Kingdom Come Deliverance: The Messages Lost in the Hysteria

For the last few weeks I have been completely obsessed with the buggy but beautiful Kingdom Come Deliverance, a historic fantasy role-playing game set in Bohemia in the year 1403. I have distant recollections of the kickstarter campaign that launched this project years ago but lacked the money to devote to such projects at the time. Fast forward a few years and the release date for the game was finally announced and the trailers started to circulate. I was blown away by the ambition and the concept behind the game. Most fantasy RPGs that we see these days are engorged wonders like Skyrim or the Witcher, settings that only loosely relate to anything historical and as a lover of history the unique scope of Kingdom Come Deliverance sold me on the game almost immediately. I could hardly wait for the day to come that I could finally fire up KCD and get into the world of 1403 Bohemia. But behind all the hype was something darker, something nastier, you see apparently Kingdom Come Deli...