Top 10 Best Star Wars Video Games

So do I have your attention? Good, lets get to it! Top 10 Best Star Wars Video Games 10: Tie Fighter Released in 1994 Tie Fighter is the only game on this list that I really did not play all that much, somewhat before my time I was not one of the dedicated devotees of this game however it deserves a place on this list as one of the first and best Star Wars games of the nineties and early two thousands. Tie Fighter paved the way for solid storytelling and quality gameplay in the Star Wars universe and showed that games bearing the Star Wars logo were not just cheap cash-ins but could be solid and genre defining experiences. In many ways Tie Fighter set the standard for a whole series of Star Wars themed space combat games including one that I did play a lot of, Jedi Starfighter. Eventually space combat would wind up getting folded into larger gaming experiences in the Battlefront series and it has been a long time since we have seen a dedicated dogfighting Star Wars...