Philosophy in Gaming: The Assassin's Creed

Ten years ago on the third of November a brand new title named Assassin's Creed hit store shelves for the first time. Marketed as a historical sandbox action-adventure title the game's success exceeded all expectations and would go on to launch dozens of products from sequels, prequels, graphic novels, novels, animated shorts, a movie, and if the deal with Netflix works out, a TV series. Now in 2017 the Assassin's Creed franchise stands alongside titans of the industry like Mass Effect and Halo and surpasses them and all of it is based around these mysterious cloaked killers who live their lives on the basis of a code, a creed, the Assassin's Creed. La Shay' Wakion Motlak Bal Kollon Momken, or as it translates: "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." At first glance these six words do not mean much and may even seem a call to anarchy. Yet for an action series the Assassin's Creed franchise spends a great deal of time explaining what these words m...