Identity Crisis Assassin's Creed Odyssey

For the last fifteen days I have sunk well over a hundred hours into Assassin's Creed Odyssey. As a fairly fanatical fan of the series from the very beginning with the first Assassin's Creed back in 2007 I am almost always hyped for a new entry in the series. However I think most fans of the series will openly admit that the franchise has not been exactly stellar since the release of Black Flag in 2013. For many of us Black Flag marked the high water mark of the franchise, it had a griping story, well-polished game-play largely free of bugs or other issues, interesting characters, visceral and intense naval combat, it was everything we wanted from Assassin's Creed and more since it also stands as basically the best pirate game ever made. A quick search on VGChartz reveals Black Flag has sold the better part of fourteen million copies across six platforms, the PS3, PS4, XBox 360, XBox One, PC and WiiU. Meanwhile the second most recent entry, Origins, has yet to break fo...