Falling Out With Star Wars - RE: Dark Disciple

So a couple of weeks ago I was meandering through Barnes and Noble with little real idea of what to look at or get, I was just kind of killing time one lazy afternoon while out of state visiting family. Eventually I found myself in the Sci-Fi aisle staring at the Star Wars section now dominated by orange bars on almost all the titles saying "Legacy," which indicates that those are the old extended universe books that are no longer canon after the Disney takeover. Only a handful of titles lacked the bar and as I flipped through some I stumbled on Star Wars: Dark Disciple and on the cover were Quinlan Voss and Asajj Ventress. When the Clone Wars show was cancelled I remember a few interviews where the production team talked about some of the unfinished arcs dealing with Darth Maul and Asajj Ventress being covered in either graphic novel or novel form so I had kind of been expecting this book but I had also not been looking out for it or avidly following news. I just sort of kne...