House Cenwulf History 6.0

House Cenwulf History v6.0 Homeworld: Andlang, Vanyr System, Vanyr Sub-Sector Military Patent: Pre-Imperial Military Grade: Secundus From the earliest days of the Imperium the nobles of House Cenwulf have upheld their vows of loyalty to the Emperor with blood and iron. Grim and dour of spirit, merciless and unflinching in battle, the nobles of Andlang are fearsome warriors who stride to war within the armored shells of mighty Imperial Knight Titans, dealing death to the enemies of mankind with blazing cannon and roaring blades. Origins "Andlang was dead to begin with," -Opening statement by High King Halfdan to the Remembrancer Kujiro when asked to recount the history of House Cenwulf. Like all Imperial Knight Households the nobles of House Cenwulf and their mighty Knight Titans are descended from the first human colonists who landed on inhospitable worlds during the golden age of mankind. In the lost era of mankind's first great expansion ...