Force Using Orders of the Star Wars Galaxy
Using Orders of the Star Wars Galaxy
Jedi Order
There is no emotion,
there is peace
There is no ignorance,
there is knowledge
There is no passion,
there is serenity
There is no chaos,
there is harmony
There is no death,
there is the force

Rather than remain on Tython the early
Jedi decided to abandon their former home and the site of Rajivari's
great betrayal and embarked on a sojourn across the stars, settling
colonies on many worlds and building a number of new temples. In time
the Jedi Order came to become the ultimate peacekeepers of the
Galactic Republic and established the principal temple of the order
on Coruscant, the world-city and capitol of the Republic. From that
temple the Jedi Order grew and spread, dispatching Knights on
peacekeeping missions across the galaxy for centuries. Throughout its
history however the Jedi and the Republic have clashed with fallen
Jedi and the dark side using Sith on a number of occasions such as
the Great Hyperspace War and the Jedi Civil War. During such
conflicts it was not uncommon for various strongholds of the Order to
be attacked or destroyed. The great libraries of Ossus were
destroyed, the temple on Dantoine was bombarded from orbit by Darth
Malak and even the grand temple on Coruscant was sacked during the
Great Galactic War. In response to the destruction of the temple on
Coruscant the then Grand Master of the order, Satele Shan, led the
order back to the rediscovered world of Tython and re-established the
Jedi Temple there.
Eventually the Jedi Order returned to
Coruscant and rebuilt the temple there and continued to serve as the
guardians of the Republic until the horrific Great Jedi Purge at the
end of the Clone Wars. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine ordered the Grand
Army of the Republic to execute standing Order 66, an order which
declared all members of the Jedi Order as guilty of high treason
against the Republic and mandated their immediate summary execution.
Without hesitation the bulk of the Jedi serving with the GAR were
slaughtered by their own troops. The Jedi Temple itself was attacked
by the elite and battle-hardened 501st Legion and led by
the fallen Jedi Anakin Skywalker, who would later take the title of
Darth Vader. Only a handful of Jedi survived the purge, most of them
going into hiding far away from the core worlds of the republic. Many
would ultimately be hunted down and slaughtered or tortured and
turned into weapons for the Empire by various agents of the new
regime. This period of brutality and oppression would last for around
twenty years before a rebellion would successfully destroy the
Empire's most powerful super weapons and kill both Palpatine and
Vader. Though ultimately victorious the Jedi Order had been reduced
to a single active Jedi named Luke Skywalker upon whose shoulders
fell the task of rebuilding the Jedi.
To the Jedi their lightsabers are special and highly ritualized component of the Jedi way of life. Each Jedi builds their own lightsaber as part of their Padawan training and each blade is unique to the individual who builds it. The act of obtaining the focusing kyber crystal forms one of the most important and potentially dangerous stages of Jedi training as each Padawan must journey into the Crystal Caverns beneath the Illum temple to recover their crystal and do so before the entrance is covered in ice and the Padawan becomes trapped in the caves, doomed to starve to death for failing to return to the surface in time. Typically the crystal recovered will indicate the role the Padawan will fulfill within the Jedi Order. Blue lightsabers are typically wielded by Jedi Guardians, the warriors and battlefield commanders of the order, while green lightsabers are the weapons of the Jedi Consulars who make up the ranks of the diplomats, healers and scholars of the order. Yellow lightsabers are reserved for the Jedi Sentinels, those members of the order who dedicate themselves on seeking out injustice, solving problems and seeking mysteries far from the confines of the Jedi Temple. Towards the latter days of the Republic the number of Jedi Sentinels active in the galaxy had declined sharply to the extent that they were a rarely seen group within the halls of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, though ironically this meant that a greater proportion of Sentinels survived the Great Jedi Purge than any other class within the order.
Sixth Line
There is no
contemplation, there is only duty



The term Gray Jedi originated during
the Old Sith Wars when the Jedi Council sought to reform and
centralize the beliefs and strictures of the Jedi Order. It was
during that time that many changes were made to the Jedi Code
including the barring of familial attachments. Many members of the
order did not approve of these changes or believe the Council had the
authority to make them in the first place and strongly opposed the
new order. These Jedi became known as the Gray Jedi. Later the term
would be used by the New Jedi Order to encompass any force tradition
that did not conform to the typical Light and Dark side dichotomy.
Formed as an unorthodox splinter
faction of the Jedi Order a few decades before the Great Jedi Purge
the Altisian Jedi followed the teachings of Jedi Master Djinn Altis.
The teachings of Master Altis included the training of multiple
padawans by a single master and allowing Jedi to maintain families,
both precepts that set the Altisians at odds with the more orthodox
elements of the Jedi Order and caused the Altisian Jedi to depart the
temple on Coruscant. For a time the Altisians used the Jedi Enclave
on Bespin as a training grounds but their primary focus was to travel
the galaxy acting as aide workers on developing worlds. During the
Clone Wars the Altisians were eventually convinced to join the
flagging war effort against the separatist droid armies. Towards the
end of the war the Altisians became increasingly involved and started
taking missions directly from the Jedi Council. When the chancellor
executed Order 66 and launched the Great Jedi Purge the Altisians
survived and went into hiding. For some time members of the Altisian
order aided force sensitives and elements loyal to the Jedi Order
escape the empire and find refuge outside of Imperial space.
When the Mandalorians launched a brutal
campaign of galactic conquest the Jedi Council refused to take action
or commit the Jedi Order to the defense of the Republic. The council
sensed something dark and dangerous about the situation and requested
time to meditate on the issue and try to discover the threat before
taking action. Many young Jedi found the inaction of the council
inexcusable however and, led by the young and charismatic Jedi Knight
Revan and his friend Malak a group of Jedi chose to defy the council
and embark on a crusade against the Mandalorians. Known as the
Revanchists or Jedi Crusaders, these warriors set out for the
outer-rim to join the campaign against the Mandalorians. The influx
of scores of Jedi Knights into the campaign galvanized the failing
Republic forces and turned the tide of the war. The young Jedi
Knights were proud, capable and enthusiastic and brought much needed
strength and energy to the Republic forces who had spent years
suffering an unending string of disastrous and costly defeats at the
hands of an enemy that seemed unstoppable. In particular many of the
Revanchists chose to wield double-bladed lightsabers, the less common
sub-type finding much favor in the Jedi Crusaders who found the
enhanced lethality of the weapons a powerful asset in combat against
the Mandalorians. Revan himself proved a brilliant strategist,
inspiring leader and fearless warrior though his tactics and methods
grew ever more brutal and callous as the war progressed. Revan began
to sacrifice worlds that were not strategically vital and grew to
treat his warriors and fleets as disposable assets in the cause of
stopping the Mandalorians.
Revan's ultimate act of destruction
came when he purged disloyal elements of the Republic fleet and his
own Jedi followers in the Battle of Malachor V. Under the command of
one of his most trusted Lieutenants, the Jedi Knight Meetra Surik, a
fleet of Republic vessels lured the bulk of the surviving Mandalorian
forces into a brutal battle above the planet of Malachor V where, at
the height of the battle, Meetra ordered the deployment of an
experimental super-weapon known as the Mass Shadow Generator.
Effectively an extremely powerful and unstable mass gravity emitter
designed by the brilliant Iridonian Engineer Bao-Dur the Mass Shadow
Generator ripped apart both the Republic and Mandalorian fleets,
slaughtering nearly all of the combatants on both sides in one brutal
stroke. The Loss of life was so sudden and brutal that even those
Jedi not caught in the deadly gravity waves were overwhelmed by the
shock of such violence through the force and perished. Only Meetra
Surik survived, doing so only by cutting herself off from the force.
Shortly after the Battle of Malachor V the Mandalorians were defeated
and Revan cut down Mandalore himself, taking the ceremonial helmet of
Mandalore and hiding it from the Mandalorians, preventing the
surviving clans from choosing a new leader or reorganizing in the
wake of their defeat. The Republic's victory was short-lived however
for within a few years the fleets of the Revanchists returned from
campaign and set about attacking the Republic itself, destroying
worlds and capturing strategic assets, all in the name of the newly
appointed Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Revan. Only Meetra Surik
survived the Mandalorian wars and returned to Coruscant to face the
Jedi Council, all the rest of the Jedi Crusaders either died in the
war or joined Revan in fighting the Republic during the Jedi Civil
War that followed.
The legacy of the Revanchists is a
complicated one. On the one hand they did much good as they traversed
the galaxy, destroying pirate fleets, liberating slaves, fighting
corruption and evil wherever they went. Without the Revanchists the
Mandalorians would not likely have been defeated and the Republic
itself may have fallen. On the other hand the Revanchists would
ultimately fall to the dark side and launch a similarly brutal
campaign of conquest against the worlds they had just fought to
defend and through their actions bring the Republic and the Jedi
Order itself to their knees.

of the Terrible Glare
The Order of the Terrible Glare was
formed by a splinter group of Jedi Knights during the Pius Dea
Crusades. When the Jedi Order chose to withdraw from galactic affairs
the decision did not sit well with every member of the order, some
knights chose to join the cause of Pius Dea and abandoned Ossus to
settle on the world of Garn. The Order of the Terrible Glare devolved
from the studious teachings of the Jedi Order and became a violent
and militaristic cult led by an order of shamans that eventually
wound up waging war against the Jedi Order before the cult was
destroyed at the end of the Pius Dea Crusades. A single suviving
member, High Shaman Rur, preserved his life by uploading his
consciousness into a computer and continued the orders campaign of
vengeance against the Jedi for centuries, luring lone Jedi Knights to
Garn and destroying them one by one until he was finally stopped by
the young Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker. While it existed the Order of
the Terrible Glare focused its force powers on the mastery of
illusion and the perversion of nature culminating in the development
of horrific soul snare technology that allowed the Order of the
Terrible Glare to trap the force-spirits of their victims in crystal
prisms for eternity. The order was also able to develop technology to
detect the presence of lightsabers across vast interstellar
distances, technology that enabled the death-defying High Shaman Rur
to sense the presence of Jedi Knights and send false distress signals
to lure them to their deaths on Garn.
Iron Knights
Sixty years before the battle of yavin the Sunesi Jedi Master Aqinos discovered a species of sentient crystals on the remote planet of Orax. The existence of sentient non-organic beings was a shocking discovery, even more so because these crystals were force sensitive and were able to communicate with Aqinos through the force. Bringing a number of these shards back to his home on Dweem the Jedi Master taught these crystals the ways of the Jedi and helped them further master their connection to the force. More importantly Aqinos worked with the shards to combine their crystalline forms with droid bodies, giving them the ability to walk and talk where before they could only communicate or interact with the wider galaxy through the force. Jedi Master Aqinos led a group of his disciples, now named the Iron Knights, to aide the Jedi Order during the Arkanian Revolution. Although the reinforcements helped turn the tide the Jedi Order was horrified at what Master Aqinos had done and rejected the Iron Knights. Aqinos was ejected from the order and became an Altisian Jedi, returning to Dweem with his pupils and continuing to train them and grow their numbers in defiance of the Jedi Council. The Great Purge saw many force users across the galaxy even beyond the ranks of the Jedi hunted down and slaughtered, including the Iron Knights. However many of their number survived the Great Jedi Purge and the era of the Galactic Empire on the remote world of Dweem or managed to conceal their nature and activities from the Empire during that time. The crystalline nature of the Iron Knights makes them extremely difficult for most force users to detect through the force if the Iron Knights do not wish to be found. Further hidden within the bodies of droids the Iron Knights are able to move across the galaxy largeley undetected, their true nature and abilities well concealed beneath the appearance of unremarkable droids. Following the defeat of the Empire a number of the Iron Knights would join Luke Skywalker in his efforts to rebuild the Jedi Order, the young Jedi Master and rebel hero not having inhereted the prejudices and aversion to the Iron Knights that the previous Jedi Council had maintained.
The Teepo Paladins were a small
sub-sect of the Jedi Order that existed around the same time as the
Army of Light was fighting to eliminate the Sith once and for all.
The Teepo Paladins believed that using blasters and other weapons was
just as acceptable as using lightsabers and trained in the use of a
wide variety of different armaments. The rest of the Jedi Order
frowned on this and ultimately censured the Teepo Paladins some time
before the Great Jedi Purge. A handful of the most radical Teepo
Paladins chose to split from the Jedi Order and form their own
faction known as the Gray Paladins.

Agents of Ossus
Founded in the seedy underbelly of Coruscant in the years after the Jedi Purge by Emperor Palpatine the Agents of Ossus were a force using tradition created by the Jedi Padawan and purge survivor Jin-Lo Rayce. Formerly the apprentice to Jedi Master Jocasta Nu, the master of the temple archives, the y oung Rayce possessed considerable knowledge about Jedi history and teachings but was significantly lacking in combat skills or experience. Having already lost his lightsaber in his escape from the temple Rayce never sought to instruct his students in lightsaber combat or techniques, rather he focused his teachings on using the force to aid the use of blasters and vibroblades. Rayce named his new order of force users after the ancient Jedi world of learning, Ossus, and spread his followers and his teachings across a number of heavily populated worlds throughout the galaxy.

Peace is a lie, there
is only passion
Through passion I gain
Through strength I gain
Through power I gain
Through victory my
chains are broken
The Force shall set me
The reality of the Sith is far more
complicated and twisted than most histories bother to delve into. For
most in the galaxy the term Sith is often used as a catch-all for any
errant lightsaber swinging force users who have fallen to the Dark
Side but this is not technically the case. The original Sith were a
race of red-skinned sentient humanoids native to the remote world of
Korriban. The force was strong in many Sith blood-lines and it did
not take long for the use of the force, and particularly the Dark
Side to become prominent in Sith culture. Powerful force users made
the Sith a dominant force in the region and they dominated many
worlds until their population ultimately declined rapidly due to
internal strife. Around this time the first fallen Jedi stumbled upon
Korriban and the Sith and found kindred spirits in the use of the
dark side of the force. The fallen Jedi who had fled Republic space
took the name Sith for themselves and established Korriban as their
new homeworld. For centuries the new Sith grew strong and populous,
only kept in check by their fear of Republic and Jedi retribution and
their struggles for power against each other. This internal conflict
would be brought to a sudden and unexpected end when a republic ship
attempting to chart new hyperspace routes stumbled on Korriban. The
Sith Lord Naga Sadow seized on the arrival of the explorers as a
golden opportunity to rise to power. Sadow allowed the hyperspace
explorers to escape and claimed they were spies sent by the Republic.
Capitalizing on the fear and anger of the Sith towards the Republic
the devious Sadow used the explorers escape to galvanize the Sith and
rally them to launch an invasion of Republic space. This act would
mark the start of the Great Hyperspace War where the Republic and the
Sith Empire would clash in one of the most brutal and destructive
conflicts the galaxy has ever seen.
By the outbreak of the Great Galactic
War centuries later a small number of pureblood Sith had been
rediscovered and returned to prominence among the ranks of the Sith
Empire. When the Sith returned to invade the Republic they did so
with many red-skinned Sith Lords leading the charge, though the bulk
of these were mix-breed offspring of true Sith and other species.
Nevertheless the Sith Empire heavily favored those who bore the
resemblance of the Sith, regardless of how pure the individual's
blood line and many found positions of great power and prominence in
the empire. This situation was not to last, ultimately the Sith
Empire would be defeated yet again and most of the surviving Sith
purebloods and their offspring would perish and the species would
become functionally extinct in time. Constantly struggling with
internal conflicts over power the Sith would see their strength wax
and wane many times over the centuries until the bulk of those sworn
to the Sith Code would be wiped out as the result of a dedicated Jedi
purge known as the Army of Light. Following this event the only two
Sith to survive the conflict established the Rule of Two, a system by
which only two Sith would ever be allowed to exist again, one master
and one apprentice. This system would succeed more-or-less for
several thousand years, the Sith growing in power and hoarding
technology and knowledge of the force hidden from the prying eyes of
the Jedi until at last the Dark Lord Sidious was able to enact his
plan and exterminate the Jedi Order at the end of the Clone Wars.
Though successful the Sith would not long enjoy their victory for a
mere twenty years later Sidious would be killed by his own apprentice
who turned back to the light side of the force thanks to the efforts
of his son and the sole remaining Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker. Though
the long legacy of the Sith has technically come to an end there will
always be those drawn to the Dark Side of the force and countless
artifacts and secrets of the Sith remain scattered across the galaxy,
waiting to be found by those with the power to use them.
The Sith typically bear lightsabers with deep red blades. This is not just because the Sith prefer the sinister and intimidating color and its general contrast against the blue, green and yellow favored by the Jedi but rather it is a representation of the relationship between Sith and their chosen weapons. Most Sith do not invest any special importance on their lightsabers, though they often build their weapons themselves they are just weapons and not necessarily a unique reflection of the warrior who wields them. Red crystals are commonly used as they can be found in places steeped in the dark side of the force or produced industrially. In some eras the Sith have preferred to produce lightsabers en-masse as they would any other weapon, obtaining focusing crystals by industrial manufacture and producing lightsabers as an assembly-line war material. Other Sith in other eras have put more pride and investment into their own particular weapons.
Founded in the days after the Great
Jedi Purge the Imperial Inquisitorium was formed to hunt down those
Jedi who had survived the execution of Order 66. Most of the members
of the Inquisitorium were known as Purge Troopers, specially trained
non-force users who were conditioned and equipped to hunt down and
slay rogue Jedi Knights. The Purge Troopers wore advanced Storm
Trooper armor painted a dark sinister red and were equipped primarily
with a variety of deadly close quarters weapons including
shock-batons and electrostaffs that were capable of sparring with
lightsabers though some Purge Troopers were also trained to use
blasters and shock grenades to engage their Jedi opponents. The elite
of the Inquisitorius were the Inquisitors themselves. Each and every
Inquisitor was a former Jedi who had been captured by the
Inquisitorius and taken to the Fortress Inquisitorius on the dark
side world of Nur. There the Jedi were broken through torture and
invasive experimentation to turn them into weapons for the Emperor.
Equipped with black armor and uniforms and armed with esoteric
double-bladed lightsabers that were capable of rotating freely around
the hilt and could even propel the wielder through the air for short
distances the Inquisitors made for supremely deadly and efficient
hunters. Most Jedi would have little experience fighting such unusual
weapons. Very few Jedi survivors faced Inquisitors and lived though
ultimately the ranks of the Inquisitorius declined in number and by
the Battle of Yavin IV it is unclear whether any Inquisitors remained
in active Imperial service. All previous identities were stripped
from the Inquisitors themselves and they were simply known by a
number and the term brother or sister, examples being the Fifth
Brother or Seventh Sister. The leader of the Inquisitorius who
reported to Darth Vader directly was known as the Grand Inquisitor
and had formerly been a member of the Temple Guard of the Jedi Temple
on Coruscant who had become disillusioned with the teachings of the
order prior to the Great Jedi Purge.
Emperor's Hand
First formed by the Sith Emperor Vitiate centuries before the Mandalorian Wars, when the Republic was still ignorant of the Sith Empire's continued existence, the Emperor's Hand was an elite cadre of pureblood Sith who served as Vitiate's most favored agents, enforcers and acolytes. Composed entirely of pureblooded Sith who renounced their names and identities and became known merely as Servant One, Servant Two and so on, the Emperor's Hand were among the only individuals in the Sith Empire who had any consistent or reliable contact with Vitiate for long decades at a time. Unbeknownst to the Dark Council or the rest of the Sith the immortal Emperor was capable of projecting his spirit beyond his own body, taking on various servile hosts across the galaxy and even splitting his consciousness to be in more than once place at a time. For long periods his primary body located on Dromuund Kaas would remain idle and inactive, leaving the Empire to continue running largely by itself. During this time only the Emperor's Hand truly knew where the Emperor was or what he was doing, and even they did not know of all his plans. After the destruction of his primary body by the future Battlemaster of the Jedi Order the Emperor's Hand vanished from the Empire, seeking out their master's spirit that they knew must have endured. Even though the Servants had learned that Vitiate was planning to consume all life in the galaxy to fuel his power and immortality they still served him with an unshakeable zealotry the likes of which is truly rare among the ranks of the Sith and runs rather counter to the principles of the Sith Code. For years the Emperor's Hand continued to operate from the shadows, seeking ways to aide their master's return to the galaxy. They were unable to intervene when the Alliance destroyed Valkorion, the new body of the Immortal Emperor, or prevent his spirit from being purged from the mind and body of the alliance commander five years later. They were not even able to prevent the Jedi Knight Kira and the former Emperor's Wrath, Scourge, from destroying Vitiate's original body, the Sith Lord Tenebrae. Destroying Tenebrae's body however released his last, ultimate failsafe, a force-fueled plague that infested the minds of those it came into contact with, giving an ancient copy of Tenebrae's mind and personality the opportunity to hollow out and possess a new body or bodies. Kira and Scourge survived but the former Jedi Grandmaster Satele Shan and her students, who came to rescue the pair, were less fortunate and fell into a deep coma. Only the aide of the Alliance Commander allowed the odd Sith and Jedi pair to rescue Satele and thwart Tenebrae's last attempt at returning, despite the attempted intervention of the last surviving members of the Emperor's Hand who fell to the last trying to prevent the Alliance from interrupting their master's revival.
In the wake of the battle for the Meridian Complex the Empire would reform the Emperor's Hand, this time as an elite joint military and Sith operation that would serve at the Emperor or Empress' direct command, circumventing the intrigues of the Dark Council and the Sith themselves. Where Vitiate's Hand had been a secretive and mysterious body of pureblood Sith the new Emperor's Hand would act as a known and infamous body of enforcers and agents, their presence keenly felt by those in the Empire who might conspire to their own benefit at the cost of their comrades. The new Emperor of the Sith having come to realize that one of the greatest threats to an eventual Imperial victory was the intrigues and machinations of the Sith themselves and a body that would act to prevent those intrigues and ensure that the Empire's most powerful and capable agents were working towards victory against the Republic at all times.
In the wake of the Battle for the Meridian Complex, the new Emperor of the Sith, reformed the Emperor's Hand, creating a cadre of trusted agents, force-users and soldiers capable of operating outside the remit of the Dark Council. The Emperor's Hand would be able to take swift and decisive action without having to go through the beurocratic channels of the Empire's often bickering and conflicted leadership, answering to none by the Emperor. Many centuries later Emperor Palpatine, or Darth Sidious, would also form his own version of the Emperor's Hand. Palpatine's hand were a select cadre of force-sensitive agents and assassins able to carry out his will directly without having to utilize the overwhelming and destructive force of Darth Vader.
Dread Masters
In the centuries before the start of the Great Galactic War a group of six powerful Sith Lords were tasked by the immortal Emperor of the Sith, Vitiate, to research a collection of ancient and mysterious pieces of technology the Empire had discovered. Called the Phobis devices, these ancient artifacts had driven all but the most powerful of Sith who had examined them mad with fear. The Dread Masters however managed to form a symbiotic collective between themselves and learned to master and control the Phobis devices to instill crippling terror in their foes from leagues away. Whole fleets and armies would crumble at the approarch of the Dread Masters and their aura of terror and despair. During the Great Galactic War the armies of the Republic quickly grew to fear the Dread Masters and their terrible powers and went to great efforts to cut off and capture the Dread Masters and their army, imprisoning them in vaults deep beneath the surface of Belsavis. Shortly after the outbreak of the second Great Galactic War agents of the Empire managed to discover the location of the Republic prison world of Belsavis and enacted a daring rescue of captured Imperial prisoners being held there, including the Dread Masters. This rescue would ultimately prove disastrous even for the Empire as the masters quickly vanished from the Empire with their followers, pursuing unknown objectives and refusing to serve the interests of the Dark Council. After the death of the Emperor at the hands of a Jedi Knight strike team the Dread Masters began to enact a series of plans to subjert and corrupt the galaxy, forcing both the Republic and the Empire to dispatch elite strike teams to try and prevent the Dread Masters plans. Several desperate battles were fought against armies of treacherous Republic and Imperial soldiers, mercenaries and criminal operatives before the stronghold of the Dread Masters was finally uncovered on the remote world of Oricon and both the Republic and the Empire dispatched forces to try and end the threat of the Dread Masters once and for all. Unfortunately the Dread Masters were aware of their enemies arrival and burned the Republic fleet from orbit. The much smaller Imperial strike team attempted to approach by stealth but was similarly detected and all but destroyed on the surface. The Dread Masters had centuries ago built a massive and powerful fortress protected by advanced Imperial technology melded with ancient Rakata devices that proved all but impervious to direct assault. The Dread Fortress was further protected by a sizable army of zealous followers known as the Dread Host. Elite soldiers and Sith under the complete thrall of the Dread Masters and wholly dedicated to their mission of destroying the galaxy the Dread Host was a formidable and deadly asset that only the most powerful agents of the Republic and the Empire had a hope of resisting. Ultimately, at great cost, the Dread Masters were defeated, two of their number cut down individually and the final four confronted in the throne room of the Dread Palace and slain to the last, ending their threat to the galaxy once and for all. For a moment the galaxy, Republic and Empire alike, breathed a collective sigh of relief as news of the Dread Masters defeat spread, an enemy that had threatened to destroy both factions and everyone else if they had not been stopped. The ultimate fate of the Phobis devices and the technology recovered from the Dread Fortress remains unknown.
Founded by corrupt descendents of Empress Teta in the aftermath of the Great Hyperspace War the ancient Krath order was formed when Satal Keto discovered a Sith Translation Talisman on Onderon that let him understand the teachings of force-imbued Sith Scrolls. Learning much of Dark Side force techniques from these teachings the Krath became a powerful discipline of dark side force users who would eventually conquer what became known as the Empress Teta System. Growing in power over time the Krath eventually chose to launch a bloody crusade against the Jedi Order from their stronghold the Iron Citadel. Desperate to end the bloodshed young Jedi Knight Ulic Qel-Droma volunteered to infiltrate the ranks of the Krath but was unable to resist the dark side and fell to corruption alongside fellow Jedi Knight Exar Kun. The two would rise through the ranks and lead the assault against the Jedi at the head of a new Sith Empire based on the world Empress Teta. The tide of battle turned when Ulic Qel-Droma had his connection to the force severed. Able to see clearly how far he had fallen Ulic Qel-Droma returned to the light side of the force and aided in the defeat of the Krath. The Republic and the Jedi Order reconquered the Empress Teta system and defeated the Krath but rumors persisted through the era of the Galactic Empire that the Iron Citadel survived buried under the royal quarter of Empress Teta and was used as a stronghold for an underground cult of Krath devotees. The Krath were notable for their preference for warblades over lightsabers, like various ancient Sith before them the visceral feel of flesh tearing before metal was more satisfying than the clinical burns of a lightsaber. Droids also made up a large component of the Krath war machine, their form and function mirroring the brutality and savagery of the Krath themselves.
The Jensaarai were founded during the
Clone Wars by a rogue Jedi Knight named Nikkos Tyris who formed the
philosophy after discovering manuscripts detailing the fall of the
first Jedi to the dark side. What Tyris did not realize was that the
manuscript was mostly true but contained a single sinister untruth,
the manuscript claimed that the Jedi Order took most of its teachings
and understanding of the Sith. Outraged by what he believed to be the
long-hidden truth of the Jedi Orders founding Tyris chose to lead a
cadre of followers to the world of Susevfi in the Suarbi system where
he established an order known as the Jensaarai, the Sith word for the
followers of the hidden truth. Tyris did not realize that the
teachings he was imparting on his students were not the true ancient
Jedi teachings but secrets of the Sith that were corrupting his
followers to the Dark Side. As the Clone Wars progressed the Jedi
Order was desperate to uncover any information they could about the
mysterious Lord of the Sith known as Darth Sidious and dispatched
Jedi investigators to track down any source of information or rumor
of dark side activity they could find. One such lead led a trio of
Jedi to Susevfi where they encountered Tyris and two of his acolytes.
A battle ensued in which the trio of Jensaarai were slain. As Tyris
fell the Jedi cast his body into his temple where the detonation of
raw dark side energy released upon his death destroyed the
foundations of the temple and caused the structure to collapse.
Believing their task accomplished and the rogue dark Jedi defeated
the surviving Jedi departed, not realizing that more Jensaarai yet
lived, trapped beneath the rubble of their collapsed temple. When the
surviving Jensaarai finally escaped the rubble of their temple the
Jedi had long since departed. Reorganizing under the leadership of
the wife of one of the slain apprentices who took the title
Saarai-kaar the order continued to train and prosper, hidden from the
prying eyes of the Jedi and Sith alike. Following the Great Jedi
Purge the Jensaarai believed themselves free from persecution and
actively sought to join forces with the Emperor. The Saarai-kaar sent
her son to aid Darth Vader in hunting down surviving Jedi and was
shocked to learn that Vader had cut down her son as soon as he
arrived. Having learned of the Jensaarai's existence the Emperor
dispatched Jedi hunters to Susevfi and slaughtered a number of
Jensaarai members. Unlike elsewhere however the hunters did not long
stay to ensure their job was completed and departed almost as quickly
as they arrived, perhaps believing their job done when in fact many
Jensaarai had survived in hiding. Over the next few years the
Jensaarai would launch frequent attacks on the Imperial garrison,
doing some damage and demoralizing the Imperials while losing
relatively few of their own in the process. Yet surprisingly the Jedi
hunters never returned, though why that is remains a mystery.
It would not be until the formation of
Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order that the Jensaarai would come to
understand their misguided origins and the corrupt nature of Tyris'
teachings when they were confronted by Luke Skywalker and Corran
Horn. Though coming to an understanding was difficult Master
Skywalker did not persecute the Jensaarai but managed to convince
them of the truth and to ally themselves with his New Jedi Order. In
time the Jensaarai would send students to Luke's academy on Yavin IV
and would come to aid the New Jedi Order in battle on several
occasions. Despite their allegiance the Jensaarai would remain an
independent organization that was generally viewed by the New Jedi as
a Gray Order due to the proximity of their beliefs to the teachings
of the Sith and the dark side though the Jensaarai themselves firmly
disagreed with this view.
Thanks to their origins as a splinter
faction of Jedi the Jensaarai were able to provide the New Jedi order
with many details of the teachings and doctrines of the Old Jedi
Order and bore many similarities. The Jensaarai maintained the use of
lightsabers as their primary weapons though they did not place the
same importance on the individuality or significance of the
lightsaber as their Jedi counter-parts. Instead the construction of
lightsabers was an earlier part of a Jensaarai student's training and
much more importance and individual significance was placed on the
construction of the Sith battle-armor that each member of the
Jensaarai crafted for themselves and wore in combat. The forging of
armor acts as a Jensaarai student's final trial to become the
equivalent of a Knight and is a deeply personal and significant act.
The armor of each Jensaarai warrior is unique to the individual and
may contain any variety of various functions or design elements
including built in technological systems, retracting claws or other
useful devices. The teachings of the Jensaarai closely resembled
those of the Old Jedi Order placing an emphasis on protecting the
innocent and maintaining peace and order while from the Sith the
Jensaarai took an emphasis on the utility of aggression and learned
techniques for forging cortosis into body-armor. A unique force-power
developed by the Jensaarai is known as ballistakinesis whereby the
Jensaarai adept will use the force to propel small objects at lethal

Witches of Dathomir
Outside select circles of Jedi and Sith
scholars the existence of the Witches of Dathomir, or Nightsisters,
is almost unknown across the wider galaxy. Dathomir itself is a
forbidden and dangerous planet steeped in the dark side of the force
and whose native flora and fauna are almost universally dangerous to
invaders. The planet is home to a group of female Rattataki, the
Nightsisters themselves, and tribes of male Zabrak warriors who serve
the witches and are known as the Nightbrothers. The witches of
Dathomir practice a form of force use that is almost unrecognizable
to that of the Jedi and Sith, focusing their abilities primarily on
sorcerous incantations, dark side rituals and the brewing of potions
and poisons. The witches utilize a variety of specialized tools and
implements in the practicing of their dark side sorcery and their
primary weapon is an energy bow with which the witches hunt the local
predators and drive off any potential invaders. Some Nightsisters
have been trained in more conventional uses of the force and
occasionally the witches will offer up one of their Zabrak servants
for training as a Sith warrior. Notable examples of such warriors
were Asajj Ventress, Darth Maul and Savage Opress. Unfortunately the
studied neutrality and isolation of the Witches of Dathomir could not
protect them from General Grievous who led his droid armies in a
purge of Dathomir in the later years of the Clone Wars. Only a single
Nightsister is known to have survived the purge. Nevertheless
Dathomir remains a planet powerful in the dark side of the force and
home to many ancient ruins and artifacts waiting to be found.
Order of Shasa

Founded in the aftermath of the Jedi Civil War by a young force sensitive Selkath named Shasa the Order of Shasa is dedicated to the preservation of Selkath society and the defense of the Selkath homeworld of Manaan. During the Jedi Civil War the Sith Empire under Darth Malgus attempted to subvert the Selkath authorities by secretly recruiting a number of young force sensitive Selkath and training them in the ways of the Dark Side within the Sith Embassy in Ahto City. The redeemed Jedi Knight Revan and his team of companions ultimately discovered the subterfuge and rescued the Selkath. Clearly despite having learned of the nefarious Sith plans the young Shasa nevertheless decided to continue pursuit of her training in the force and founded an order of Selkath force users that would continue to exist up through the Great Jedi Puge and the rise of the Galactic Empire. Though technically neither a light or dark order the Order of Shasa nevertheless utilized techniques largely derived from the Sith training Shasa and her fellow Selkath youths had received during their time in the academy within the Sith Embassy. The Order of Shasa also developed a small number of their own distinct force techniques including an ability called the Progenitor's Call that could disrupt their enemies actions. Other areas of focus for the Order of Shasa included a high priority on perceiving deception through the force and manifesting powerful telekinetic abilities. The acolytes of the Order of Shasa are among those force sensitive organizations in the galaxy who do not rely on lightsabers but instead construct their own individually crafted vibro-blades known as the Fira. Each Fira is constructed from raw materials salvaged from the ruins of the Hrakert Rift research station destroyed during Revan's search for the Star Forge. The raw metals are then shaped through the force into deadly weapons and the forging of a Fira often serves as one of the last elements of an acolyte's training as a member of the Order of Shasa. During the Great Galactic War the Order of Shasa worked with members of the Order of Revan to protect an underwater research laboratory studying the transpantation of Rakata self-repairing technology into test subjects to create nearly immortal cyborg super-soldiers. The Order would also play a role in the defense of Manaan during the rise of the Galactic Empire and would fight to protect Ahto City from the forces of the Empire but would ultimately be manipulated and fall under the sway of Darth Vader.
Formed shortly after the Battle of Naboo the Believers were an order of dark side force users who attempted to emulate the teachings and philosophy of the ancient Sith from before Darth Bane's rule of two. A number of Jedi would fall to the dark side and join the ranks of the Believers during the turmoil of the Clone Wars and train in the ruins of the Almas Sith Academy on the planet of Almas in the remote Cularin system. Members identified each other by a distinct tattoo they all possessed featuring the spire of the Almas academy with a broken lightsaber at it's base. The Believers focused most of their activities around the Cularin system itself, attempting first to drive the small Jedi contingent stationed there in a training temple known as the Almas Academy and later attempting to further corrupt or disrupt the ecology of Almas but these repeated attempts do not appear to have been particularly successful. Despite having lured a number of Jedi to their ranks and bulked out their numbers by subverting several large pirate outfits the Believers influence on Galactic events leading up to the Fall of the Republic appears to be minimal. By 19 BBY the Believers power was so insignificant their influence in an attempt to corrupt the native trees of Almas was foiled by local law enforcement. It is unclear whether the order persisted much into the reign of the Galactic Empire or whether the Emperor ever actively sought out their destruction and elimination as he had a number of other force using orders such as the Jedi and the Witches of Dathomir.
Tribes of Zakuul
For centuries before the coming of the Eternal Emperor the native inhabitants of the swamp-covered planet of Zakuul lived in a tribal society dominated by a trio of force-sensitives known as the Matriarch, the Champion and the Shaman. These three force-users were the chief authorities of the various tribes, leading their warriors into battle, healing their sick and providing wisdom and insight to their people. The primitive Zakuulans intrigued the immortal Emperor of the Sith, Vitiate, and he used his formidable powers to possess the body of one of Zakuul's champions, Valkorion, and turn this new body into his puppet. Zakuul was reforged by the Eternal Emperor's will and over long centuries of development and through the exploitation of Iokath technology like the Eternal Fleet, Zakuul became a prosperous and highly advanced society. The ancient myths and pantheon of gods that had dominated Zakuul society continued to exist but became little more than folk-tales and cultural relics. Strangely the mythology of Zakuul was actually based on the real existence of ancient and terrible Iokath battle-droids which had, in ages past, scourged the surface of Zakuul and slaughtered countless innocents, burning a long-lasting impression into the culture and history of the planet even after all knowledge of their historical actions had become lost. Valkorion chose to keep some of the culture and mythology of Zakuul alive and even borrowed heavily from it to create the persona of the Eternal Emperor. He also reforged the force-using leaders of the tribes into the Knights and Scions of Zakuul, his advisers and enforcers who practiced a discipline of the force that was not focused on the light or the dark but on service to the Emperor and the Emperor alone.
Knight of Zakuul

During the reign of Arcann the Knights
unity and service was fractured more than once. Arcann's purge of the
Scions split the loyalty of the Knights and caused a good number to
split away from the Eternal Throne. Without Emperor Valkorion to keep
his children in line the Knights suffered terribly at the brutal
hands of Arcann and Vaylin. Arcann himself ordered half the Knights
killed to purge the ranks while Vaylin's violent tempers led to
countless Knights being slaughtered simply for being in her
proximity. Some renegade Knights attempted to join with Senya, the
former consort to Emperor Valkorion and mother to Arcann, Thexan and
Vaylin, but were slaughtered by Vaylin herself on Ord Mantell. During
Vaylin's rule the former bodyguard units were disbanded and Vaylin
formed a new elite enforcer cadre known as the Horizon Guard, each
one hand-picked by Vaylin herself. Though service in the Horizon
Guard was considered an honor, even the guards themselves recognized
the high probability of meeting their own deaths in some temper
tantrum of Vaylin's before long leading them to joke that they served
for life but not for long. Unlike their lesser knight brethren the
Horizon Guard typically bore lightsabers with red blades. Under
Arcann's rule a small number of Knights were hand-picked for service
as Archons, the commanders of the Eternal Empire's battle-stations
that were placed in orbit over conquered worlds to maintain
compliance. The Archons were given chemical and cybernetic
enhancements and unique conditioning that made them far stronger and
more powerful than their peers but their numbers were never great.
Under the rule of Emperor Valkorion the
Scions of Zakuul were the second of paired knightly orders serving
the Eternal Throne. The Knights of Zakuul focused on martial combat
while the Scions focused their efforts and training towards mastering
the force, specifically visions of the future. The precognitive
abilities of the Scions were quite powerful and provided significant
advantages on the battlefield often leading them to be paired with
Zakuulan Knights to form deadly and efficient teams of complementary
force users. Unfortunately Arcann despised the Scions, viewing their
dogmatic adherence to the concept of fate to be a fatal weakness and
shortly after assuming the Eternal Throne he ordered the greater bulk
of the order of Scions exterminated. Only a handful escaped the purge
and went into hiding. Ultimately the scions would throw their support
behind the outlander and the alliance against the Eternal Throne,
seeking to unseat Arcann and end his reign of terror and bloodshed.

Despite the destruction of their
home and their abandonment by the Eternal Empire the history of the
Nathema Zealots was not quite over. Shortly after Vaylin's
destruction of the sanitarium on Nathema the Eternal Emperor
Valkorion was finally defeated. His death apparently released the
stolen force essence that he had absorbed over the centuries and
restored the force to Nathema. In a very short span of time life
began to bloom all across the surface of the dead world with new
flora and fauna appearing and spreading very rapidly. The return of
life to Nathema allowed the Nathema Zealots who had survived the
destruction of the sanitarium to survive on the surface where
otherwise they would have starved to death in relative short order.
Though all of the zealots felt the death of Valkorion none of them
were willing to believe the Eternal Emperor had actually been killed
and various factions emerged among the Zealots formed around various
different radical ideas about how the Emperor could still have
survived or what he wanted them to do. These factions fell into
infighting and began waging bloody conflicts against each other by
the time the Outlander returned to Nathema to stop the Order of
Zildrog from waking the ancient super-weapon hidden on the surface by
Valkorion. Whether the Zealots long survived after this period or
their eventual fate remains uncertain.
of Zildrog

of Zildrog


Do Sages
Thousands of years before their contact
with the Galactic Republic the Kel Dor race developed their own order
of force users known as the Baran Do Sages. Initially these sages
used the force to amplify their senses, allowing them to detect
weather patterns in advance of storms and warn their fellows of
impending natural disasters that were common on the planet Dorin.
Later the Baran Do Sages learned to study the force more deeply and
receive visions of the future through meditation. These precognitive
abilities helped the Sages avoid war and prevent disasters and led to
the sages taking greater positions of prominence within society. This
changed with the discovery of Dorin by the Republic and the arrival
of the Jedi Order. In compliance with their standard policy the Jedi
began to take young force sensitive Kel Dor and train them to use the
force as Jedi Knights whose abilities and understanding of the force
far eclipsed that of the Kel Dor Sages. Over time the sages fell from
prominence until they disappeared from Kel Dor society almost
entirely. Forgotten and all but extinct the sages survived only
through obscurity, continuing to take in and train small numbers of
recruits sent to them by deeply traditionalist Kel Dor families. In a
deep twist of irony it was the very obscurity of the Sages that
allowed them to survive the Great Jedi Purge at the end of the Clone
Wars. Imperial operatives never discovered the existence of surviving
sages or even tried to look for them, believing as most of the Kel
Dor did that the sages were nothing more than a long dead myth. In
the wake of the Emperor's defeat over Endor a small number of sages
contacted Luke Skywalker and sought to work with his new Jedi Order.
The Zeison Sha philosophy focuses on
independence and survival skills. The Zeison Sha prefer to be
self-reliant and do not make use of rigid organizational structures
or a set hierarchy. Only rough designations such as initiate and
warrior can be found among the Zeison Sha. The force adepts of
Yanibar are also strictly opposed to separating children from their
family and training is either done in home informally by the parents
or with the assistance of a more experienced force adept. The Zeison
Sha maintain a temple known as Sha Kalan but students there still
live with their parents and are loyal ultimately most closely to
their individual family units. The isolationist and self-reliant
nature of the Zeison Sha saw the order survive the Great Jedi Purge
and prevented the Empire from ever gaining a foothold on Yanibar but
otherwise refused to take any significant action against the rise of
the Sith.

The Korunnai are not a formal order of Force Users like the Jedi or Sith but are rather a tribe of rather primitive human settlers who live on the jungle world of Haruun Kal, the sole habitable planet of the Al'Har system. Possessing little in the way of advanced technology and living on a harsh world where survival is a constant struggle the Korunnai have developed a close affinity with the force, which they refer to as the pelekatan. The lowlands of Haruun Kal are cloaked in toxic clouds of deadly gasses forcing the natives to live exclusively in the uplands formed from the canopies of the great jungle trees native to the planet. The Korunnai primarily survive by following the herds of native "grassers" that move along the jungle canopies above the gasses and are hunted by the Korunnai for food and raw materials. More recently the Korunnai have been forced into war against an invasive species of aliens called the Balawai who raid the planet for it's natural resources, killing and destroying anything in their path to get at the material riches of the planet. When the Separatists backed the Balawai during the Clone Wars the Jedi Council dispatched Jedi Master Depa Billaba to the planet to try and repel the Separatists but she was deeply scarred by the experience and barely survived her ordeal. There is some speculation that the Korrunai were founded when a Jedi expeditionary craft crashed on the planet during the Great Sith War and that the Korunnai are descended from Jedi. This would explain the unusually strong connection the Korunnai have to the force and the far greater than normal appearance of Force Sensitives among their number. Shortly after the rise of the Galactic Empire the world of Haruun Kal was scoured of life by orbital bombardment. It is unknown if any significant number of the Korunnai survived, only three are known to have escaped the destruction of their homeworld, it is possible that is their entire number or they are merely three of many. The Jedi believed that the Korunnai philosophy of the pekelatan was simply another way of referring to the Living Force and that the Korunnai drew on the light and dark sides of the force fairly equally, however to the Korunnai the pelekatan was something of a dark and mysterious force whose use often left the user changed and scarred both physically and mentally. Unusually for a world of human inhabitants the Korunnai were fairly racially distinct, with all or most of their members bearing dark skin and black hair. The natives long settlement on Haruun Kal had also led them to build up a considerable resistance to atmospheric poisons, a result of long exposure to the toxic cloudsea that covered the lower regions of the planet. It was also quite common for members of the Korunnai to develop a close bond with hand-raised and trained Akk Dogs, using their companions both to hunt and fight their enemies in war. The Korunnai, or Korun singular, spoke their own language known as Korunnal and organized themselves into a number of different tribes they called Ghôsh. One of the largest and most powerful of these tribes was known as Ghôsh Windu and was the birth tribe of Kar Vastor and Mace Windu, the later of whom would become one of the most accomplished Jedi Masters of the later Old Republic era.
Killian Rangers
Founded on the remote world of Killia IV over a thousand years before the battle of Yavin IV the Killian Rangers were a force using tradition that spawned in the distant image of the Jedi but with no actual connection to the Jedi order or it's teachings. The remote Killia system lies in a region marked "Unknown" on most star maps and the planetary population quickly regressed in technology after the colonists were cut-off from the wider galaxy. Over the centuries that followed the planet developed a form of noble class who took on the role of leaders and protectors. Those members of the population who showed strength in the force were formed into an organization of law enforcers and protectors dubbed the Killian Rangers. Equipped with the finest weapons and equipment the planet still possessed the Killian Rangers acted as a distant echo of the Jedi Peacekeepers of the Republic. Primarly armed with an antique form of blaster-rifle with a fixed vibro-bayonet called a Siang Lance and Shield Gauntlets the Killian Rangers made for formidable combatants, able to deflect incoming blade strikes and blaster bolts with their gauntlets while cutting down foes with precise shots and slashes from their antique one-handed blaster-rifles. In time the world of Killia IV would re-establish contact with the wider galaxy and the Killian Rangers would spread further afield, exploring the galaxy and fighting injustice wherever they found it. The Killian Rangers maintain ranks similar to those of the Jedi Order with the ranks of Squire, Ranger and Lord being roughly analagous to the ranks of Padawan, Knight and Master. Any force sensitive Killian could request entry into the order and be accepted by an existing Killian Ranger Lord as a Squire but would only be accepted if that Lord and their retinue numbered no more than five total Rangers of any rank.
Voss Mystics

Bando Gora
The Bando Gora criminal empire began on the burrial moon of Kholma, in the Bogden system, a small region tucked away in the inner rim just off of the Hydian way trade route. There a group of dark side force sensitives began to use their powers to eliminate rivals, subdue the innocent and gather wealth and power to themselves. When the Jedi learned of this growing threat a team of Jedi was dispatched to eliminate them before they could become a greater threat but the Jedi Order, rather typically perhaps, egregiously underestimated the power and threat of this foe and the team of Jedi was wiped out. Only a single member of the strike team survived, the young female Jedi Knight Komari Vosa. Formerly an apprentice of Count Dooku the young Jedi Komari Vosa was captured and tortured by the Bando Gora, eventually falling to the Dark Side and using the power of rage and hatred to overcome her captors and take control of the Bando Gora for herself. With her greater training in the Force, her keen intellect and skill with dual lightsabers Komari Vosa would lead the Bando Gora in a brutal expansion of their territory in the later days of the Old Republic, shortly after the Trade Federation invasion of Naboo. A number of worlds and territories would fall to the Bando Gora influence and the organization would gain powerful allies among the Hutts and the Dug. The threat of the Bando Gora would be ended mysteriously however by the contracting of the bounty hunter Jango Fett by the now renegade Jedi Master Count Dooku to hunt down and kill his former padawan. Despite the many dangers and fierce competition the Mandalorian bounty hunter would succeed and defeat the fallen Jedi. This victory would earn Jango Fett the role of genetic donor for the clone army commissioned from Kamino and would ultimately lead to the massacre of the entire Jedi Order during the execution of Order 66. Komari Vosa's lightsabers would go on to see service with Count Dooku's new apprentice and Sith Assassin Asajj Ventress and would be carried by her even after she was betrayed by Dooku. However Ventress would eventually lose them in a confrontation with another fallen Jedi, Bariss Offee and they would finally be captured by the Jedi Order when the young Miriallan was defeated and arrested by Anakin Skywalker. During their existence the Bando Gora recruited a number of force sensitives and made them undergo a strange dark side ritual that would see their skin become pale and mottled and cause their eyes to glow with an unnatural reddish glare, this appearance would be further augmented by terrifying masks worn to enhance their already terrifying visage.
of Dai Bendu
Originating on the world of Thape the
Order of Dai Bendu was one of the earliest orders of force users in
the galaxy and was one of a variety of small sects and orders to find
its way to Tython and participate in the founding of the Je'daii
order. Unlike most of the other groups that founded the Je'daii the
Dai Bendu never ceased to exist as their own separate order and
continued to operate in small numbers even up to the waning days of
the Republic before the Great Jedi Purge and the formation of the
Galactic Empire. Little is known of the philosophy or teachings of
the Dai Bendu outside of the order. Darth Plagueis was one of the few
force adepts outside the Dai Bendu to possess texts related to the
ancient order. Before the Great Jedi Purge there were some Republic
historians who believed the Dai Bendu were actually an early
incarnation of the Jedi Order but had little evidence to support that
belief. After the rise of the Galactic Empire and its defeat by the
Rebellion efforts to restore the knowledge lost in the Great Jedi
Purge failed to acknowledge the Dai Bendu at all, historians
believing the origins of the Jedi Order at that point lost to time.
Despite this general lack of knowledge about the order the Dai Bendu
maintained a temple in the Andobi Mountains of Ando Prime right up to
the end of the Republic and maintained regular contact with various
modern settlements nearby, even going so far as to permit the hosting
of various pod-races through the mountains.
The Miraluka are one of a number of
sentient species in the galaxy that are all force sensitive. Born
blind members of the Miraluka race perceive the world around them
through the force. This trait has made the Miraluka among the most
accomplished and prized seers in the galaxy with many members of
their kind joining orders such as the Jedi and the Sith throughout
the ages. Even standing apart however the Miraluka maintain their own
traditions of the force, training themselves to enhance their
perception of the force and see what others cannot see. In the
aftermath of the Jedi Civil War a colony of Miraluka on the world of
Katarr was wiped out by the Sith Lord Darth Nihilus as he sought to
hunt down and drain the life force from every surviving Jedi in the
galaxy. Katarr had become a target when a group of Jedi who had
survived the Jedi Civil War traveled to Katarr and sought the aid of
the Miraluka colony there in attempting to perceive the mysterious
threat that was continuing to kill Jedi even years after the war was
supposed to have been over. Only a single young Miraluka woman named
Visas Marr survived the annihilation of all life on the world and was
taken by Darth Nihilus as his apprentice and assassin. Marr would
later attempt to take the life of the Jedi Exile Meetra Surik but
would fail and chose instead to join the exile in her mission to stop
the Sith.
Precious little is known of this
secretive order of killers native to the shadow world of Umbara and
from the time of the rebellion against the Eternal Empire to the rise
of Darth Bane and the Sith Rule of Two. Particulars about the Shadow
Assassins organization, training or abilities remain a mystery.
During the Great Galactic War the majority of Umbaran Shadow
Assassins wielded force pikes and were able to cloak themselves in
the force, appearing and disappearing at will to confound and ambush
their prey at will. The most elite Shadow Assassins wielded
double-bladed lightsabers emitting an unstable purple-colored blade.
During the New Sith Wars the Shadow Assassins were in part or perhaps
wholly incorporated into the Sith and trained in the Umbarran Sith
Academy. Though some Shadow Asssassins survived the thought bomb
detonated during the Battle of Ruusan the survivors were all killed
when their master, the dark-side force user Hetton, clashed with
Darth Bane. Whether any force-sensitives were ever trained on Umbara in the traditions of the Shadow Assassins in centuries since the New Sith Wars or existed during the Clone Wars or the Great Jedi Purge remains a mystery.
Tens of thousands of years before the
rise of the Galactic Republic the Infinite Empire of the Rakata
established itself as the first known galactic empire. The Rakatan
Empire dominated countless systems and species under the iron-rule of
powerful dark-side force users. The Rakatan Empire built advanced
super-weapons and developed incredible technology that still has yet
to be matched, let alone surpassed even today. Micro-replicating
forges, force-fueled super-factories, planetary-scaled agricultural
enhancement, teleportation, highly-sophisticated genetic manipulation
and advanced artificial intelligence were just some of the technology
created by the Infinite Empire. Many species common across the galaxy
were kept as slaves by the Rakatan Empire. Ancient legends of the
Tusken Raiders on Tatooine indicate that the desert planet was once a
lush paradise and may have actually been the original homeworld of
the human race. It was the Rakata who came to the world and lifted
away all of the cities and people and shipped them off to distant
worlds to serve as servants and slaves for their new Rakatan masters.
When those few left on their homeworld rebelled the Rakata burned the
world and left it as the desolate wasteland of sand and sun that it
is today. Whether these legends are true or not remains to be
confirmed but it is known that the Rakata distributed many species
across the galaxy and the ancient remains of the Rakatan empire can
be found scattered across the galaxy on a number of worlds such as
Dantooine, Manaan, Tatooine, Kashyyyk, Korriban, Belsavis and others.
The exact circumstances that led to the fall of the Rakatan Infinite
Empire remain unknown, though it was likely the result of a number of
factors. First and foremost the Rakata species itself appears to have
been slowly losing its force sensitivity. Given that much of the
Infinite Empire's technology was fueled or controlled by the Force
the gradual decrease in force sensitivity among the Rakata themselves
was a disaster. Efforts were spent to genetically engineer a solution
but these attempts failed to reverse the degradation. Second some
kind of plague swept the Infinite Empire, a disease that exclusively
targeted the Rakata themselves and was likely a bio-weapon of some
kind. If these two catastrophes were not enough conflict and
rebellion also plagued the worlds of the Infinite Empire. Within a
relatively short span the empire collapsed and all traces of the
Rakata vanished from the galaxy. Small numbers of Rakata continued to
exist on the species homeworld of Rakata Prime as primitive tribes
and a select few ancient Rakata preserved themselves in various
installations such as the planetary prison of Belsavis. Nevertheless
the strength of the Infinite Empire was broken and the galaxy moved
on, the tyrannical rule of the dark-side oppressors of the past
quickly forgotten and erased.
During the reign of the Rakatan
Infinite Empire a warmongering species of destroyers scourged the
ancient galaxy. Known as the Esh-kha this race of conquerors had set
it upon themselves to cleanse the galaxy of all other species whom
the Esh-kha believed were abominations that had to be purged.
Culturally the Esh-kha act as something of a synchronous hive-mind
though made up of individuals with free will these individuals
operate according to the rigid needs and casts of Esh-kha society
with little room for disagreement or individual agency. Precisely why
the ancient Esh-kha desired to wipe out other sentient species is a
subject of much speculation but it is possible the Esh-kha were
simply not able to tolerate or co-exist with species that did not
conform to the rigid Esh-kha collective culture. The ancient Rakatan
Infinite Empire chose to imprison the entire Esh-kha race in stasis
vaults deep beneath the surface of the remote world of Belsavis.
Within the ranks of the Esh-kha were a dedicated sub-species known as
Savants. Smaller and slimmer than their more common brethren, with
flatter heads and without the distinctive ears of the regular Esh-kha
the Savants were most special because of their force-sensitivity. The
particular training, doctrines or notable abilities of the Esh-kha
Savants have yet to be catalogued. Though most of the Esh-kha
imprisoned on Belsavis proved hostile a small number were open to
allying with the Republic and fighting for peace instead of
destruction. These Esh-kha joined the Barsen'thor of the Jedi Order
and the Rift Alliance, a collection of Republic worlds and allies
working together under the guidance of a hero of the Jedi Order. The
Rift Alliance deployed their Esh-kha allies to a number of warzones
including Corellia during the Great Galactic War though what happened
to the allied Esh-kha or their force using Savant cadre in the
aftermath of Corellia remain unknown.
The Zeffo were an ancient species who
mysteriously disappeared long ago. The Zeffo culture was centered
around the powers and leadership of those members of the species who
were force sensitive. These force sensitives were known as Sages, the
most powerful of which acted as the rulers of the Zeffo. The Sages
were these powerful force users referred to the force as the Life
Wind and built a variety of technologies and artifacts to harness or
direct the force, the most notable of which was the Zeffo Vault built
on the remote world of Bogano that was controlled by rare and
valuable force devices called Astriums. As well as their homeworld of
Zeffo, the Zeffonians had contact with or inhabited the worlds of
Bogano, Ontotho, Dathomir and Kashyyyk. Apparently very long lived
the entire history of the Zeffo from their rise to power to their
ultimate demise is represented by the reign of three Sages. The Sage
Eilram was a wise and powerful ruler who established contact with the
world of Kashyyyk and developed a deep love for the forests of that
planet. Eilram chose to be buried within the halls of a great
training academy for Sages on the species homeworld of Zeffo, his
tomb sculpted with stone renderings of the wroshyr trees of Kashyyyk.
Eilram was succeeded by the Sage Miktrull whose reign appears to have
been characterized by wealth, arrogance and power. Under Miktrull's
control the Zeffo achieved their height of power, reigning over
multiple worlds and clearly benefiting from a golden age of culture
and wealth. The Zeffo Culture would collapse under the reign of
Miktrull's successor, the Sage Kujet. Cruel and desperate for power
Kujet clearly had fallen to the dark side of the force and his reign
was one of brutality and oppression. Kujet moved his power base to
Dathomir, building his own palace compound high in the mountains. To
protect his power Kujet and his followers destroyed most of the Zeffo
Astriums and desecrated the tombs of Eilram and Miktrull to do so.
Worship of the Life Wind became a twisted and vile thing culminating
in Kujet luring many of his followers to his palace and then burning
them to ash. When Kujet eventually fell his body was interred within
his temple-compound on Dathomir, his mummified hands still clutching
one of the last surviving Astriums. Following Kujet's demise the
Zeffo were a broken and depleted race, their culture in ruins and
their power gone. The last few Zeffo chose to abandon their world and
journey out into uncharted space in the hopes of finding peace at
last before their extinction.

Luka Sene
Young Miraluka who demonstrate particular aptitude with sense-based applications of the force are often encouraged to join the Luka Sene, a formal organization among the Miraluka that specializes in sense-based force powers. Outsiders typically view the Luka Sene more as an academy for the education of force users than as a particularly mystic or ritualistic tradition in the same way as the Jedi, Sith or a variety of other force using traditions across the galaxy. A small number of Luka Sene adepts leave their homeworld to join the Jedi Order but most remain among the Miraluka society and serve primarily as a watch against young Miraluka force users from falling prey to the dark side of the force. Should a young adept among the Miraluka be discovered to have strayed from the light a team of Luka Sene known as Sene Seekers will seek out the youth and attempt to divert their path towards darkness and back to the light. Should that prove impossible they will take the youth into custody and ensure they can do no further harm to Miraluka society. Luka Sene adepts are typically recruited and trained on the Miraluka homeworld of Alpheridies, but wandering masters of the order might search out and train force-sensitive Miraluka youths living elsewhere in the galaxy should they discover them.
Shapers of Kro Var
Founded a thousand years before the battle of yavin when a vessel fleeing the New Sith Wars crash-landed onto the remote world of Kro Var. The survivors banded into a variety of competing clans that struggled to scratch out a harsh existence on the inhospitable worlds. Force sensitives rose to become leaders and champions among the clans and would fight among each other over resources. The survivors underwent social and technological regressions. Eventually the Jedi Order made contact with the Shapers and despite initial hostility was able to make peace with the scattered clans. Though some shapers took the opportunity to travel off world most remained on Kro Var and their isolation and relatively small numbers kept them beneath the notice of the Galactic Empire. Quite curiously the Shapers of Kro Var focused their force talents into bombastic expressions of war and conflict. The Shapers distrust expressions of the force that are invisible to the eye, telepathy, telekinises and sense abilities are eschewed by the shapers in favor of the raw manipulation of the elements of nature. Earth, air, wind and fire are the primary focus of the Shapers who use the force to bend these elements to their purposes and crush their enemies. Young force-sensitives on Kro Var undergo a series of rigorous test by elders known as the Shaper cabal to determine which of the elements their abilities are most compatible with before they are then dispatched to the temple corresponding to their favored element.
Shadow Assassins

Messengers of the Cold Moon
During the Third Galactic War the Eternal Alliance came into contact with members of a small and esoteric discipline of unaligned force users known as the Messengers of the Cold Moon. The messengers focused on giving guidance and protection to force users who had been rejected by the Jedi and would have perished in the brutal training of the Sith Academies. With nowhere else to turn to and no-one to guide them in the use of their abilities these unaligned force users could be a danger to themselves or those around them and could fall prey to the predations of the Sith. The Messengers believed that the force was a guiding influence that moved all individuals towards the right path for them to follow. Upon completing their training many members of the order left the Cold Moon where they had trained and undertook a pilgrimage, a journey to discover the path the force had laid out for them. One such messenger, known only as Amity, came into the service of the Eternal Alliance and would fight alongside the Alliance Commander throughout the rest of the war as he followed visions the force had granted him and sought to untangle their meaning. The Messengers did not strictly adhere to the light side of the force but nor did they embrace the dark side, most of their members remaining relatively firmly in the light and pursuing paths of peace and non-violence whenever possible.
Originating on the Draethos homeworld of Thosa the Keetael is a mysterious but not secret order of force users. When a force sensitive Draethos is discovered they are trained extensively by one or more Keetael masters who travel from settlement to settlement seeking students. For training the young initiates are taken on highly dangerous and rigorous hunts known as Ube-tel. These hunts can last for weeks or months and have no set schedule or regimen. The initiates are taught as the masters decide and in a manner of their choosing. Early hunts focus on drawing out and mastering the basic function of force abilities while later hunts may lean towards mastering those abilities under stress or distraction. Once a Keetael initiate reaches adulthood they may go months or years between hunts depending on the whims of the master organizing them. Once an initiate has mastered their training they will receive a small silver disc, on one side will be inscribed the symbol of the order: complex series of interconnected circles, and on the other will be inscribed the personal icons of the masters and initiates that were invovled in that individual's training. Although a symbol of membership the coin is not required to be carried or displayed by members. Some Keetael may wear distinct clothing or icons to mark their status but many choose not to do so, they are not isolated or marked out in Draethos society but live and hunt alongside their community. Of particular note is that the Keetael tradition does not focus on the light or dark side of the force but believes both extremes to be deficient. Light-side leaning Keetael often leave Thosa and seek to join the Jedi Order for their more pacifist leanings are unwelcome in the violent hunter society of the Draethos. Similarly those Keetael who fall to the Dark Side are often hunted down and slain by their comrades who recognize them as a threat to the Draethos society. Some small numbers of dark-side leaning Keetael may occasionally band together to form mercenary or criminal organizations but this is relatively rare. The Keetael number in the few hundreds, only as many force sensitives as the Draethos population produces, but with life-spans in the centuries any given Keetael master may train hundreds or even thousands of initiates over their lifetime. Similar to their social conventions the Keetael do not wield any particular weapon such as the Jedi lightsaber but prefer to use whatever hunting weapons are common among the wider Draethos population.
Felucian Shamans
The native inhabitants of the jungel world of Felucia live in a state of technological barbarism, yet despite their complete lack of any complex tools or science these native tribes possess a considerable link to the force. The strongest of them, known as Shamans, are able to channel the force to strengthen the resolve, protect and guide efforts of their fellows. Even some of the least powerful of the Felucians however are able to project a small bubble of force energy to shield themselves from attack and even deflect incoming blaster fire and lightsaber strikes. It was during the Clone Wars that Jedi Master Shaak Tii learned of the capabilities of the Felucians and during the dark times of the Empire the rogue Jedi Master journeyed to Felucia with another Jedi Survivor, the former Padawan Maris Brood, and together they lived and trained among the Felucians. During that time Shaak Tii shared her knowledge of the force with the jungle world natives. Unfortunately Shaak Tii's death at the hands of Darth Vader's assassin left the Felucians under the guidance of Maris Brood who quickly succumbed to her fear and anger in the absence of Shaak Tii and she fell to the dark side, taking many of the Felucians down that sinister path with her.
Aing-Tii Monks
A rarely encounted and mysterious species about which little is widely known, the Aing-Tii inhabit a region of space in and around the Kathol Rift and are known to possess many force sensitives among their race. The Aing-Tii rarely wander the galaxy in any numbers and practice force traditions considerably divergent from those of the Jedi Order, the Aing-Tii do not believe that the force has a light or dark but rather a spectrum of different shades and aspects. Reclusive and generally hostile to outsiders only the force-sensitive members of their species travel beyond the Kathol Rift and travel in large, organic starships sporting powerful and advanced weaponry. The Aing-Tii are not necessarily an aggressive race but will use violence ot dissuade outsiders from probing into their territory or affairs and their ships are more than capable of fending off most invaders. Of particular note is the Aing-Tii affinity with the rare and powerful force ability to fold space, creating small, short-lived worm holes in space that allow a ship, a person or an object to be moved from one place to another instantaneously without having to enter hyperspace. This journey can be a few hundred feet, several miles or could bridge from one star system to another, depending on the capabilities and desires of the force user attempting the technique. Interestingly the Aing-Tii claim that non-force sensitives are still able to tap into the force and claim to be able to teach their Fold Space technique to non-force users. Other than to power their bio ships and navigate space the Aing-Tii rarely user the force to any significant extent, believing that the flow of the force should not be unnecessarily used or influenced. Despite this general attitude there are some Aing-Tii force users who are able to flow walk, a technique that allows skilled practicioners of the force to leave their emotional selves behind and submerge their consciousness with the force, transcending time itself. During a flow walk the force user can observe events of the past or future so long as the force adept knows the location of the events they wish to observe and they may even minutely influence these events, though only to a small degree as the force generally acts against any disruption to events. One of the few motivations for the Aing-Tii to leave their reclusive home is to attack and destroy slavers operating in the viscinity, the Aing-Tii believe that slavery is a great evil and cannot be tolerated in any way and will go out of their way to hunt down and destroy slavers whenever they have the chance. It was only shortly before the Clone Wars that the Jedi would learn of the Aing-Tii's existence and take steps to learn more about them but little was done before the order was destroyed and it would not be until decades later that members of the New Jedi Order would seek the monks out again. In appearance the Aing-Tii are bipedal humanoids with no teeth and are covered head to toe in a white/gray exoskeleton. The Aing-Tii have three digits on each hand and reverse-jointed legs with a prehensile tail capable of carrying but not effectively operating small objects. Each Aing-Tii would decorate themselves with intricate markings in different colors that would cover their whole bodies, though whether these designs carry any particular meaning is unknown to outsiders.
Infinite Empire



A few years before the Great Jedi Purge
the Jedi Master Eno Cordova became fascinated by the Zeffo after
discovering the Zeffo Vault on Bogano. Cordova established a base on
the remote world and set about finding a way to access the vault and
learn about the Zeffo and their understanding of the force. Cordova
tried and failed to locate an Astrium on Dathomir but managed to
discover another on Kashyyyk with the help of the native Wookiees.
Equipped with the necessary tool to access and control the vault
Cordova was able to experience a vision of the future and thus was
forewarned of the fall of the Jedi Order. Eno Cordova rushed back to
Coruscant to reveal his discovery only to be rebuffed by the Jedi
Council. Only his old friend Jocasta Nu believed him and entrusted
Cordova with a secret copy of her list of force sensitive children.
Cordova, sensing that his life was nearing its end, chose to hide
Jocasta Nu's holocron within the Zeffo Vault on Bobano and entrust
the information necessary to unlock it in his personal exploration
droid BD-1. The loyal and trustworthy little droid chose to
voluntarily allow his memory to be erased and locked behind a series
of triggers that would only be activated after BD-1 found and
recruited a suitable Jedi companion to undertake the task of
retrieving the holocron from the vault. With BD-1 set on that task
Cordova shed his mortal coil and became one with the force, leaving
his camp on Bogano abandoned save for a few surviving personal
effects and the lone droid BD-1. A few years later Cordova's former
apprentice, the Jedi Knight and former Seeker Cere Junda, discovered
Cordova's camp and learned of the existence of the list of force
sensitives hidden in the Vault. However her experiences at the hands
of the Empire's Inquisitors had left Cere unable to use the force and
the task of opening the vault was beyond her capability so Cere
recruited a pilot named Greez Dritus and his ship and set about
locating a surviving Jedi to recruit into their mission. If they
could recover the list they could recruit and set about training a
new generation of Jedi, but to do so would require retracing the rise
and fall of the Zeffo and acquiring another Astrium.

Within the vast classic legends canon of Star Wars there exist many different orders of force users. Some light, some dark, some in between. Some martial, some philosophical, some who swing around lightsabers and some who do not. I am sure this is not an entirely exhaustive list and there are a few I have missed but as I hope any reader can see there is much more depth to the universe than just Jedi and Sith, just light or dark. So much to consider, so many various interpretations of similar core ideas and all of them fun to explore and share.
To add:
Seyugi Dervishes
Wardens of the Sky
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