cards right they could confiscate funds for the Jedi Outpost at the same time.

Master Ryker decides that the Jedi will try to intervene and prevent the Hutts from raising the funds they need to continue their operations on Setera. The initiates are ordered to disguise themselves in civilian clothes and infiltrate the gambling event as guests. They may even enter and try to win the pazaak tournament and if they do so they have a chance of winning the grand prize if they are successful enough. Win or lose however the Jedi are going to sabotage the event before it's conclusion, embarrass the Hutts and seize whatever they can from the property.

Pazaak Rules:

To simplify pazaak and make it playable in this scenario the GM creates a deck of 40 cards with values from 1-10. This can be done with a deck of standard playing cards with aces standing as 1s and Jacks as 10s and the Queens, Kings and Jokers removed. The players then roll five D6 to generate their side deck cards. For each D6 rolled the player also rolls a second D6 to determine the type of card. On a 1-3 the card is a plus, on a 4-5 the card is a minus and on a 6 it is a +/-. So if a player rolls a 4 and then a 5 then the card would be a -4. When playing the GM draws the cards from the deck to the table and then each turn the active player can choose to play a card from their hand, pass and let the GM draw another card, or stand and keep the current value on the table. This is repeated then for the player who goes second and the player who gets closest to 20 without busting wins the hand. The best of three hands determines the winner of the game. All the initiates are permitted to enter the pazaak tournament though they are not guaranteed to win. The entry-fee credits are paid for by the Jedi Order and do not have to be put up by the players themselves.

Disguised as spacers, civilians, or underworld thugs the initiates attend the event while Ryker and the other Jedi of the outpost infiltrate the event separately. The initiates are encouraged to circulate the event, they can place bets on various activities including swoop races and arena duels but the main event is the pazaak tournament, which the Jedi are permitted to enter and the games are conducted using the rules above. The tournament takes place as a sudden-death elimination over five to ten rounds. Whether they enter the tournament or not the Jedi may also attempt to infiltrate the back room of the gambling event and try to ascertain the location of the vault containing the credits bet and won during the evening, or may leave that responsibility to the other Jedi of the outpost. The mission concludes when the Jedi initiates either rob the vault themselves or complete the pazaak tournament without making a plan to rob the vault and the other Jedi of the outpost take action themselves and a fight ensues. If at any point the initiates do not succeed in blending in or cause trouble the guards may recognize and attack them or if they do not stealthily rob the vault a fight will ensue as well. The Hutt guards will be numerous but not all that difficult for a party of Jedi to deal with but before they can extract with the credits a group of more dangerous enforcers will show up supported by two Dark Jedi, both human females, one with bright red hair and one with bright blue hair, both wearing dark black clothing of rich make. The enforcers and Dark Jedi will attempt to stop the Jedi from escaping with the Hutt's credits and the party can either fight and try to defeat them or flee, if a fight ensues several of the Jedi outpost members can join the fight to aid the initiates in a challenging boss battle. Regardless of how well they perform after defeating the two Dark Jedi the party will spot more Hutt reinforcements arriving and will be forced to retreat with whatever credits they have managed to take or be overwhelmed, Ryker will order the party to withdraw at that point and they will leave the surviving enemies behind. If the Jedi do not actively choose to finish them off the two female Dark Jedi during combat they are presumed to survive the encounter, if the initiates do specifically use lethal force against their enemies after they are defeated Master Ryker will use the force to stop them and confront them about it back at the outpost and an argument may ensue. The initiates may point out that Master Jaro was willing to kill prisoners on the order of the Jedi council but Master Ryker will proclaim that they are not Jaro and whatever the orders of the Jedi Council there are lines that the Setera Jedi will not, should not, must not cross. Otherwise the two sisters will survive the encounter and the party will meet and fight them again another time.

Fifth Case A: Massacre in Midtown

The Jedi are alerted by a breaking news story on the holonet, Seteran reporters are covering the aftermath of a Jedi attack on a residential block in the middle-levels of a core spire. Scores of innocent civilians have been left dead and the public is outraged. Chancellor Aedan Panteris has issued a public statement decrying the horrific and unjustified attack and calling for the immediate surrender of the Jedi outpost and its garrison. PDC security forces are inbound on the outpost and mobs are forming in the street calling for the death of the Jedi. Acting quickly Jedi Master Ryker orders the initiates to immediately take the Deviant Rascal and covertly investigate the site of the massacre and try to recover evidence of those responsible. He and Drav will stay and defend the outpost as long as they can but the initiates must be both quick and quiet or risk starting a running battle in the streets, they have to clear their name fast before the situation on Setera turns from outraged mobs into open violence.

Traveling aboard the Deviant Rascal and wearing disguises supplied by the outpost the initiates are deposited at the spire near the site of the massacre. Detective Jayla is already on site and is expecting the initiates, she has already been in contact and declared she does not believe the Jedi are responsible but they most work quickly or Aedan will have all the justification he needs to attack the outpost in force and kill the troublesome Jedi threatening his regime.

Camouflaged amid the mass of relief workers and bystanders milling about in the area of the attack the Jedi have the opportunity to investigate. As with the first investigation there are a handful of witnesses in the area that can be approached and talked to, damaged security cameras that can be investigated and physical evidence to gather. The bodies and walls show signs of distinct lightsaber damage, it is clear that the Jedi weapons were used in the attack but the physical evidence does not leave any indication of who wielded the weapons. The witnesses report individuals in black carrying lightsabers and fighting with incredible lethality, the local militia was utterly outmatched and slaughtered in moments, the attackers did not identify themselves and the witnesses who survived did not get a good enough look of the attackers to identify them with any reliability. The security cameras were mostly destroyed at the outset of the attack and apart from detecting thrown lightsabers closing in on them the cameras did not get any clear pictures of the attackers. If the Jedi are particularly observant they will notice one of the witnesses, a young boy, acting very nervously, but showing little of the shock and fear that the other bystanders are displaying. If they investigate the initiates will be led on a chase as the boy tries to run away from them at the slightest approach but will be easily caught. Interrogating the boy will reveal that he has a small remote droid in his possession and it can be analyzed to provide an aerial view of the initial attack that clearly shows the black-clad warriors not dressed as Jedi conducting the attack and murdering the civilians and militia that got in their way. The Jedi can take the evidence and hand it over to Jayla who can get it to the Seteran media right away or they can investigate further and discover that the boy is a scout for the Hutts and was using the device to spy on several merchants in the area for the crime boss. The boy can then be turned over to Jayla, detained by the initiates or released. If the Jedi do not detect the suspicious boy on their own they will be clued as to his shiftiness by Detective Jayla who will suggest the initiates investigate.

Once the recording is handed over to the Seteran media and authorities the narrative will rapidly shift to the attack being perpetrated by criminal elements trying to slander and frame the innocent Jedi, for the moment the disaster appears to be diverted as the public outrage rapidly shifts focus to demanding swift action and retribution be taken against the rapidly growing crime problem on the planet. Chancellor Aedan Panteris will be forced to make a public statement calling for calm and will be badly embarrassed by the situation and lose some of his standing in the planetary senate.

Upon returning to the outpost however the Jedi discover that the situation there had not turned out quite as pleasantly, though the PDC was ultimately forced to stand down that was not until after the defense droids and the PDC got into a furious shootout around the perimeter of the outpost causing considerable damage and a number of casualties. Worse, under the cover of the conflict the Dark Jedi Shaene Koba has managed to escape the outpost and slip away into the city. The worst has been avoided for the moment but the Jedi's enemies are getting more bold and are clearly willing to take extreme actions to strike at the Jedi, even indirectly. The initiates will have to work fast if they want to bring down the villains harming Setera before the situation completely devolves into anarchy and bloodshed.


-An elderly street sweeper, Arnav was just arriving at work when the attack began and fled down a side-street into a maintenance room otherwise he would have been slaughtered, he barely saw the attackers just heard the hum of energy blades and screams, he saw a few flashes of light but hid before he could catch a good look of the attackers.


-A young clerk at a nearby office Vaessa was pushed into an air-taxi at the start of the attack which carried her and a couple of others to safety, from the windows she spotted a number of attackers, whom she believes to be mostly human but they were too distant to get a good look, they wore black and carried energy swords of various colors.


-A nurse visiting elderly residents in the area Renaya ran at the sound of screams, her experiences as a refugee before coming to Setera giving her ample motivation to run rather than stick around and find out what was going on, she saw nothing of consequence but that is probably why she is still alive.


-A middle aged man, Sawyr crawled underneath an idling speeder to escape the attack, he is a bit deafened by his experienced and speaks loudly in response to the party's questions. He also reports that the attackers wore black and carried energy swords of different colors but he did not get a good look at them as he hid beneath the speeder at the start of the attack and did not dare look out from underneath it.


-The young Hutt scout the party can notice or be pointed towards during the investigation. Jefry is a young human male who is thin almost to the point of appearing emaciated, cowardly and nervous in aspect Jefry is not hard to break if interrogated by the Jedi and is terrified by the sight of a lightsaber.

Fifth Case S: A Clash of Codes

The initiates will receive a tip through Detective Jayla that a number of Hutt enforcers are gathering for a covert meeting at a safehouse in lowtown, Jayla's informants are not sure what the meeting is about but are convinced it is serious and indicates that Nahla the Hutt is preparing for something big, Jayla suggests the Jedi investigate as she is prevented from undertaking any serious operation in lowtown herself.

The initiates will be ordered to investigate by Ryker but will be sent on their own as the Jedi Master has other matters to attend to. The initiates will travel into lowtown and make their way towards the safehouse. Like previous missions the initiates can go about infiltrating the location however they wish, they can go in hard and attack the guards, persuade their way past them or sneak past the guards if they wish. Once inside however the Jedi will find themselves ambushed and will be trapped, as soon as they enter the main room force-fields will spring up around them trapping them in the middle of the room. The Dark Jedi Assassin Soren Kaeler will then emerge, along with half a dozen of his acolytes including Shaene Koba if he has escaped from the Jedi outpost already, the twins Allany and Lillya, and several others. The acolytes will surround the Jedi on the floor outside the force-field while Soren will strut around an upper gantry looking down on the initiates from above.

Soren wil lecture the initiates on their foolishness in trying to attack the meeting place themselves, away from the protection of Ryker they are much to vulnerable, barely better trained than younglings, he will scoff at the quality of recruits the order is taking in these days and remark about how desperate the Jedi Council must be to replenish the order's numbers if standards have fallen so far. Then Soren will move on to mocking the initiates and ask them to recite the Jedi code, if they refuse to or none of the players remember it well enough Soren will mock them more and recite it himself. He will then pick apart the various aspects of the code and point out how it is a dysfunctional dogma that creates broken people.

There is no emotion, there is peace.

-Soren will point out how emotions are at the core of all beings, no-one can be without emotion and the natural state of the galaxy is conflict not peace. The Jedi can try all they like to try and maintain peace but it will always fail, the order alone is responsible for countless conflicts. Exar Kun, Ullic Qel Droma, Revan, Malak, Freedon Nadd and countless other Jedi have caused war and strife across the galaxy and even in their attempts to keep peace the Jedi are inconsistent and hypocritical. Revan's crusade freed slaves and drove off pirates only for those horrors to return the moment their attention had moved on.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

-Even the order operates in ignorance, the arrogance of the order to presume its ability to learn the truth when all around it the galaxy rots away without their notice. The Jedi order has long been too caught up in politics, insulated in the core worlds and completely clueless as to the horrors that exist in the outer rim and the border worlds of the Republic.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

-No passion, everyone knows Grand Master Bastilla Shan has a child, that she could not keep her passions in check or keep true to the rules of the order, hypocrisy is ripe with the masters of the council.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

-Another pointless repetition, is this any different from several previous lines? Soren has already pointed out that peace is not the natural state of the universe, neither is harmony, raw chaos is the natural and constant state of existence, a constant struggle for survival, constant change, constant evolution and the death of the stagnant and the inflexible.

There is no death, there is the Force.

-The greatest lie of the code, all people get only one life and the order would have them waste it in service to the powers that be of the Republic. A Jedi's life is sacrifice they say but to whom and for what reason? To keep the corrupt Republic senate in power? To protect the high and mighty while the poor suffer? How many Jedi travel into the coruscant under city, how many Jedi care about the border worlds? Ryker and his ilk are a rare sight indeed and they are practically outcasts themselves.

Even among the first Jedi there were those who knew the so called principles of the order were false, the visionary Master Rajivari was one of them but others came in time, they created an alternate code, one that is far from perfect but is far more realistic. Soren will then have each line of the Sith code pronounced by one of his students in turn.

Zandr Davix

-Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Allany Kaelyn

-Through passion I gain strength.

Lillya Kaelyn

-Through strength I gain power.

Karzen Benja

-Through power I gain victory.

Tiyana Kirsen

-Through victory my chains will be broken.

Then Soren completes the code, “The force shall free me.” Freedom, that is the only thing that matters, the agency and the power to do what you want, when you want, how you want, the order would tell you to shackle your powers to their weak and cowardly philosophy to prevent you threatening the status quo. We were all born with a gift and it is a crime not to use it to our own advantage. I tell you now throw off your chains, take your destiny in your own hands, you know it is for the be...

Soren is interrupted as part of the wall of the hideout explodes inwards and the energy fields separating the initiates from the Dark Jedi acolytes flickers out. Through the breach come the three Jedi of the outpost, Ryker, Drav and Riya. The three launch themselves into combat with Soren personally leaping to fight Ryker. The Dark Jedi acolytes charge the initiates and a sprawling melee ensues. This is not a battle either side is meant to win or lose but to give the players the chance to throw down against a party of lightsaber wielding force-users as numerous or more numerous as their own for the first time in the campaign. However the fight turns out before either side can take a deciding edge the safehouse will catch on fire and the flame suppression systems will activate, filling the room with thick clouds of fire-suppressant smoke. The Dark Jedi use the opportunity to vanish while the Jedi reel from the unexpected interference, any Dark Jedi already downed are recovered and disappear with their comrades and any downed initiates are carried to safety outside. Ryker tells the initiates he felt a disturbance in the force shortly after they left and rushed to aid them, he asks what happened and what Soren was doing with them. The initiates can answer truthfully or withhold what happened if the players do not feel comfortable or do not want to share what they learned with the Jedi Master. If they are honest Ryker will thank them for their honesty and tell them what Soren told them was the Sith code, the twisted philosophy of the fallen Jedi Revan and Malak who caused so much damage just sixty-years previously. He will tell the initiates that the dark side of the force and the Sith code leads only to selfishness and destruction, that it may seem to grant power quickly but that power is always self-consuming and can never last for long. Whether the initiates respond to this explanation well or not Ryker will usher them back aboard the Deviant Rascal and the party will return to the outpost to lick their wounds and plan for their next move.

Dark Jedi Shaene Koba

Dark Jedi Ylena Gayge

Dark Jedi Zaiyah Blaike

Dark Jedi Darilan Harvel

Fifth Case N: Security Sellouts

PO-KO announces to the initiates that he has decoded more of the data seized in the earlier operation, and discovered the location where the Hutts regularly meet with corrupt PDC officers to hand-off sizable sums of credits used to pay the officers for protecting cartel assets or ignoring crimes committed by the cartel's enforcers. According to the recovered data a hand-off is scheduled to occur soon in the back room of a front business in the mid levels of a nearby spire to receive their pay. If the Jedi could disrupt the meeting and intercept the payment the relations between Nahla and the corrupt PDC officers would be severely disrupted. Even if the Jedi could not apprehend all of the corrupt officers the Hutt cartel would lose serious face and it would become much more difficult to arrange payments to the corrupt officers and those remaining corrupt officers would be much more hesitant to stick their necks out for the Hutts in return. At the best case the relationship with the PDC and the Hutts could potentially completely break down and the two could wind up coming to blows.

Ryker will approve of the mission and dispatch the initiates to the scene. Ryker will allow the initiates to decide how to handle the situation, like previous missions the party can choose how to go about getting into the premises and how they want to confront the officers. If the Jedi are persuasive enough they can even manage to convince the corrupt officers that the Hutt credits are not worth their lives and they will surrender leaving only the Hutt enforcers who will physically resist arrest. The Jedi may let the corrupt officers go on the promise they will not take any further credits from the Hutts, they may arrest them and turn them over to Jayla or potentially kill them all in combat. The Jedi may also turn the credits over to Jayla or confiscate them for the outpost. However the party plays things the fight in the handoff will be a little more challenging then before and the party will have the opportunity to interrogate the cartel boss after the fight and again may decide how to deal with him, turning him over to the PDC, taking him to the outpost, letting him go or killing him. If interrogated the enforcer boss will reveal reluctantly that Nahla is growing increasingly frustrated at the disruptive activities of the Jedi, that her finances are in shambles and her organization in disarray and she has lost much reputation not only in the eyes of the Seteran criminal underworld but even her fellow Hutts are beginning to pull their support from her activities, if this situation persists for much longer she may find herself isolated and abandoned, bereft of outside support.

The corrupt PDC sergeant may also be interrogated if he is not killed, and will reveal under interrogation fairly easily that a good number of the officers of the PDC are on the take and that they have protection from investigation thanks to the intervention of Captain Jareth Taelor and Detective Jaryen Wayde, if the Jedi are serious about ending the corruption in the PDC those two have to be dealt with but the sergeant will not agree to testify against his superiors, not as the situation currently stands.

PDC Sergeant Curtix Brunnos

Hutt Enforcer Boss Thax

Sixth Case A: Going on the Offense

Drav and PO-KO approach the initiates and tell them that they have a lead on a possible connection between Chancellor Aedan and the Hutts. A number of Aedan's chief supporters appear to be doing so in part because the Chancellor has dirt on them kept secure in a hidden vault behind a Hutt front business. If the Jedi could capture the blackmail material and make it public Chancellor Aedan's chief supporters would be publicly ruined and his power base severely damaged. The initiates travel to a mid-spire merchant district where they find a commercial building whose employees are a bit less savory than one would expect of the neighborhood. Inside are a variety of Hutt security and the Jedi as usual have options to get past these. Once in the back however the initiates must face off against members of Chancellor Aedan's private bodyguards who are much better forces than the Hutts but whose very presence implicates the Chancellor in connection with the Hutts. After defeating the security the Jedi are able to cut open the vault and secure the blackmail.

Roy's Rubbish Removal

-The front business protecting Chancellor Aedan's blackmail vault.

Sergeant Vasco Appolox

-Officer of the elite Panteris Guard troops who protect Chancellor Aedan. Vasco commands the garrison protecting the secret vault protecting Aedan's blackmail leverage that he relies on to keep his supporters loyal and subservient.

Senator Ayaan Rentis

-One of Aedan's chief supporters in the senate, the captured blackmail reveals that Ayaan is a serial adulterer with a number of high-priced mistresses whose existence, if made public, would not only ruin his reputation bit strip him of his status as the heir apparent to the rule of House Rentis.

Senator Briyan Cyris

-A key supporter of Chancellor Aedan's on the committee for justice and law enforcement, Senator Briyan Cyris is in reality guilty of murdering his brother to secure his dominance of house Cyris and his position in the senate.

Senator Claissa Haerlo

-The ancient matron of House Haerlo, Claissa has a list of crimes almost as long as Nahla the Hutt which, if made public, would not only ruin her but bring down the fortunes of the entire noble house of Haerlo.

Czerka Executive Marsa Blayse

-The blackmail reveals that Czerka Corporation, under the auspices of Executive Marsa Blayse, has indeed been funneling weapons and illicit technologies to the Hutts in exchange for cheap workers stolen from the refugee population of Setera. Given that Czerka corporation is the chief donor to Chancellor Aedan's political campaigns this revelation strips the Chancellor of his most significant financial backer.

Sixth Case S: Raiding the Workshop

KR-SH approaches the initiates and surprises them telling them that he has been working with PO-KO to analyze traces of cartel activity on the holonet and has determined that the likely workshop where the Hutts and the Dark Jedi alike have been manufacturing their weapons is located in an abandoned toy factory in the lower levels of the mid-spire zone of a nearby tower. He recommends the Jedi go there and slaughter their foes, recover their weapons and thus make themselves more deadly. The initiates can travel to the site of Mariana's Mini-Pals Incorporated and infiltrate the location. The Hutt guards are supported by a single Dark Jedi Acolyte who the players must face and defeat to secure the workshop and its contents. Upon doing so they are able to recover a number of items including lightsaber parts that they can take to Brav to craft offhand hilts, double-sabers or other variants the initiates wish to use to expand their arsenal.

Dark Jedi Darilan Harvel

-The newest and least capable member of Soren's Dark Jedi Acolytes. Darilan was left to protect the weapons workshop as Soren believed the location largely secure and it was a way to get Darilan out of his hair for a while, the Jedi attack on the workshop was unexpected and Darilan almost certainly not up to the task of actually commanding a successful defense against multiple Jedi attackers.

Sixth Case N: The Magnificent Jedi

A petitioner shows up at the front steps of the Jedi Outpost begging for an audience with the honorable peacekeepers of the Republic. The man is named Orin and he comes from the Worker's Unity Cooperative, a collective of hydroponic farmers and scrap salvagers living in the undercity of Setera who have suffered frequent raids from enforcers of the Hutt cartel who steal their merchandise, hurt and kill them. They desperately need help and the PDC has rebuffed their every request for aid, the Jedi are their last hope if they are to survive against the cartel. Master Ryker agrees and all of the Jedi of the Outpost set off in the Deviant Rascal to visit the coop and help the people there against the cartel. Weapons or assets seized in several previous mission can help in arming the civilians and the Jedi can spend some time roleplaying with the cooperative members and training them to defend themselves. After some time the Hutt enforcers will attack in large numbers and the Jedi will have to stage a defense of several areas. After which they will have driven off or defeated the majority of the Hutt forces and helped the civilians secure their home against attack.

Orin Elliat

-The unofficial leader of the Worker's Unity Cooperative, or WUC. Orin established the coop as a way to help the undercity dwellers improve their lives, attain some level of financial stability and produce enough resources to feed and outfit themselves for life in the lowest and most dangerous levels of the city. It was a huge success until the Hutts tried to take a piece of the action and are bleeding the coop dry.

Sevina Elliat

-The wife of Orin, Sevina is something of a motherly figure to many in the coop, well liked and respected by everyone and among the most gifted hydroponic farmers in the undercity. Sevina trained as a botanist before being driven from her home in the border skirmishes with the Hutts that followed the Jedi Civil War and settled on Setera only six years earlier when she met Orin and decided to make a home there instead of trying to flee further into the core worlds of the Republic.

Krissa the Scrap Monger

-A middle aged female Nautolan, Krissa is a gifted scavenger and master of uncovering the most valuable scrap she can find. Her materials fetch decent prices on the undercity markets and help fund much of what the coop does.

Old Caera

-One of the oldest and wisest members of the cooperative it was Old Caera who argued intensely for the coop to contact the Jedi, overruling many who feared trying to appeal to those who were responsible for the current terrible state of the galaxy. Caera however remembers times before the Mandalorian and Jedi Civil Wars and pointed out that the Jedi have been the peacekeepers of the Republic for thousands of years and despite recent crisis are the coops best chance of survival against the Hutts.

Arman Arjun

-An Onderonian merchant whose family was driven from his home during the coup attempt of General Vaklu decades earlier when he was but a child. Now he, his wife and his son have settled on Setera and have come to handle the sale of most of the goods produced by the coop to the wider Seteran markets. Arman has come up with the brilliant strategy of selling the coops produce as “organic” and “all natural” and that the stuffy high born nobles have eaten it up and pay wildly inflated prices for the foodstuffs produced by the coop.

Annalisa Arjun

-Annalisa is a good friend of Sevina and one of those chiefly in charge of managing the hydroponic gardens of the coop.

Ashr Arjun

-Unlike his mother and father Ashr has a less agreeable disposition and is among the most stubborn and steadfast defenders of the coop. Ashr was against asking the Jedi for aid and believes that with some hard work and bravery the coop members can defend themselves without the intervention of the Jedi.

Jemna the Herbalist

-The closest thing the coop has to a doctor or medic, Jemna uses some of the plants produced by the coop as natural medicines, serving not only the needs of the coop but the wider community of the undercity as well when and where she can.

Zav the Brute

-Zav is a male Zabrak and the chief Hutt enforcer responsible for putting pressure on the coop and bleeding them of as many credits as he can. The more desperate Nahla the Hutt has grown in recent months after the intervention of the Jedi into her business the more she stridently she has demanded her bosses squeeze the locals for every last credit no matter the consequences. Zav personally feels Nahla is strangling the golden goose but is wise enough to keep his opinions to himself and do as he is told. Zav leads a large contingent of Hutt enforcers and is willing to fight the members of the coop and the Jedi to the death out of a sense of duty and loyalty to his master.

Seventh Case A: Honor Among Thieves

The Jedi are contacted by Detective Jayla who informs them that she has discovered that her corrupt partner, Detective Daryen Wayde, and a bunch of his cronies have taken a job providing security for one of Nahla's private docking bays on the station. She can't take action but if the Jedi could confront the corrupt officers and the Hutt enforcers they could catch Detective Wayde and his men red handed and force Jayla's superiors to take action. The Jedi Initiates travel to the station and approach the designated hangar only to find the hatch partially opened and no-one around. Inside the hangar the scene is a blood-bath with several dozen bodies scattered around, all of them killed in a brutal close-range firefight. As the initiates investigate they can determine that the fight appears to have been between the Hutt enforcers and the PDC officers, though why the two factions turned on each other is not immediately clear. After a thorough search however the Initiates do not find the body of Detective Wayde, instead they can discover a bloody set of tracks leaving the hangar by a side hatch and heading off into a largely abandoned maintenance section of the station.

Following the trail the Initiates discover Detective Wayde slumped some distance down the corridor, lying propped against a wall and bleeding out from a fatal blaster wound to the gut. Wayde is still carrying a credit case that appears to be mostly empty. Wayde chuckles darkly at the arrival of the initiates and proclaims that they probably know what happened already, the Hutts tried to stiff the security officers and they weren't having it, a fight followed and it did not go well. Wayde laments his fate in life but begs the Jedi not to report his corruption, he did it so that he had the funds to send his only daughter to a private academy off world so that she could have a better future than he had, if they report him she won't get his pension or benefits and will have to drop out of the school and will be alone and penniless, he asks the Jedi to report the situation as a confrontation between upstanding officers and criminals that went badly. He shows the Jedi a holo of his daughter and asks for their mercy before he slumps over dead. The initiates are forced to decide how to handle the situation, if they report the real cause of the conflict the PDC and by extension Chancellor Aedan will be embarrassed and lose reputation and power but the innocent families of the officers will suffer as well, or they can report their deaths as heroic sacrifices and the Chancellor might benefit but the officers families won't suffer for the officers failings.

After the players make their decision and report the events at the hangar to Detective Jayla the initiates will return to the outpost where Jedi Master Ryker will quiz them on what happened and how they feel about it. The party is given the chance to reflect on the significance of the events at the hangar and may choose to reveal their decision about Detective Wayde or keep what really happened there a secret, depending on the choices of the party. If the party reported Wayde and his fellow officers deaths as heroic but reveal their actual criminality to Master Ryker he will not reveal that secret and will comply with the initiates decision.

Chaeya Wayde

-Daughter of Detective Daryen Wayde. Chaeya is a talented young woman currently studying starship engineering at an elite Corellian academy, paid for in large part by the illicit income Daryen was making by working with the Hutt cartel. If Daryen is revealed to have been on the take when he died Chaeya loses out on his life insurance and pension and would be forced to drop out of the academy and lacking even the funds to take ship home to Setera. Ultimately Chaeya would fall in with a criminal outfit on Corellia and work as a mechanic on smuggler ships. If the party does not reveal Detective Wayde's corruption then Chaeya will be able to finish her studies at the academy and graduate to become a premier starship designer working for the Corellian Engineering Corps. This character and her fate could be brought into future campaigns depending on player choices.

Seventh Case S: Disturbing the Disturbance

After lengthy meditation Master Ryker informs the initiates that he has isolated the location of a significant disturbance in the force in the upper reaches of a distant spire. He instructs the initiates to arm themselves and prepare for a mission to investigate the disturbance, Ryker tells the initiates to prepare for anything, whatever caused the disturbance is not likely to be good. The party travels in its entirety aboard the Deviant Rascal to a rich spire-top across the city and make their way through several blocks of expensive penthouse apartments until Ryker isolates the exact location inside an apartment on the outer edge of the spire. The Jedi investigate, either covertly or openly, entering the building to discover that the apartment has been converted into a temple to the dark side of the force, the central study and training facility of Soren's Dark Jedi acolytes. The Jedi have invaded the temple when only a handful of Dark Jedi are present but a number of new acolytes are currently undergoing training and some Hutt enforcers are on site as well. The acolytes set their barely trained apprentices on the Jedi invaders and in the ensuing fight many are killed and the dark temple temporarily secured, assuming the initiates win their fight. Before the Jedi can secure the area however one of the downed acolytes reveals that a self destruct has been initiated. The Jedi can either search the premises as fast as possible and escape before the explosion, leaving any innocent civilians in the surrounding apartments to die in the explosion, or attempt to evacuate the area and abandon their search of the Dark Jedi temple, they do not have the time or numbers to effectively do both.

If the initiates choose to evacuate the surrounding apartments, warning the inhabitants that criminals are preparing to detonate a bomb, the civilians will flee and no-one else will be killed when the temple detonates, taking out a large chunk of one whole side of the spire-top. Collateral damage down-spire does occur as debris and flame rains down the side of the vast starscraper but that could not be avoided. If the initiates instead choose to search the temple they can recover a number of unique lightsaber parts or crystals, and a handful of curious force artifacts and holocrons that could come in handy later. Evacuating the area does not net the party materials but does boost their reputation among the upper-crust of Seteran society and aid the party in confronting their enemies later in the campaign.

Dark Jedi Karzen Benja

-When the Jedi stumble upon Soren's Dark Jedi Temple the young Karzen Benja is one of two trained acolytes present. Benja and his fellow acolyte Tiyana Kirsen mount a defense of the temple, rallying their guards and younger, largely untrained students to attack the Jedi. Outnumbered and outmatched the acolytes stand relatively little chance but put up a hard fight, determined to delay the Jedi long enough for the self-destruct built into the temple by Soren to go off. Karzen activates the self-destruct as soon as the fight starts knowing rapidly that the acolytes cannot overcome the larger number of better trained and equipped Jedi that have mounted an attack on their temple.

Dark Jedi Tiyana Kirsen

-Tiyana is one of the two acolytes present at the temple when the Jedi attack, she works with Karzen Benja to delay the Jedi as long as possible so that they may be caught in the blast of the self-destruct system. If and when the Jedi win the fight and start to search the temple Tiyana will still be barely alive and will not be able to resist informing the Jedi of the bomb and mocking them the choice they have to make, search the temple, or save the civilians, knowing they don't have enough time left to accomplish both tasks she chooses to needle at the young Jedi, forcing them to decide between their own self-interest and benefit or their code-required duty to protect the innocent.

Possible Loot for Searching the Temple:

Double-bladed Lightsaber Rotation Mechanism

-This device enables a double-bladed lightsaber to be customized so that the blade emitters rotate on a track around the central hilt. This allows the weapon to deflect incoming blaster-fire even better than a standard double saber and can even permit the bearer to fly modest distances through the air as the spinning blades are capable of creating a powerful down-draft. A rotating double-saber has a bonus to deflecting blaster-fire and enables limited flight.

Two-Stage Lightsaber Switch

-This device allows a lightsaber to be fitted with a secondary emitter and can rapidly switch between the two. In combat this can allow the bearer to strike through a block or switch between a long and short blade at will. Enemies have a harder time blocking strikes from a two-stage lightsaber.

Sith Force Siphon

-A modified Sith holocron, this esoteric and ancient device can be used to absorb force-energy from a nearby being, whether friend or foe and transfer that power into the bearer. This device may come in particularly handy in a confrontation with Soren Kaeler.

Juyo Lightsaber Form Holocron

-This holocron details the fundamentals of using the Juyo lightsaber combat technique. If studied carefully a force-user could learn to integrate studied aggression into their fighting style.

Seventh Case N: Nahla's Pet

While training at the outpost the Jedi are surprised when an encrypted message hacks through their security and plays a holorecording from a male Hutt identifying himself as Marduun the Hutt. Marduun tells the Jedi that he is effectively a slave consort to Nahla and is desperate to escape her clutches, particularly as she is growing increasingly paranoid, abusive and self-destructive as her operations on Setera collapse. He is willing to flip on the Hutt cartel and give the Jedi priceless intelligence and dirt against Nahla and her contacts but only if the Jedi can extract him from the safehouse where he is being kept prisoner and ensure his safety. Marduun the Hutt provides the Jedi with the coordinates of the mid-spire apartment building where he is being kept and begs for an expedited extraction before his message cuts out. Master Ryker immediately orders the initiates to board the Deviant Rascal and embark on a mission to rescue the Hutt, even if it is a trap, the opportunity is too good to pass up if it is true.

The Jedi initiates must conduct an infiltration of the safehouse, eliminate the guards and secure safe passage for Marduun to the Deviant Rascal parked in a nearby hangar. This mission is a relatively straightforward combat mission but will require the initiates to locate and protect Marduun and extract him safely to be a success. Once extracted Marduun will provide invaluable intelligence against Nahla as well as reveal a long list of her connections, blackmail and payoffs with PDC officers, government officials, and corporate officers. Master Ryker will forward that information to Detective Jayla who launches a number of PDC raids on Nahla's remaining assets, further crippling her underworld empire. The PDC strikes against the Hutt cartel significantly lift the profile of Detective Jayla and undermine the authority of Chancellor Aedan's cronies in the PDC.

Marduun the Hutt

-A weak, spineless and unambitious individual for a Hutt, Marduun is basically not a very good Hutt, but apparently he is considered quite attractive for a member of his species and was kept basically as a trophy courtesan by the ruthless and powerful Nahla the Hutt for some significant time. Eventually Marduun cobbled together enough knowledge about slicing to get a request for help out from his prison, a feat Nahla had never expected him to be capable of and he provides the Jedi and Detective Jayla with considerable information. Nahla's contempt for Marduun's intelligence and courage meant that she hid little from him, never viewing him as an actual threat until it was far, far too late.

Eighth Case A: Rallying Support

After the disastrous gala few of Chancellor Aedan's opponents have felt safe gathering together. Nevertheless the Jedi must gather support from the nobles and officials of Setera if they hope to make a move against Chancellor Aedan and so Jedi Master Ryker calls a summit at the outpost, inviting those who support the Jedi against the Chancellor and those who do not yet support them but whose help the Jedi will need if they hope to succeed. The Jedi must host the conference and convince the various Senators and officials to openly oppose Chancellor Aedan. This is a roleplay heavy mission with little or no combat. Instead it will force the party to negotiate with several NPCs and secure their support against the corrupt administration.

Senator Tray Davon

-A supporter of the late Senator Cassana, Tray Davon is a member of one of the minor houses of the Setera nobility and a firm believer in the need to reform the government and break the stranglehold of the great houses. Senator Tray Davon has been seriously shaken by the murder of Senator Cassana and is reluctant to openly support the Jedi. Tray's support will bring more senators and officials onto the side of the Jedi and they will support the Jedi in any action before the senate if Tray is brought on board.

Senator Damari Panteris

-A relatively minor member of the ruling House Panteris, Damari has long been stifled by the rule of his distant uncle and wishes to see Aedan removed from power but needs to be convinced to support the Jedi as he is reluctant to commit to any endeavor unless he feels it is a relatively safe bet. The support of Damari reduces the number of private security that Aedan will be able to call on to defend himself in a final confrontation.

Senator Alhan Rafel

-A senator from a minor noble family Alhan Rafel has, by dint of long service and careful politiking, managed to position himself as the chairman of the civil enforcement committee that oversees the criminal justice system of Setera, if any charges are to be brought against Chancellor Aedan they would go through the committee and Senator Alhan's support for the cause is important to secure. He is reluctant to move against House Panteris but will side with the Jedi and their supporters if Damari Panteris can be convinced to do so.

Lady Kasra Gideron

-The eldest daughter of the former Senator Randis Gideron, Kasra is a firm and eager supporter of the Jedi and a vocal advocate for action against Chancellor Aedan. She may prove convincing in the summit and help sway support for the Jedi or may put off some of the more shy supporters depending on how well the Jedi initiates do in negotiating support. Lady Kasra is well liked by the people and her support helps improve the reputation of the Jedi among the Seteran public.

PDC Lieutenant Graesen Rayven

-A junior member of House Rayven, Lieutenant Graesen has risen fairly high in the ranks of the PDC but has little power thanks to the overbearing control of Captain Jareth Taelor, unless Taelor is removed there is little Graesen can do but he does support the efforts of the Jedi and wants justice for his murdered cousin Cassana Rayven. Graesen's support is needed to limit the number of PDC officers that will support Captain Taelor.

PDC Detective Jayla Zyre

-Detective Jayla is responsible for having brought Lieutenant Graesen to the summit and is attempting to convince her superior to publicly support the Jedi and denounce the corruption of the PDC and the Chancellor.

Mercantile Guild Executive Elber Jariden

-The Jedi operations of Setera have been to the great benefit of the Mercantile Guild, every blow made against the Hutts and the corrupt officers of the PDC has aided the Mercantile Guild and protected its assets from seizure, blackmail and extortion that had all been commonplace up until recently. Elber Jariden speaks for the Mercantile Guild and has become a solid supporter of the Jedi since the murder of Senator Cassana. He will speak on the behalf of the Jedi and help convince the more reticent members of the summit to take a public stand against the Chancellor.

Republic Representative Sylas Darinell

-Effectively powerless Representative Darinell is present only to give Admiral Joselane Braelley an excuse to be present as his military escort. He can do little to nothing to aid in the move against the corrupt chancellor though he firmly believes it is the right thing to do.

Republic Fleet Admiral Joselane Braelley

-After the revelation of how far the corruption of the PDC has gone and the detrimental effect the corruption has had on the security of the region Admiral Braelley has come to believe that the Hutts and the corruption on Setera must be confronted quickly and decisively and is at the summit to give her support to the Jedi. Braelley's support may be instrumental in convincing some members of the summit to side with the Jedi and her effectiveness and degree of support will somewhat depend on the actions of the Jedi in previous missions, the better they have done and the more they have aided the Republic or the people of Setera, the better Braelley will do in convincing the rest of the summit.

Marduun the Hutt

-If the Jedi have already secured Marduun the Hutt he can be brought into the summit and give testimony of Aedan's ties to Nahla the Hutt and the corrupt dealings of Captain Taelor. With Marduun's testimony the support of most of the attendees will be much easier to secure.

The summit will begin with Master Ryker laying out the situation and calling on all present to join together in the cause to free Setera from crime and corruption and take a public stand against the Chancellor, the tainted elements of the PDC and the Hutts. At that point several NPCs will voice their concerns and objections and the initiates will have the option to try to convince each one in turn, and may call on their supporters or witnesses gathered from previous missions to chime in and aid them in convincing the various members of the summit to take action against Chancellor Aedan. Effectively the summit may end with no minds being changed and the Jedi having not gained any additional supporters but that will simply make the later missions against the Chancellor notably harder. If the initiates and their allies are more successful in convincing Tray, Damari, Alhan and Graesen to support them that will make the later missions notably easier, depending on the judgment of the GM.

Eighth Case S: Assault on the Outpost

While the Jedi Initiates are meditating following their last mission the outpost alarms suddenly start blaring shortly before the tower rocks under the blast of several explosions. The Jedi are called to arms by Master Ryker as he and the other inhabitants rush to the defense. Led by the Battle-Droid Controller KR-SH the outpost defense droids start to engage the attackers and the Jedi rush to join them. The attackers are in the main a horde of poorly trained and poorly armed undercity cultists who have come to worship Soren as a grim and bloody apostle of the force. A small number of acolyte trainees bolster their ranks, a few repurposed droids and a single Dark Jedi Acolyte commands the attack. The Initiates will have to fight with an eye towards endurance as they face several waves of determined attackers and their allied droids are slowly whittled down until they confront and face the Acolyte and if the GM deems them up to the challenge, a Tarentatek, GM is recommended to use the profile of a Gundark with some added toughness or resistance to force powers. As he is defeated Zandr will tell the Jedi they are too late to stop Soren from his apotheosis before he succumbs to his injuries. Deeply concerned Master Ryker will return to the interior of the outpost to consult with Drav and Riya while the Initiates are left to recover from the battle and see to their gear and injuries.

Dark Jedi Zandr Davix

-Urged by his idol Shaene Koba, the young acolyte Zandr Davix leads a bunch of Soren's untrained initiates and undercity dregs who have come to worship Soren as their savior against the Jedi Outpost. His mission is simply to delay and obstruct the Jedi as long as possible while Shaene prepares a Dark Side ritual that will grant him greater power than any of the Jedi could hope to equal.

The Dark Jedi and his acolytes have gathered a small army of undercity scum who have come to worship Soren as a dark prophet and they launch a massive assault on the Jedi outpost. The initiates must fight several battles against increasingly dangerous enemies in defense of the outpost culminating in a conflict with a number of lightsaber wielding Dark Jedi and an ancient Tarentatek monster. Soren is absent from the assault however and in the aftermath the Jedi must salvage through the detritus of the assault and try to figure out why it happened and what the Dark Jedi hoped to achieve given that the attack was likely doomed to failure from the beginning. The Jedi eventually realize the whole thing was a distraction and Master Ryker uses the force to sense a growing disturbance down in the undercity and the party has to act quickly.

Eighth Case N: A Critical Strike

Marduun the Hutt approaches the Jedi awash with anxiety, he informs the Jedi that some of his remaining contacts with the cartel have alerted him to a retaliatory strike that Nahla is planning against the Jedi and their supporters. He says that Nahla is currently gathering the best of her remaining enforcers from across the planet, assembling them at one of her strongholds in the undercity and is bringing in highly dangerous black market weapons and gear to equip them. Given the Jedi's interference with Nahla's smuggling operations the gear has been slow to arrive and the enforcers are currently not as heavily armed as they will be soon and Marduun urges the Jedi to strike at them while they are still vulnerable and unprepared, before they can mobilize to strike at the Jedi, or more importantly to Marduun, himself. If the Jedi can eliminate these forces Nahla will be left almost defenseless, her supply of muscle having run critically low after frequent very one-sided clashes with the Jedi.

Master Ryker gathers the Jedi of the outpost and a strike-force of battle-droids from the defense cadre and they embark aboard the Deviant Rascal to journey to the stronghold. Unlike other missions the Jedi Initiates are not given an option to use stealth or persuasion to infiltrate the target location this is a devastating smash and smash operation. Jedi Knight Riya brings the Deviant Rascal in directly at the target stronghold, a heavily up-armored and beweaponed power relay station deep in the undercity, and uses the turbolasers of the ship to blast a hole in the defenses. The Jedi and battle-droids then jump from the still airborne ship and assault the stronghold in force. This is a large battle against a bunch of cartel enforcers. The Jedi have a squad or two of battle-droids to aid them and depending on the capability of the party will be joined by Ryker and Drav as well.

After the battle the Jedi will have an opportunity to secure the stronghold and search it for useful intel or supplies but there is not much to find, the enforcers did not know anything important and their best gear had not yet arrived. Nevertheless these forces comprised the bulk of Nahla's remaining goons and without them her ability to conduct her criminal empire on Setera has been virtually crippled. The Jedi can return to the outpost confident that one of their foes is very nearly finished.

Enforcer Boss Korb the Knife

-A large Nikto, Korb is Nahla's chief enforcer after the death of her previous chief enforcer Zim. Korb the Knife leads the enforcers gathering at the stronghold and puts up a fierce fight before the Jedi cut him down.

Ninth Case A: Cutting Down the Captain

The Jedi are alerted while at the outpost by PO-KO that the local holonet is awash with urgent news about major civil unrest, protests have gathered in the street to call for Chancellor Aedan's resignation and in response the Chancellor has deployed his corrupt PDC forces to suppress the protests. Captain Jareth Taelor has taken command of the field units in person and are using deadly force to drive the protesters from the streets. Scores are dead already and several of the Jedi's supporters are on the comm calling for the Jedi to stop the enforcers. If they can arrest Captain Jareth Taelor and his closest supporters the rest of the corrupt officers will likely lose their spine and retreat according to Detective Jayla. Master Ryker orders the initiates to prepare for a fight and the Jedi take the Deviant Rascal to the senate district surrounding the government buildings where the bulk of the protests and bloody street fighting are happening. The Jedi will need to fight through a number of well armed and dangerous enforcers before finding Captain Jareth Taelor and his bodyguard at which point they will have to engage the Captain in a deadly fight. Depending on how the Jedi have acted so far and how they perform in this fight Captain Jareth may be killed or he may be taken alive.

True to Detective Jayla's prediction the elimination of Captain Jareth demoralizes the remaining corrupt officers and they retreat back to their precincts, ending the slaughter of the civilians. The protests quickly reform and set up a large crowd outside the senate building even while emergency medical teams arrive to tend to the hundreds of wounded scattered across several city blocks. If the Jedi took Jareth alive he will quickly break under interrogation, terrified of the Jedi and their mystical powers and will agree to testify against the Chancellor. Master Ryker will take him into custody and return him to the outpost for further questioning. If he dies Aedan still loses the bulk of his support in the PDC and the public has overwhelmingly turned against him. Either way Chancellor Aedan Panteris' reign is nearing its end.

PDC Captain Jareth Taelor

-The chief goon of Chancellor Aedan Panteris, Captain Jareth serves as the greatest threat to anyone seeking to oppose the corrupt chancellor. Witnesses have a tendency to disappear, political opponents tend to suddenly find themselves in possession of contraband or illicit substances during routine traffic stops and political activists simply tend to disappear. Taking such drastic action as violently suppressing protests is a new step for Jareth but one the captain is willing to do, supremely confident in the power of the Chancellor and his own unassailable position, the intervention of the Jedi is not something he expected and it brings his delusions of grandeur crashing down hard.

Ninth Case S: Ritual of Blood

Deeply unsettled by the Dark Jedi Acolyte Zandr Davix's claims of his masters coming apotheosis Jedi Master Ryker takes his first available opportunity to call Riya and Drav to aid him in searching the force for any disturbance that could lead them to Soren and whatever dark ritual he is planning. The initiates can only watch as the three Jedi meditate for some time before one after they other they sense something terrible and are shocked and injured, coming out of their meditation horrified and alarmed. Ryker is the last to break from his meditation and announces that he has a location for the ritual and they must move quickly.

Taking the Deviant Rascal the Jedi travel to a spot on the very edges of the planet-city where the native jungle of Setera still holds sway. Deep in the overgrowth they stumble upon the ritual site, an ancient Sith ruin recently uncovered by Soren and his Acolytes. There Soren is deep in meditation at the center of the ritual and his five remaining Acolytes and a small but determined force of less-trained initiates and cultists confront the Jedi. Any attempt by the Jedi to breach the ritual circle is repelled and they are forced to defeat the acolytes before they can break through to reach Soren. What the Jedi do not know however is that the fighting is fueling the ritual, with each acolyte and initiate fallen Soren grows more powerful until as the last of the five Acolytes is slain the ritual circle explodes in a terrible wave of dark-side power that then washes back into the circle and is absorbed by the body of Soren Kaeler. Before the Jedi can do anything Soren hurls them all off of their feet and races off into the jungle screaming. In the aftermath of the battle at the ritual site all of the bodies of Soren's followers have been charred to a crisp, none of them are recognizable and nothing is left to be salvaged or recovered and even the stones of the ancient ritual site have blackened and crumbled. Injured and exhausted Ryker tells the initiates they are going to retreat, regain their strength and then hunt Soren down. Ryker believes the ritual has driven him quite mad and either he will find them or they will have to hunt him through the jungle. Either way their conflict with the Dark Jedi will soon be over.

Dark Jedi Shaene Koba

Dark Jedi Allany Kaelyn

Dark Jedi Lillya Kaelyn

Dark Jedi Ylena Gayge

Dark Jedi Zaiyah Blaike

Ninth Case N: Liberating the Merchandise

Marduun the Hutt approaches the Jedi excitedly when they return to the outpost from a previous mission. He informs them that an incredible opportunity has arisen. He had discovered that Nahla is preparing to cut her losses and abandon Setera with as much of her resources and assets as she can. To that point she has many of her remaining enforcers gathering her slave merchandise at a warehouse in the under-city in preparation for shipping them off-world as one final harvest of flesh before she leaves. Until the ships are prepared the slaves will be gathered all in one place ripe for the Jedi to swoop in and rescue them, robbing Nahla of the rich windfall their sale would have given her and further ruining her business. Master Ryker instructs the initiates to conduct a raid on the warehouse in conjunction with Detective Jayla and liberate the slaves. The initiates are taken to the location by the Deviant Rascal and there meet up with a team of PDC officers led by Detective Jayla. Together the Detective and the Jedi breach the warehouse and clear it of enemies, liberating the slaves and preventing Nahla from shipping them off world.

A quick investigation of the warehouse reveals that Nahla had been gathering more than slaves there, a rich cache of stolen artwork, technology and artifacts had been hoarded there in preparation for shipment off-world. The recovery of these items is a huge boon for Detective Jayla and the Jedi and helps cement the support of the people for their cause when Jayla goes public with the recovery of the slaves and the stolen artifacts. Now not only will Nahla be fleeing Setera but she will be doing so almost entirely empty-handed.

Slaver Boss Bruwno

-A gamorrean of unusual intelligence, Bruwno is the chief slaver for Nahla the Hutt on Setera. Bruwno and his gang of thugs roam the streets, grabbing beggars, tramps and anyone else that stumbles across their path, beating them senseless and hurling them into cages to be shipped off-world. Bruwno has been put in charge of gathering Nahla's loot and a final shipment of slaves for transfer off-world with the cartel fleet and is surprised when the Jedi and the PDC kick in the door and come to stop him.

Final Case A: Confronting the Chancellor

Having gathered as much support as they are going to and eliminated the bulk of Chancellor Aedan Panteris' criminal and corrupt law enforcement supporters the time has finally come to confront and dethrone the Chancellor. The Jedi travel to the senate building with their political supporters and a division of upstandign PDC officers led by Detective Jayla and Lieutenant Graesen as well as a group of witnesses set to testify before the senate against the Chancellor. These can include Marduun the Hutt, Captain Jareth Taelor, Lady Kasra Gideron and Czerka Executive Marsa Blayse among others. If the Jedi have gathered enough support the senate will hear their objections and let the witnesses speak, particularly if Senator Alhan Rafel has been recruited to the cause. Chancellor Aedan Panteris will decry these senseless accusations and falsehoods and demand the ejection of the Jedi immediately, when the senate does not move to comply with his orders he begins screaming and ranting and orders his own private troops to do it for him. The Jedi are then forced to confront the private security and subdue the chancellor themselves, assisted by Detective Jayla and Lieutenant Graesen. The number of opponents will depend on how well the party has done in gathering support but will not be enormous but they will be somewhat better armed and difficult than the Hutt enforcers the party is used to fighting. When the battle is over Lieutenant Graesen will take the Chancellor into custody and the senate will move to formally press a long list of charges against the former Chancellor. The Jedi are congratulated for their part in overthrowing the corrupt regime and the senate promises to award them medals of distinguished service as soon as a new government is elected.

Final Case S: The Final Duel

Returning to the outpost after their latest mission the party finds the battle-droids securing the outpost destroyed. Cautiously entering the Jedi come upon the main hall to find KR-SH scattered across the floor with the remainder of the outpost security detachment, sliced into pieces and the Dark Jedi Soren Kaeler quietly kneeling at the center of the hall waiting for the Jedi. Kaeler's flesh has taken on a gray palor shot through with streaks of dark yellow and his eyes have become vivid red. Kaeler smiles as the Jedi enter and welcomes them back to their home, albeit an ultimately temporary one. Nevertheless he says he felt it was necessary to visit it at least once before their lamentable relationship came to an end. Master Ryker refuses to rise to Kaeler's bait and orders him to surrender and submit himself to the Jedi Council for judgment. Kaeler just laughs, draws his lightsaber and activates it, revealing for the first time the second blade and tells Ryker that if the Jedi Council wants him then Ryker will have to take him down personally. Soren studiously ignores the initiates and the Jedi Knights during this conversation but Ryker orders all of the Jedi of the outpost to take him on together.

This is intended to be essentially the toughest boss fight of the campaign. The NPC Jedi should not take center-stage here and partway into the fight Soren should strike down and kill Drav Brensom. Towards the end of the fight he will further wound Master Ryker, slicing off his left arm above the elbow and force pushing him into the far wall of the hall. The initiates and Riya will have to finish the fight but should ultimately be able to prevail though Soren will not go down easily and will not let himself be taken alive. As he is struck down he will tell the Jedi that though his flesh may fail he has become more powerful than they can possibly be imagine and that death is not the end before he collapses and his body disintegrates into ash.

The fight was brutally difficult and costly, Ryker is badly injured and Drav Brensom is dead. Riya is shaken badly by the confrontation and the initiates were forced to fight for their lives against a terrible foe. Worse they all have the sinking suspicion that Soren is correct and they have not seen the last of him. The party will rush Ryker to the med-bay where he will be treated with Kolto and an augmetic arm hastily fitted to his body. The initiates are instructed by Riya to head back to their private quarters to rest and recover, leaving PO-KO to monitor the outpost for intruders while they rest.

Final Case N: The Battle of Setera

Republic Fleet Admiral Joselane Braelley contacts the outpost and tells the Jedi that her pickets have detected a large fleet of Hutt ships gathering in the southern district of the city. She expects that Nahla is preparing to make her escape and intends to blast her way past the system fleet and Braelley's own republic patrol fleet. The Admiral has no intention of letting Nahla escape justice and requests the Jedi bring their ship and join the battle. Braelley intends to disable Nahla's ship so that the Jedi can launch a boarding action and arrest Nahla before she can make it out of the system. Master Ryker, either hale or freshly fitted with a bionic arm, will organize the mission and the Jedi will embark aboard the Deviant Rascal and join the defense fleet in orbit which has been organized into a hasty blockade.

True to the Admiral's prediction the Hutt fleet blasts off from the surface, rushing the blockade and attempting to force their way past. Though ramshackle the Hutt smuggler ships are well armed and shielded for vessels of their size and type and put up a stiff fight. The largest and most powerful vessel, clearly belonging to Nahla is the target of Braelley's own cruiser and after an intense void-battle that the Jedi participate in by manning the four turbo-laser turrets of their freighter and shooting down enemy fighters in a mini-game, the flagship is disabled and the Jedi launch their boarding attack. The Deviant Rascal blasts its way into a port-side hangar bay and Riya chooses to defend their entry point while the Jedi make for Nahla's throne-room and attempt to force her to surrender.

Master Ryker and the Jedi fight their way through several groups of enemies until they reach the throne-room and confront Nahla herself. Surprisingly Nahla is wearing a suit of powered armor totally enclosing her body and is wielding a pair of huge vibro-axes and she chooses to fight the Jedi rather than surrender. The initiates will have to work together to bring down Nahla and her bodyguards.

After defeating Nahla she will surrender and order all her remaining forces to stand down, weak and wounded and allow the Jedi to take her into custody. Ryker will contact Admiral Braelley over the comm and report success and be informed that republic strike teams are boarding the ship now to reinforce the Jedi and take charge of the prisoner. The Jedi will hand Nahla over to the republic troopers and head back to the Deviant Rascal. In the hangar bay they will discover the site of a battle where Riya fought off a number of enforcer attackers to protect the ship which has now been joined by a pair of republic gunships. Riya will meet the Jedi at the ramp of the ship and report her success before she collapses to the ground. Republic troopers will rush over to provide medical aid and the Jedi will discover Riya was badly wounded in the fight but she is still alive, barely. She will be rushed to a medbay by the Republic troopers and the Jedi will be advised to return to their outpost for the time being, the Admiral will update them on their companion's status when she has been stabilized. Victorious but concerned over their companion's fate the Jedi will return to the outpost having finally put an end to the threat of Nahla the Hutt.

Campaign Finale Session

After defeating all three enemies the initiates are gathered at the outpost, ordered to dress in their formal attire from the gala and present themselves for inspection before Master Ryker. The players will then aid Ryker in performing a funeral ritual for Jedi Knight Drav Brensom in the main hall of the outpost. While they watch the pyre consume Drav's body Ryker will inform the initiates that Riya is badly wounded but stable in the medbay of Admiral Braelley's cruiser.

So long as the players did not act in an openly dark side manner in the campaign, or if they did there were no witnesses then Master Ryker will inform them that they are all formally being promoted to Padawans and will return via a transport to the grand temple on Coruscant where each of them will be assigned to a Jedi Master for further training. Ryker will congratulate them on their performance and tell them that he is proud of what they have accomplished on Setera. Ryker will further inform them that the Seteran senate has ousted the last supporters of Chancellor Aedan Panteris and a reformist government has been appointed. Despite their promises of a public recognition of the Jedi's actions the new government does not want to bring any more attention to the Jedi Order's involvement than necessary and has chosen to dispatch the initiates medals privately, they have arrived and each initiate has a Silver Star of Service waiting for them in their quarters. Furthermore he tells the initiates that the situation in the undercity and among the refugee population has also significantly improved with the absence of the Hutt cartel. Detective Jayla has been promoted to Lieutenant and Lieutenant Graesen is the new Captain of the PDC and they are taking swift action to clean out the ranks of corrupt officers. With the situation on Setera much improved and the order's objectives complete the Jedi Outpost is to be shut down. The players will be shuttled on the Deviant Rascal to the Seteran spaceport where they will board a starliner for the return trip to Coruscant. Ryker will stay a while to close up shop and will return to Coruscant in his own time aboard Braelley's ship with Riya. As the funeral comes to a close Ryker instructs the initiates to gather their belongings and prepare for departure, their time on Setera is now officially concluded.

The story of the newly promoted Padawans may be continued in a future adventure!

If the initiates behaved in an openly dark-side manner or repeatedly violated the codes of the Jedi Order Ryker will instead tell them that they have failed to pass the initiate trials and are being exiled from the Jedi Order. In thanks for their role in saving Setera from crime and corruption Ryker will not confiscate their lightsabers or commit them to the Jedi service corp but he warns them that if they go down the same path as Soren eventually he, or others will come for them.

If the players went down this path their story will most likely end here. If the party was split and some stayed true to the light and some strayed the GM may promote some players and exile others.


























Location: Remote Jedi Outpost on the remote urban world of Setera.

Government: Democratically elected from among candidates usually hailing from a handful of wealthy aristocratic families. For thirty years the rulers have hailed from the dominant House Panteris.

House Panteris




Phoria VY0












The Old Republic RPG

Shadows of the Force Campaign

Set four years after the Honor and Villainy Campaign the Shadows of the Force sees the former initiates from the first campaign reuniting at the Jedi Grand Temple on Coruscant. All of them have recently been approved to be promoted to full Jedi Knights and have returned to the temple with their masters to undergo their knighting ceremony. Several dozen pairs of masters and padawans have gathered at the temple for the ceremony which is set to happen on the next day. That evening however the temple is shocked when one of the returned Jedi Masters is assassinated on the grounds of the Jedi Temple by an unknown assailant. Even more concerning is that something very important, a secret holocron containing a list of force-sensitive children in the Republic, has been stolen from the fallen Master who was a Seeker of the order.

The knighting ceremony is suspended until the murderer has been caught and the holocron recovered, every Jedi at the temple not already busy with critical tasks is charged with investigating the murder and finding the stolen list of children. The players masters, recognizing the previously established relationship between the players from their prior experience on Setera, recommend the padawans work together on the case as their first taste of independent action. If they are to prove successful as Jedi Knights they will have to learn to work independently and with other Jedi of their same rank as equals. The players Masters remain at the temple, conducting their own investigations and helping to supply the padawans with information, clues and leads on where to investigate next.

Ultimately the players will discover that the assassination was conducted by a secretive sect of gray force users known as the Umbarran Shadow Assassins. The leader of this group of assassins was, shockingly, a former acolyte of the Dark Jedi Soren Kaeler who was trained by the rogue Jedi before he set up shop on Setera and was eventually confronted and defeated. Soren found Karise Rayina as a young refugee from Umbarra whose family had been driven far out into the outer rim. With her parents dead Karise had no-one and Soren took her in, recognized her connection to the force and trained her in his ways. She later returned to Umbarra, joined the Shadow Assassins and rose through their ranks, slowly spreading her dark-side training among her fellow assassins until she gathered a powerful cabal of her own agents to her, trained in the ways of the Dark Jedi as well as the techniques of the Shadow Assassins. For unknown reasons, after years operating on her own Karise has decided to start trying to recreate Soren's vision for a Dark Jedi Order and stole the list of force-sensitive children to aid her in recruiting the next generation of acolytes. The padawans must ultimately hunt down Karise, defeat her fellow assassins, kill or capture her and return the stolen list to the Jedi Order. This campaign is meant to be notably shorter and more linear than the previous campaign with fewer options to investigate and only a single central foe as this is meant to be something of a transition stage where the players from the previous campaign relatively quickly accomplish their goal and transition into full Jedi Knights at the completion of the campaign.

Jedi Grand Master Kai Dax

-The current Grand Master of the Jedi Order, Kai Dax is a charismatic and wise Nautolan male Jedi.

Jedi Master Karzen Ryker

-In the four years since leaving Setera the venerable Jedi Master Karzen Ryker has been promoted to the Jedi Council. Curiously Ryker had his basic bionic from Setera replaced with an arm that is a little longer and more articulate than his previous flesh-and-blood limb and the replacement features a lightsaber built into the back of the arm that pops out of a hidden housing and can be ignited at a thought by the Jedi Master.

Jedi Master Riya Kaelyn

-After returning to Coruscant from Setera and recovering from her injuries Riya joined the ranks of the Seekers, took on a Padawan who was recently elevated to Knight. Riya herself was subsequently raised to the rank of master just a year previously and is still learning to fit into her new roles seeking out and training new Jedi instead of just shuttling them around. Master Ryker gifted Riya the Deviant Rascal after they returned from Coruscant and she continues to use the sturdy and reliable ship as her primary means of transportation to this day.

Jedi Master Jaek Jardan

-An elderly Ithorian Jedi Master, Jaek Jardan is the Seeker who is murdered at the start of the campaign. Only recently entrusted with the extremely important and secret duty of protecting the holocron list of force-sensitive children, how the assassin knew to target Jaek Jardan is likely the first and most important question the investigators will have to solve to start piecing this puzzle together.

Jedi Master Caelia Yan

-One of the masters of the player-characters.

Jedi Master Jael Colbix

-One of the masters of the player-characters.

Jedi Master Cyris Daviad

-One of the masters of the player-characters.

Jedi Master Myha Talira

-One of the masters of the player-characters.

Jedi Padawan Ziahra Erinne

-Ziahra is a young human female Jedi and apprentice to Jedi Master Jaek Jardan, present on Coruscant for the knighting ceremony that was supposed to take place the next day. Ziahra Erinne disappears shortly after the murder and must be tracked down as part of the investigation.

Master Umbarran Shadow Assassin Karise Rayina
-Discovered by Soren Kaeler as a slave working in the spice mines of Kessel in the outer-rim more than a decade ago Karise was freed from her bondage by the renegade Jedi and trained in the ways of the force as seen through the twisted ideology of the Dark Jedi. After completing her training under Soren, Karise was sent by her master back to Umbarra, the world of her birth, there to seek out and join the secretive order of force users known as the Umbarran Shadow Assassins. After years of maneuvering and manipulation Karise has built up her own sizable following within the ranks of the Shadow Assassins and taken her cell to Coruscant to steal the Jedi Order's list of force sensitive children. With that list Karise could find and take a large number of force-sensitive children and raise and train them in the ways of the Dark Jedi, creating a twisted reflection of the Jedi Order just as her master Soren Kaeler had planned to do on Setera. Karise and her acolytes all wield either double-bladed lightsabers with purple blades or cortosis reinforced electro-staves, their order specializing in the training of staff-style weaponry.

As part of Karise Rayina's plot to steal the list of force-sensitive children Karise first sliced into the Republic port authority database to track the comings and goings of members of the order. Tracked those that came and went from the temple most frequently, especially those who arrived with child recruits to the order, isolated them as Seekers and then worked to shadow and spy on them in an attempt to determine which had the list. Eventually Karise managed to get close to Jaek Jardan's young apprentice while she was out buying supplies in a public market and used the young girl's naivety and ignorance to influence her through the force and seduce her. Enamored with Karise the young Padawan was coaxed into letting slip that her master had recently been entrusted with a great duty and burden by the order, all the information Karise needed to isolate him as her target. In the aftermath of her master's death Ziahra becomes wracked with guilt, suspecting that her lapse in judgment resulted in her master's death and she leaves the temple in an attempt to seek out Karise and demand answers, an action that ultimately winds up getting her killed as well.





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