To Judge Something One Should First Know It

Given that my previous post about personal life philosophies, Learn Something New Everyday , was so popular (my most popular post by far) I decided that perhaps it was time to discuss the second major life rule I try to live by: "to judge something I should first know it." This is an idea that I have only really quantified to myself in the last few years but is a philosophy that is quite dear to me. It is all too easy to see a poster, an advertisement or a quote and draw an opinion from that, file it away and never go any deeper or re-examine that first impression. I see many people express rather firm views on things they have really only judged from the most passing exposure and I have often found myself drawn to do the same. It is so much easier to let stereotypes and first impressions to the judging for us than to exert the intellectual work to properly investigate and examine something. In the most mundane sense this means I won't bash Twilight or the Hunger Ga...