
Showing posts from February, 2021

The Weapons of the Primarchs

The Weapons of the Primarchs As befits their stature as giant demigods of battle the Primarchs of the Legiones Astartes wore some of the most advanced and master-crafted armor ever forged by mankind and wielded weapons of terrible potency. Some of the weapons wielded by the Primarchs were hand-forged by the Emperor or themselves, masterworks of creation custom made for the hands that wielded them, others were ancient, unique and irreplaceable archaeotech, weapons forged in a distant golden age and now put to bloody work on the battlefields of the Great Crusade. In truth most of the Primarchs maintained vast armories full of priceless antiquities and masterwork weapons of all kinds. Yet each also tended to have a favored arsenal they would return to time and again or a particular set of weapons that were famed more than others. Here we will look at some of the most famous of those weapons.  Legion I - Dark Angels - Lion El'Johnson -The earliest weapon wielded by the Primarch of the

The Honor Guard of the Primarchs

   The Honor Guard of the Primarchs The Primarchs of the Imperium, each a giant of incredible proportions, armored in the finest war plate humanity can craft and wielding weapons of ancient and impossibly deadly power, their very presence enough to shatter the minds of lesser beings. In truth none of the Primarchs truly needed a bodyguard of any kind, even the transhuman might of the Legiones Astartes unable to keep up with the rampaging power of a Primarch unleashed. Yet virtually all of the Primarchs maintained an honor guard of some kind, perhaps for purely ceremonial purposes or to honor and recognize the achievements of their sons. Here is a list of those Honor Guard and the known details of their organization, equipment and use.  Legion I - The Dark Angels - The Deathwing Companions -Within the Dark Angels Legion there existed six different warrior orders and a wide myriad of lesser known and more mysterious orders and sub-sects within the Legion, many of them secret and whose pu