Fallout 4 Creation Club Overpriced and Underwhelming

As any fan of Fallout 4, or Bethesda studio in general, almost certainly already knows the Fallout 4 Creation Club launched just recently. Every account seems to have received a hundred "credits" free which can buy you a black paint scheme for your power armor or two of the three pip-boy alternate color schemes, so at the very least some new paint mods for free is not a terrible thing.

That said I finally bit the bullet and spent fifteen bucks on credits, at about a penny a credit that was fifteen hundred credits. This purchase got me the Hellfire Power Armor, Prototype Gauss Rifle and Chinese Stealth Armor mods with a little left over. Now each item is obtained through a quest but can also be looked up and added to your inventory with console codes if you are playing the game on PC. It did not take long for disappointment to set in however when even the quests themselves had stock pip-boy icons and nothing even remotely original. While a small thing this sign boded ill for the depth of these quests and sure enough they are essentially another version of the miscellaneous loot quests where you find a scavenger note indicating a cache in a chest somewhere. The only interesting one was the Hellfire armor which was being worn by a new named raider of the Forged gang.

As for quality the Chinese Stealth Armor is a great upgrade from the Fallout 3 version, it provides you with a stealth field when crouched, it's textures and models are solid and well with no clipping or blurring that I have noticed so far. The Hellfire armor was considerably less impressive. While the model is functionally fine the shoulder-plates clip noticeably when wielding heavy weapons and the eyes do not even light up when the helmet light is activated as they do on the X01 Enclave armor.

For around four to five bucks per serious armor or weapon mod the quality has thus far been pretty underwhelming. A full length DLC complete with hours of additional content, dozens of new weapons, armor, items and cloth only run at the most around thirty dollars. This means that about six or seven of these paid mods would run you the same cost as a full fledged DLC for another new game, forget older games that you can pick up for the same price. At this price point these mods are just not worth it in my opinion and I would warn everyone to avoid them and stick to Nexus Mod Manager. Support the community there and the free mods that site produces by the hundreds.

Hopefully in time the price will drop a bit and the content will improve. New quest lines, workshop items and a much larger spread of weapons, armor and clothing might actually make cherry picking out your favorites for a few bucks worth the price but that is simply not the case with the system as it stands.

Outside of the most hardcore fans of the game and particular pieces I would recommend players generally avoid the creation club. For that matter I have already seen a mod on the Nexus designed to remove the creation club news from the main menu of the game. Clearly keen members of the mod community saw a need and have already risen to address it.


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