Fenrisian Dictionary

 Fenrisian Lexicon

Adjarr - Lifeblood - Rune of Blood

Aelfkid - Wood sprites

Aesir - Gods or spirits 

Aett - Clan-home - The Fang (Space Wolves only)/hearth/den

Aettgard - Leader's chosen warriors - Alternate name for Wolf Guard

Aettjarl - Settlement leader

Aett-rune - Home rune - (Great) Company sigil

Aett-skjald - Lorekeeper of a settlement 

Aett-vater - Home-father - Commander or Captain 

Alfathir - The Emperor - The Allfather

Annelsa - Foreboding 

Anzviti - Gunship 

Athame - A sacrificial blade used during a sending feast

Balka - Testicles - Literally Bollocks 

Banisvatr - Black death

Bloodgeld - A death price or the price of vengeance for a death

Bludhaer - Hour of Blood

Bludhalle - Medicae/apothecarion

Damget! - Children of Damnation! - A curse or epithet

Domra - Doom 

Drakk - Drake 

Drekkar - Fenrisian longship

Einherjar - Blood-sworn, a general reference to the warriors sworn to Russ

Ekka - Fenrisian pines

Eldurstjorm - Elder storm/ancient storm? 

Fara til Hel, svikari! - "Go to Hell, traitor!" 

Fekke - A Fenrisian curse 

Felhird - Beastmen 

Fengr - The Wolf within

Fenrys Faerir Mord - Battle cry

Fenrys Hjolda - "Fenris Forever" - Battle cry

Fenryka - Of Fenris

Fenrys Hjammar Koldt - "Fenris' Hammering Cold" - Battle cry

Fomadurhamar - Foehammer

Fja vø - Go Now 

Fjolnir - The Nightjar, a mark of the hunt bestowed by the Gothi of a tribe

Fjorulalli - The Seal-mother

Frostmodr - Frostfury 

Fyrbrod - Gun - Literally Fire-rod

Fyr-ent - Fire giant 

Fyrkaf - Firedrink - Restorative beverage

Fyrmirdra - Fire serpent - A wyrm or dragon 

Fyrstrom - Firestorm - Explosion 

Gann - Death - The Rune of Death 

Geld - Price 

Geldfut - Outstanding task/purpose - Mission 

Geldwhal - Species of whale

Gelt - Loot or salvage 

Gmorl - Fate - The Rune of Fate 

Gothi - Witch/Rune Priest/Shaman 

Grooms - Serfs 

Hálfvit - Halfwit 

Halle - Hall - House

Hamarrki - Spine 

Hamarrkiskaldi - Instinct, intuition - Literally spine story

Hata - Fenrisian rune 

Hearthegn - Champion - The Great Wolf's Champion 

Heidur Rus! - Battle cry 

Hel - Damnation - A place beneath the ice for those that die badly

Hersir - Veteran, core soldier of the Fenrisian clans 

Hilja kah uhtganjen mev tarvahettan - "Greet the end with courage"

Hja/Hjá - Yes

Hjammar - Hammer

Hjarz - The Ice Rune 

Hjolda - Hail/greeting - Exclamation of surprise, welcome or frustration

Hnefttafl - Boardgame used by the Space Wolves during the Great Crusade

Hould - The Hold 

Huscarl - Chieftain's bodyguard, similar title to the Wolf Guard 

Husjarl - Trusted adviser or second-in-command - Lieutenant 

Huskaerl - Soldier - Armed Servant 

Ja høld - Statement of approval 

Jarl - Lord or Wolf Lord

Jarl-deck - Command deck or strategium 

Jarlhalle - Lord's hall 

Jarlship - A moderately sized warship - Equivalent to light cruiser

Jøva - Look, behold? - 

Juvi - Spokesperson, truth - Literally The Word 

Juvjk - Hearth Cant 

Juvjykka - Fenrisian language 

Kaerl - Mortal servant, thrall

Karlship - A larger-than-normal longship - A cruiser

Koenigsgard - King's Guards - Retinue of the Great Wolf 

Koldt - Cold 

Kjaalhalla - Realm of ghosts who fight for the glory of Leman Russ 

Lanx - Drinking horn 

Maleficarum - Bad magic - Also bad luck/bad omen/bad spirit

Mijagge Kovness An - "May I enter?" 

Mjod - Space Wolves beverage

Morkai - The Deathwolf

Ojor Hjold - Oath of Acceptance 

Ojor va Russ! Leman Russ! - "Glory to Russ! Leman Russ!"

Oververse - Realm of the living 

Ragnarok - Ending - The Rune of Ending

Rhozan - Rune to ward against Maleficarum 

Rjalka - Maw 

Riven - A unit of 500 kaerls

Rivenmaster - Kaerl captain of a military unit

Runejarl - A Rune Priest - A Space Marine Librarian 

Runekast - A sorcerer - A wyrd practitioner not to be trusted 

Russvangam - Fenrisian battle cry

Sálskjoldur - Soul-ward totem, worn as protection 

Sammekull - Summons  

Sava gudt, hell'ten - A benediction for a hero to rest in peace

Seax - Knife 

Sfar - Rune to ward against Maleficarum 

Sforja - Fenrisian rune 

Skemmdarvargur - Word of power used in summoning the Jaws of the World Wolf

Skjaldom - Vox-center

Skjaldroot - A Fenrisian narcotic

Skjaldvers - A poem or chant - Warding prayer

Skjald-wisht - Daydreaming - Literally Poet-wishing

Skjaldwyrdfeyn - Protective chant to ward away ill wyrd

Skjald - Lorekeeper - Storyteller

Skjoldtar - A kaerl long gun 

Skjoal - A drinking toast - Drinking without pause

Sklja Odda - "How many?" 

Skira Vordrotta - Translated roughly as "System Kill" a term meaning total war, total annihilation 

Skítja, Skítnah - Shit

Skithof - Curse  

Skitlbad - A Fenrisian game of skill

Skitnah - Dirty, foul, tainted 

Skold - Name 

Skulbrodtsjór - Skullhewer

Stormurstjórn - Stormcaller

Sturmwyrm - Storm Dragon 

Svellbrandr - Fangsword of the Ice Wolf 

Sverdhjera - Swordmaster

Thegnhalle - Council chambers

Thegns - Title for Pack Leaders of the VI Legion, equivalent rank to Sergeant  

Thralls - Serfs 

Trysk - Ice - The Rune of Ice

Turza - Fenrisian rune of destruction 

Ulfnaki - Squad tactics - Hunt-style 

Ulfwyrd - Literally Wolf-fate - Power derived from ancestral magic, accumulated wisdom and respect

Under - Down 

Underverse - Afterlife (negative connotations) 

Upp - Up 

Uppland - Afterlife (positive connotations) - Also the void, outer space

Upplander - One from the heavens - Stranger 

Ut-geld - Owed debt - A favour or obligation 

Utlander - Outsider 

Vaerangi/vaerengr - Wolf Guard 

Vahk/Vahk meh - Exclamation of surprise 

Valdelnagh - A misunderstanding 

Valkjyr - Angels - Choosers of the Slain in battle 

Varg-Ulf - A wolf driven mad by wyrd 

Verse - The cosmos

Vlka - Wolves 

Vlka Fenryka - "Wolves of Fenris" - Legion/Chapter Name 

Volda - The world 

Volda Hamarrki - The World Spine mountains 

War-aett - Base/command center 

Wargeld - Loot taken in battle or conquest 

War-skelt - Battle hymn 

Weregost - Talisman, likeness - Each Great Company's symbol is also its weregost 

Wight - Corpse ghost 

Wulfhalle - Wolf Hall - The Great Wolf's personal chambers 

Wurgen - Battle cant 

Wyrd - Of Fate - Or magic or the warp 

Wyrdflesh - Daemonic or mutant remains 

Wyrdfulk - Daemons 

Wyrdfir - Warpflame 

Wyrdglimr - A warp glow

Wyrdhex - A magical curse 

Wyrdjarl - A mid-level psyker

Wyrdkine - Mutant 

Wyrdknak - A warp-born ability - Intuition 

Wyrdleif - Sigils or runes 

Wyrdlit - Emanating power of the warp 

Wyrdlode - A source of warp power 

Wyrdlore - Knowledge of the warp - Psychic mastery 

Wyrdmidons - Mermaid/siren-like creatures - Tempters 

Wyrdrot - Flesh made toxic by mutation 

Wyrdsense - Awareness/detection 

Wyrdshrum - A psychedelic fungus native to Fenris 

Wyrdskaldr - A mystic chant 

Wyrdstok - Residual power after a warp breach - Power of mutation 

Wyrdstorm - Psychic attack 

Wyrdthegn - A high-level psyker 

Wyrdward - Psychic protection - A rune of the same 

Wyrm - Dragon 

Ygdras - Tree-giant 

Ymir - Earth - The Rune of Earth 

Zhaz - Rune to ward against Maleficarum 



Onn - One

Twa - Two 

Tra - Three 

For - Four 

Fyf - Five 

Sesc - Six 

Sepp - Seven 

For-twa - Eight - Literally four times two

Tra-tra - Nine - Literally three times three 

Dekk - Ten 

Elleve - Eleven 

Tolv - Twelve  

Dekk-tra - Thirteen - Literally ten plus three


Terms and Expressions 


Blood of Russ - Expression of anger 

For Russ - Battle cry 

For the Allfather - Battle cry 

For the Wolftime - Battle cry

God-marked - Psyker

Hand of Russ - Expression of protection - Used as a farewell 

Morkai's Teeth - Expression of surprise usually in the face of imminent danger 

Teeth of Russ - Expression of frustration 

Until next winter - Farewell to the dead - Also used in the face of certain death 

Ward of Russ - Expression of protection - Also used as an expression of amazement 

Accounting - Telling someone's saga - Usually told by a skjald 

Bad Star - Ill omen 

Morkai - The Death Wolf - One of the twelve Wolves of Fenrisian legend 

Murder-make - The act of fighting - Also meaning a battle depending on usage 

Also: Murder-time

Red snow - Killing - to shed blood on snow 

The Aett - Clan-home - It is the name the Chapter has for the Fang 

The Fang - It is the name the Imperium has sfor the Chapter fortress-monastery. Considered derogatory by the Wolves. 

The Rout - A namethe Chapter occasionally uses for themselves, though fallen out of general use since Legion times. 

Thread, the - Life of a person/a person's lifeline or fate - Also: Cutting a/his/her thread - Taking a/his/her life

Wolftime - The end of all things and return of the Wolf King - See also: Morkai


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