Necromunda Hired Gun Review

Necromunda Hired Gun Review - 6/10 Following the mixed reception of Focus Interactive's previous Warhammer 40,000 game, Space Hulk Deathwing, I was hopeful but cautious for the release of Necromunda Hired Gun. It looked good, but would it play good? Deathwing was an awesome looking and incredibly immersive and detailed world that was just not a lot of fun. Necromunda Hired Gun promised an entirely different combat system and a host of different enemies and hopefully would prove to be more enjoyable while retaining the awesome level and art design that Focus Interactive put into Deathwing. I can tell you right off the bat that the art design for Necromunda is exceptional. Multiple times while playing through this game I was forced to stop and look around in awe at my surroundings, details would catch my eye cause me to pause and I would repeatedly spend time lingering in areas just to soak them in long after all the enemies were smears of bloody paste on the ground. Ho...