Honor and Villainy: Star Wars the Old Republic Campaign Module

The Old Republic RPG Honor and Villainy Campaign Introduction The campaign is set roughly sixty years after the end of the Jedi Civil War. Revan and the Exile have both vanished and the remnants of the Sith have been wiped out following the Republic victory in the battle of Telos. Slowly the surviving Jedi, led by Bastilla Shan, have emerged and begun the laborious task of rebuilding the nearly extinct Jedi Order. In the decades since emerging dozens have become hundreds but Jedi still remain a much rarer sight in the Republic than they once were and public sentiment towards the order remains very negative. Many sentients in the galaxy struggle to understand the distinction between Jedi and Sith and given that Revan and Malgus were both formerly Jedi and Republic heroes the distinction is even more vague and nuanced, as a result the Jedi Order has widely been blamed for the terrible harm the Jedi Civil War inflicted on the galaxy and many remain actively hostile towards th...