
Showing posts from April, 2022

Fenrisian Dictionary

 Fenrisian Lexicon Adjarr - Lifeblood - Rune of Blood Aelfkid - Wood sprites Aesir - Gods or spirits  Aett - Clan-home - The Fang (Space Wolves only)/hearth/den Aettgard - Leader's chosen warriors - Alternate name for Wolf Guard Aettjarl - Settlement leader Aett-rune - Home rune - (Great) Company sigil Aett-skjald - Lorekeeper of a settlement  Aett-vater - Home-father - Commander or Captain  Alfathir - The Emperor - The Allfather Annelsa - Foreboding  Anzviti - Gunship  Athame - A sacrificial blade used during a sending feast Balka - Testicles - Literally Bollocks  Banisvatr - Black death Bloodgeld - A death price or the price of vengeance for a death Bludhaer - Hour of Blood Bludhalle - Medicae/apothecarion Damget! - Children of Damnation! - A curse or epithet Domra - Doom  Drakk - Drake  Drekkar - Fenrisian longship Einherjar - Blood-sworn, a general reference to the warriors sworn to Russ Ekka - Fenrisian pines Eldurstjorm - Elder storm/ancient storm?  Fara til Hel, svikari! - &