Warhammer 40k Lore: What is the STC?

Warhammer 40k Lore: What is the STC? Origins The STC, mythical archaeotech coveted by the Adeptus Mechanicus. Even a single fragment of this technology is incalculably valuable, but what is it exactly? The Standard Template Construct was a form of automated problem solving machine developed by the early human extra-solar explorers to empower the first great colonization efforts to tame their environments, craft what they needed, and survive in hostile conditions. Before Navigators and safe (relatively) warp travel human expansion was conducted by the long march ships. These were massive stellar vessels that would spend centuries or even millennia in transit from where they launched to the remote world they were assigned to settle. Identified from afar these worlds were habitable as far as could be discerned but that did not mean they were safe or stable environments to settle. Early colonists faced hostile xenos races, highly dangerous flora and fauna, wildly varying gravity, geol...